Customer and company import

Importing Customers and Companies is a pretty straightforward process. All you need to do is create an Excel file containing the data you wish to import, then navigate to Integrations > Import, and select either Customers or Companies.

Some prepared templates for you to get started can be found at the bottom of the page.


You can export data to Excel from the Customer/Company listing and use it as a template.

Customer company import

Importing user accounts

To create user accounts for your customers, you must add LoginName, AccountIsActive, and Role fields as in the template provided below.


Please be aware that user creation emails will not be sent out automatically. This needs to be handled as part of your user registration process.

Linking customers and companies

To link a Customer to one or more Companies, use the import functionality and include the field CompanyCodes in your import. You can link multiple companies to one customer by adding multiple comma-separated CompanyCodes.
