Setup: Configure inventory and availability rules

Norce has a built-in availability model that is used to provide accurate and relevant availability information for eCommerce storefronts. Norce takes data from WMS or ERP systems and build up a structure of data based on the products and warehouses and locations.

The model is configurable so that it is possible to give different data depending on which application or market who asks.

Required steps

  • Create client and at least one application
  • Create a product classification structure, specifically the product types.
  • Set up a price list structure for each market/application used.


To set up all the availability structure there are some questions you need to know the answer for:

  • Understand the client logistic model and how it should be used by online business.
  • What kind of information will be provided and how to map it into Norce model.
  • The client's preference of how to display availability online.


  • Go to warehouse tab and set up each warehouse with location needed.
  • Configure Connected warehouses on each price list.
  • Deside on how to display availability and implement it on the storefront application. See some examples here .

Read about configuring availablity here.

Further configuration

It is possible to add extra fields on onhand records as info types. This can be handy if you want, for example to send in more information about the availability, that is not just an in-stock value. See more about it here.

Note also the client settings, specifically

  • Use on hand substraction , which sets up reservation functionality.

Further reading

Read more about configuring the availability structure here.

Where to go from here

  • Set up product life-cycle
  • Configure supplier business rules