List products

This is the main page of Norce product management. From here you can handle your products in bulk by exporting them, do batch updates or create your own views and dashboards


First step to working with products in bulk is typically to find the products that you want to work with. This can be done by filters. There are a number of filters that can be applied:

Filter Comment
Activated Filter products based on when they where created
Price List
Price rule
Competitor Filter products based on which competitors have them in stock
Onhand Filter products that have on hand value greater than zero for a particular warehouse
Part numbers A list of part numbers. Paste from Excel, separated by space or line feed
Variant code A list of variant codes. Paste from Excel, separated by space or line feed
EAN codes A list of EAN codes. Paste from Excel, separated by space or line feed
Missing Content Filter products that lack data on any of the following fields: Name, Description, Sub Description, Sub Header, Description Header, Main Image
Created Filter products based on when they where created
Translation requested Filter products based on when translation was requested
Duplicate url Find products that have duplicate slugs
Flags All flags can be used to filter products
Parameters All parameters excluding text parameters can be used to filter products

Product filter

Customizing columns

In the product listing you can set which columns that you want to display. Go to Tools > Edit Columns to add or remove different columns. It's possible to format the output depending on the data it contains. It is also possible to merge several data fields in one "cell" by using the Group with the Next Column

Column edit

Reports and dashboards

Once you are happy with your filters and columns you can save these as a Report by navigating to Tools > Save Report.

  1. Give the report a name
  2. Set the access level
    • Private - only visible to you
    • Application - accessible for everyone who has access to the application
    • Client - accessible for everyone
  3. Mark the report as Favorite if you want it to show up as a tab in the product listing for easy access
  4. If you mark it as Standard this will be your default report

Dashboards can be created the same way as reports but will show up in the dashboard menu instead

Column edit

Excel exports

A report can easily be exported to Excel by going to Tools > Export as Excel. This will export all your configured columns to the standard Excel format

Column edit

Batch update

Product search

When searching for products the following fields are indexed.

From SKU From Product (all cultures) From Suppliers Other
PartNo Name PartNo Category Names
Integration Partno Variant Name Category Default Synonyms
ERP Name Manufacturer Product Family Names
Reference Partno Manufacturer Partno
EAN codes