Product Types
Products in Norce must have a type associated with them. You find these in the Products section on the Settings page under the PRODUCT TYPES tab. Not all types are activated initially, but you can activate more by clicking the ADD button at the top of the page.
The type is set on the SKU of the product. In Admin this is on the Product page in the SETTINGS tab. The selected type will affect what business logic, if any, that is applied on the product in Norce.
Product types are grouped in different groups with different behavior in Norce. Below is a description of each group, the types contained, and some notes about their behavior. The first column is what the type is called in Norce Admin. The ID column is the type's internal ID in Norce that is sometimes used in the APIs. There is also a technical column with the Enum name for the type that is used in product and order integrations.
Physical types
For physical products rules for availability and freight are applied during a checkout process. You can't finalize a purchase without a delivery method and freight article if your product is physical.
These products have weight, length, height etc. They require a warehouse and a location for the stock. Basically these are your standard products.
The third type in this list is called Standard as a technical name which may be misleading. This is due to legacy reasons. This type is Extended Assortment for all intents and purposes.
TYPE | DESCRIPTION | ID | Technical name |
Standard | Product known by the ERP. | 1 | ErpStandard |
Refurbished | Refurbished product known by the ERP. | 2 | ErpRefurbished |
Extended Assortment | Standard product that is not known by the ERP. Only exists in Norce. | 14 | Standard |
ManagedERPPackage | Package managed by Norce. Logic is applied when inserting items in a basket and in communication with PSPs. | 38 | ManagedErpPackage |
For ManagedERPPackage child items will be added to the basket during the purchase process but only the parent will be sent to the ERP when the order is created and the purchase will be made towards the ManagedERPPackage product, not the child items.
Virtual types
These are not actual products, but is derived from other products in some way, e.g. a "Kit" which is a set of child products, or a "parent" to only one child with a different minimum quantity. These structures are not necessarily known by an ERP, and during checkout and on the order only the child items are purchased and sent respectively.
This type is also used for payment placeholders, e.g. a payment with giftcard that should be carried over to the PSP.
TYPE | DESCRIPTION | ID | Technical name |
Structure | Structure SKU without any applied logic. | 8 | Structure |
ManagedStructure | Structure managed by Norce. Logic is applied when inserting items in a basket and in communication with PSPs. | 37 | ManagedStructure |
ManagedERPPackageWithCalc | ERP Package with availability calculations managed by Norce. Logic is applied as for a managed structure. | 39 | ManagedErpPackageWithCalc |
Virtual | Virtual SKUs are not included when freight is calculated as percentage of basket total. | 40 | Virtual |
PayLater | Carries a partial payment in the Pay Later payment flow. There should only be one SKU of this type in Norce. | 42 | PayLater |
GiftCardPaymentPlaceHolder | Used to communicate amount payed by gift cards to the PSP used for the final purchase. There should only be one SKU of this type in Norce. | 43 | GiftCardPaymentPlaceHolder |
Downloadable types
Digital products with no need for a physical warehouse or delivery method. They may have a stock and applied availability logic, but it is not mandatory. Typical products are electronic gift certificates or licenses.
TYPE | DESCRIPTION | ID | Technical name |
Download | Downloadable, digital product. | 7 | Download |
License | License purchase as a digital product. | 33 | License |
PspGiftCard | Digital gift cards from a provider in Norce. This is the product that may be purchased by a customer. | 41 | PspGiftCard |
Service types
A Service product is a packaged service that can be sold, usually in association with a physical product, e.g. an installation service for a washer or dryer included in the purchase.
TYPE | DESCRIPTION | ID | Technical name |
Service | General type for all kinds of services. | 11 | Service |
Fee types
Not a real product, but rather a way of informing the customer of added fees of different kinds. Never sold on their own but only as additional products. Typical examples are freight and invoice fees. Some of these will infer some logic, like the freight may vary depending on the weight of the products in your basket.
TYPE | DESCRIPTION | ID | Technical name |
Freight | Freight SKUs. A lot of logic is applied to these during the checkout. | 3 | Freight |
Invoice | Invoice fee SKUs. | 9 | Invoice |
Environmental fee | Environmental fee SKUs. | 20 | EnvironmentalFee |
Packing fee | Packing fee SKUs. | 21 | PackingFee |
CentRounding | Used to handle cents left over when applying promotions (optional). | 34 | CentRounding |
SalesTax | Carries tax amounts for more complex sales tax cases. | 35 | SalesTax |
FreightStructure | Container for freight with different VAT rates. | 36 | FreightStructure |
Compensation | For compensation to the customer through credit invoices. | 44 | Compensation |
Added fee types
Added fees are a specific kind of fee that are handled differently from "Fee" products in the checkout process. We currently have donations or insurance as this type of fees.
TYPE | DESCRIPTION | ID | Technical name |
Insurance | Insurance SKUs. | 4 | Insurance |
Donations | Donation SKUs. Usually used with manual price. | 18 | Donations |