Setup: Configure price list structure

Price lists handles both prices and assortments in Norce.

Setting up a price list structure should decide on how price information is integrated with other systems and how price information, like cost and recommeded price fields are inherited through the hierachy of price lists.

Required steps

  • Create client and at least one application
  • Deside on how the markets and brands should be structured in Norce
  • Create a product classification structure


How the price lists structure should work is dependant on

  • Where will the standard pricing be managed (in Norce or in another system)?
  • What possibilites are there for getting assortment information and price data from other systems?
  • What kind of pricing functionality should be used?


  • Go to price lists tab and configure the standard price list. Optionally Change Name, Code, Currency, Sales area, etc.
  • Create other price lists, if needed. See more info here .

Further configuration

  • Price settings

Note also the client settings, specifically

  • Exchange rate , which lets you disable automated updates of the currency exchange rate.
  • When PriceListSeed is used in Norce API, disregard public price lists , changes how best price is resolved.
  • Aggregate costs for virtual skus , for structure bundles.

Further reading

  • Read more about pricing structures in Norce here .

Where to go from here

  • Competitor pricing
  • Product enrichment process
  • Migrate products