Setup: Product status automation

The Product status represents the life stage of the product. Norce has built-in rules and automations for letting the product catalog automatically handle some the the steps in a product life-cycle. You can disable these totally or change some the rules, depending on your requirements.

Required steps

  • Set up a price list structure
  • Set up an inventory structure


Understand how the clients wants to handle their product catalog. In which systems are products "born"? And where is it decided to end a product's life?


Your decisions above decide on how you want to set up the integration of your products as a whole. Note that:

  • You might need to change the Sku status automation settings, see below, if required.
  • Set activation and deactivation of products, by using StartDate and StopDate on the SKU element in Connect integrations (or manually in admin)
  • Manually lock specific product's status in the admin UI so that it wont change by automations.

Further configuration

Fiddle with the client settings, specifically

  • Sku Status automation , which lets you change the default behaviour of the status automation.

Further reading

  • Read about the Status rules here .

Where to go from here

  • Product enrichment
  • Migrate products