Product page - pricing tab

Video tutorial

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This video tutorial provides a detailed walkthrough of the "Pricing" tab in Norce Commerce, highlighting the features and options available for managing product pricing.

Key points covered include:

  • Price Lists : The "Pricing" tab displays all active public price lists, with the lowest-priced one shown first. You can mark price lists as favorites for easy access, while others are hidden under the "Add price" button.
  • Price Calculation : The selected price list shows the current sale price and its calculation, including VAT details. You can toggle between VAT-inclusive and VAT-exclusive views.
  • Price Rules : Pricing rules, which can be inherited or customized, control how prices are set. Different rules (e.g., fixed price, discount) have varying inputs, such as sale price or rebate percentage.
  • Additional Price Fields : These customizable fields, such as "Recommended price" and "Catalog price," can support price rules and display alternate pricing information.
  • VAT Rates : VAT rates can be adjusted for different sales areas.
  • Margins : The tab displays cost and margin information, with options to use "Purchase cost" and "Unit cost" in price rules.
  • Discount Management : You can mark price records as non-discountable to exclude them from promotions, useful for products that are already discounted or include special fees.

The tutorial also notes additional features like "Quantity breaks" for volume pricing and "Supplier prices," which are covered elsewhere in the documentation.

More about pricing