Setup: Configure product content structure

A content structure is about defining the meta data for the products that the client sells. How shold their products be presented?

Required steps

  • Create client and at least one application
  • Create a product classification structure, specifically the category tree.


To set up all product classifications there are some questions you need to know the answer for:

  • What is the different attributes and properties that is important to model for the product catalog and for each category? And which should be filterable in navigations and searches?
  • What type of relations between products and variants should be tracked? (Norce represents this with Product relation types and variant types)


  • Go to Parametrics tab and create different attributes and properties, Name , Code and Type is needed
    (dont forget that you can have culture specific names of parametrics) More help in the user documentation here .
  • Go to categories tab and on each category add the parametrics and parametric groups needed. More help in the user documentation here .
  • Go to the Variant types tab and create the variant types that is needed.
    See more here , and here .
  • Go to the Relation types tab and create the relation types that is needed.

Further configuration

  • Note the client settings , specifically
    • Product texts are variant unique , which sets up the build-in text fields on variant level as default.

Further reading

Where to go from here

  • Set up Inventory and availability
  • Set up pricing structure