Getting started - Creating a simple product

Video tutorial

To the product page overview video tutorial.


This video tutorial guides you through the process of creating a simple product in Norce Commerce with the essential details needed to sell it online.

You begin by navigating to the "Products" list page and clicking "New" to start creating the product. The key fields to fill out include:

  1. Product Name : Enter the name of the product in your current language.
  2. Part Number : This identifier may be auto-generated if configured.
  3. Manufacturer : Choose the product's manufacturer, and set the "Manufacturer part number," the public identifier used across the supply chain.
  4. Primary Category : Select the category that assigns default settings like VAT rates and placement in a hierarchy.
  5. Product Type and Status : For physical products, select "Standard" and set the status to "Active" to make it ready for sale.

After creating the product, additional steps are necessary:

  • On hand Tab : Add a warehouse location and set an "On hand" value, even if it’s zero.
  • Pricing Tab : Assign a price by selecting the primary price list (usually "Standard") and entering a fixed price. Make sure to save your changes.

With these steps completed, the product is ready for your ecommerce site, though you may want to add further details, which you can explore in other tutorials or documentation.