
Norce has an entity called "Store" (and sometimes Division), which is a representation of a physical store the client wants to have represented in their eCommerce application. Here you can add meta data about the store and also set up relations to other functionality in Norce for each Store.

The most notable settings on the Store are:

Setting Description
Name A short friendly name of the store, culture specific (use the flag to open the translation tool) Required
Code Unique identifier for the store. Required
Latitude & Longitude If you want to use geographical services to find the nearest store. Note, Norce has no integration currently, must be implemented in the frontend. Optional
Application Relation to the applications the store should be found from. Required
Warehouse/Location's Relation to the warehouse/locations where onhand data for the store is managed. Optional
Pricelist's Relation to the price lists where assortment and store specific prices is managed. Optional

Where to use Stores

  • Companies can be connected to one of several stores, where one can be primary.
  • Location lookups can be connected to Store codes see Locations for more info.
  • Getting availability can be done by warehouse/location pair, but also by using the store, which will return the availability for the connected warehouses.