Setup: Configure your product classification model

Product classification is about defining how to set up the master product catalog in Norce, to be able to create business rules in a granular way, for the specific client. Product classification decides on how you later can build up your price rules, promotion requirements and effects, product relations and creation rules. And much more.

Required steps

  • You need to have a client and at least one application already set up.


To set up all product classifications there are some questions you need to know the answer for:

  • What is a manufacturer for this client? (This is required if you want to work with supplier catalogs later, if not, either just create one manufacturer, the client self, or use manufacturer for a relevant dimension for the client, like "brands" or "product grouping" of some kind)
  • How should the catalog be hierarchially structured in a category tree for easy navigation and segmentation? (this is both used in business rules, but also in the simple listing and filtering of products in the admin tool.)
  • What kind of products do the client sell? (This is represented by product types in Norce. Self-stocked, Long tail, bundles/packages, fees, services, etc.)
  • How do the client classify their product catalog themselves? (This is represented by product flags in Norce. Assortments; like A, B or C and products requiring special process; like Drop shipping, add-your-own-logo, etc.)


  • Go to Manufacturer tab and create the list of manufacturers, only Name and Code is needed
    (dont forget that you can have culture specific names of manufacturers)
  • Go to Categories tab and create the category tree, Name , Parent Category , Sort after , Code , Vat code for each sales area, is needed.
    (dont forget that you can have culture specific names of categories)
  • Go to the Product types tab and add the product types needed.
    See here for more information.
  • Got to the Product flag tab and create flag groups and flags.
    (Dont forget that you can have culture specific names of flags and flag groups).

Further configuration

If you want Norce to handle generating you part numbers, you can set that up in the Products -> Settings -> Partno Seed tab.

Additionally there are some important client settings that changes the behaviour of products in Norce, see more about it here.

Further reading

Where to go from here

  • Set up the product content structure
  • Set up inventory and availability rules
  • Set up price lists structure