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Client Settings

The client settings tab has many of the specific settings that change the behaviour of the client setup in Norce. Changes to these setting might have large consequences.


These settings determine how functionality on the products work in Norce.

Size unitWhat size unit to display in adminDefault value is cm
Weight unitWhat weight unit to display in adminDefault value is kg
Product texts are variant uniqueDetermine if the built-in text fields (description, header, etc) should be variant specific or shared between all variants (on product level)Default is false
Manual partno when creating productAllows the user to define the part number manualy when creating a product in the UIDefault false
When PricelistSeed is used in Norce API, disregard public price listsThis makes it possible to more granulary control what price is calculated in the front-end. Good when you have many different segments of customers in the same application. See more here (todo)Default is false
Aggregate costs for virtual skusBundle products, like Managed structure can get an aggregated cost value, based on its included productsDefault is true
Use on hand subtractionEnables the reservation of onhand value functionalityDefault is true
Product popularity by variantEnables popularity rank calculation for each variant in a product.Default is false
Product popularity by applicationEnables separate popularity calculation for each applicationDefault is false
Request product translationsShows a new button on the product page that triggers the event TranslationRequestedNotification, used for integration with translation servicesDefault is false
Assortment above one million skusImproving performance of the admin UI, disables product sorting and counting, when listing productsDefault is false, recommended for clients with lots of products.
Get recommended price from supplierFor clients who use supplier catalogs, this enables an automatic update of the recommended price value from the chosen supplierDefault is false
Update product measurements from supplierFor clients who use supplier catalogs, this enables automatic update of dimensional data to the logistics attributes on the productDefault is false
Use delta tablesEnable logging of lastmodified information on the products, this is used to create delta exports with channel service, read about it here.Default is false

Sku Status automation

These settings determine what automatic status changes that are active in Norce. Read more about status rules here.

Set sku status expiring to inactive when out of supplier stockChanges the behaviour of the inactivation of the product, used for supplier stock salesDefault is false
Set sku status to hidden when out of stockEnable this to make temporary out-of-stock products hidden instead of having them active and showingDefault is false
Set sku status to hidden when no imageEnable this as a validation safeguard, to prevent bad SEO on unfinished productsDefault is false
Set sku status coming to active when in stockEnable this if products should be automatically sellable, when they are in your own stockDefault is false
Manual sku status changesDisable all automations on product status. Use this if you want to manually maintain product status or if statuses are handled outside Norce and updated by an integration.Default is false


These settings determine what the requirements are when populating new products from supplier products.

When automatically created products from supplier data the supplier sku and product is matched by either manufacturer part numbers or EAN codes, there are some validations than might be needed, if the supplier might have some bad data.

Require manufacturer codeNo product is created if there is no manufacturer code provided on the supplier skuDefault is false
Require category codeNo product is created if there is no category code provided on the supplier skuDefault is false
Require EAN length seedThe character length of the EAN code must at least be this numberDefault is null (no validation of EAN), otherwise 13 is the common value
Require unique EAN codeNo product is created if there is no EAN code provided on the supplier skuDefault is false


These settings concern customer and company data. Read about GDPR settings here.

Anonymize customers when inactivated (GDPR)Activate the automatic anonymization of Customers according to the GDPR regulationsDefault is false
Days before customer will be anonymized (GDPR)If the setting above is set to true, add number of days until the anonymization should take place.Default is null, common value is 90 days
Customers by application(*)Enable this to allow for same customer (email) or company (vatno) to exists as separate entities in each application.
Note that the the Customer and Company identifiers (code) must still be unique within the whole Client.
Default is false

(*) This is a setting that might have unintentional problems when changed. Contact Norce with a change request for this.


This setting concerns shopping and order setups.

Allow confirmed order to be resentEnables a button (under tools) on the order page, that lets you resend the order to the receiving integration (ERP), even if the order already has the status ConfirmedDefault is false

Competitive pricing

This setting concerns competitive pricing setups.

Competitors by applicationEnables separate competitor data sets for the client's different applications. This is common when the applications are market specific and the competitors are as well.Default is false

ERP integration

Settings regarding order integration and other erp integrations (which are mostly legacy functionality).

Read about order integration here.

Erp endpoint typeEnable which protocol the order request should be posted with. No integration is not posted at all, the order is directly set to ConfirmedAllowed values: No integration, SOAP, REST, and Rest (legacy),
Default is No integration
(Do not use Rest (legacy), only exists for backward compatibility and will be removed)
Erp content typeEnable the format of the order request that is posted.Allowed values: JSON, XML. JSON is recommended.
Erp endpoint urlSet up the url, that the order requests should be posted toDefault is empty, required for all endpoints except No integration
Erp account idSystem account id used by the erp-integrationNot required. Not used anymore.
Erp endpoint usernameBasic authentication usernameWhen username and password is provided, basic authentication is used in the posting of the orders. Required for Production environments.
Erp endpoint passwordBasic authentication passwordWhen username and password is provided, basic authentication is used in the posting of the orders. Required for Production environments.
Erp name lengthCharacter length allowed for the ERP Name field. Norce will truncate the field.Default is empty
Add manufacturer to Erp nameWhen importing products, this enables an automated prefix of the manufacturer name.Default is false
Send product data to ErpOld flag for enabling ERP integration from NorceNot used anymore
Create client product sku in ErpOld flag for enabling ERP integration from NorceNot used anymore


Image urlHostname of the cdn service created specifically for the client, where the images and files are cached. Usually of the format https://[clientname] as CDN Address on Client tab.
Html settingsChange the settings for the text editor. See below.Default is Norce preferred settings.

Html text editor

Norce uses TinyMCE as HTML editor in the Admin, where texts or html are edited. It is allowed to change the configuration of the editor, so that the client gets the most out of the tool.

Read about the tool here: TinyMCE v4 configuration

The default configuration:

    "height": 150,
    "menubar": false,
    "statusbar": false,
    "schema": "html5",
    "entity_encoding": "raw",
    "browser_spellcheck": true,
    "contextmenu": false,
    "paste_data_images": false,
    "image_advtab": true,
    "forced_root_block": "",
    "force_br_newlines": true,
    "force_p_newlines": false,
    "paste_as_text": false,
    "plugins": "autolink code fullscreen image link paste textpattern searchreplace imagetools lists advlist",
    "toolbar": "insertfile undo redo | styleselect | bold italic | alignleft aligncenter alignright alignjustify | bullist numlist outdent indent | link image | removeformat code fullscreen"