Product page - on hand tab

Video tutorial

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This video explains how to use the "On hand" tab in Norce Commerce to manage and view product availability.

Key points covered include:

  • Overview : The "On hand" tab allows you to manage stock levels and availability for products and their variants. Norce relies on stock information from external systems to create an availability model.
  • Warehouses and Locations : Stock is organized by "warehouses," which can be further divided into "locations." The three main warehouse types are:
    • Ordinary warehouse (primarily for online sales)
    • Store warehouse (physical store inventory)
    • Supplier warehouse (third-party inventory)
  • Variant-Level Stock : Stock information is managed at the variant level, not across all variants. You can see which warehouses have stock, when the data was last updated, and by whom. Typically, this information is updated through integrations with Warehouse Management Systems (WMS) or Point-of-Sale (POS) systems.
  • Lead Time : Lead time indicates how long it will take for a customer to receive an item from a specific location, helping you provide accurate delivery estimates.
  • Stock Status and Reservations : The tab also shows when items are out of stock and when new shipments are expected. A "reserved" column tracks quantities already ordered, reducing the risk of over-promising. This value adjusts as fresh data is received from the WMS.
  • Physical Store Stock : In cases where a product is available both online and in physical stores, the system can provide customers with information on where they can try out or purchase the product in-store.

The video emphasizes that Norce can also manage supplier on-hand information, with further details available in the documentation.

More about availability