Product Types

Virtual A virtual type is a product that is not a product in itself, but is derived from physical products in some way. A "Kit", i.e. a set of product children, or a "parent" to only one child with a different minimum quantity.
Service A Service product is a packaged service that can be sold, usually in association with a physical product. An installation service for a washer or dryer.
Physical A physical product that uses rules and business logic with regards to this, for example availability calculation. These products have weight, length, height etc. Can be put in stock and purchased.
Fee A product that is handling fees and using the fee logic. Freight or invoice fee.
Downloadable A digital product with no need for a physical warehouse (but can be restricted to availability logic anyway). Gift certificates and licenses.
Added Fee Added fees are a specific kind of fee that are handled differently from "Fee" in the checkout process. Donations or insurance.

Common types

Standard (ERPStandard) Id 1, Physical A product that is handled in the ERP.
Extended Id 14, Physical A physical product that is not (yet) created in the ERP. This can be used when products are initially created in Norce and later is sent to other systems like the ERP.
ERPPackage Id 17, Physical A kit that is handled by the ERP and that doesn't use Norce's availability calculation rules; On Hand is based on its children. Used when the kit's availability is maintained in another system (ERP, integration, or other).
Configuration Id 22, Virtual A complex product that is a set of one or more children, usually created in the basket. Used when the product is created in a configuration tool and then added to the basket.
StructureWithoutCalc Id 23, Virtual A kit that doesn't use Storms availability calculation rules; On Hand is based on its children. Used when the kit's availability is maintained in another system (ERP, integration, or other).
Structure Id 8, Virtual A kit that uses Norce's availability calculation rules. Changes of On Hand on itself or its children triggers the On Hand calculation. Used when the kit is maintained solely by Norce.
ERPPackageWithCalc Id 24, Virtual A kit that is handled by the ERP, but has its availability calculated by Norce. Used when the kit exists in the ERP and the availability is maintained solely by Norce.
Invoice Id 9, Fee A product that carries the invoice cost of a payment method.
Freight Id 3, Fee A product that carries the freight cost of a delivery method.
Service Id 11, Service
Installation Id 12, Service
Donations Id 18, Added Fee
Insurance Id 4, Added Fee
GiftCertificate Id 5, Downloadable
Download Id 7, Downloadable
ERPDownload Id 26, Downloadable
License Id 33, Downloadable
PspGiftCard Id 41, Downloadable Gift cards that are sold in various amounts.
GiftCardPaymentPlaceHolder Id 43, Virtual A virtual Product Type which is used as a gift card payment on orders to PSP. There should only be one and only one of this article in Norce.