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Text and translation

Video tutorial

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Text and translation

The text tab is where all product texts and translations are added. Cultures in Norce is set up with a default culture, which will be used as a fallback culture when a text is not translated to a specific language. So when translating, inheritance means that Norce should use the default culture text. Text inheritance

Disable inheritance

It's possible to disable the inheritance functionality so no fallback culture is used.

Available Text Fields

Text fieldLimitation
Name255 Characters
Sub Header255 Characters
Description Header255 Characters
Sub DescriptionNone
Synonyms500 Characters
Title255 Characters
Meta DescriptionNone
Meta KeywordsNone
Optional title

The labels of the text field can be changed to reflect how it's used. Go to Settings > Client > Components (please note that this does not change the API).


Norce has a built-in translate functionality using Google Translate that makes it possible to translate between two languages. Simply click one of the flags in top right corner to bring up the two languages side-by-side. Use the Translate button to use the translation function.

Text and translation

Unique URL

The Unique URL can be set to Auto or Manual. The URL is generated automatically based on the product name, if it’s set to Auto. If Manual, this has to be manually maintained.