Price settings

Here is all the different client settings that will change the behaviour in Norce regarding the price lists and pricing functionality.


The overall settings

Setting Description Usage
When PriceListSeed is used in Norce API, disregard public price lists As the long name suggest, this lets you manipulate best price validations by passing in the pricelists yourself to the API
Aggregate costs for virtual skus False For packages and structure products the cost will be calculated from the child products

Recommended Price

How recommended price is inherited from parent price list to its children.

Setting Default Description
Use legacy True (*) See legacy functionality below (other settings are disabled)
Inherit Recommended price False (**) Recommended price is inherited (if exist on parent)
Inherit from Standard price False Parent sale price will be inherited to rec price (unless rec price exist on parent)
Inherit from same currency only True (if legacy=false) Disallow inheritance if parent price is in a different currency
Use specific rounding rules False Use rounding rules when price is inherited from a different currency (rounding rules must be set up see rounding). Only applicable when same currency only = false.

(*) Legacy will soon be disabled for new setups and only exist for backward compatibility of existing clients.

(**) Will be default when legacy is disabled for new setups.

Cost Unit and Cost Purchase

How unit and purchase cost is inherited from parent price list to its children.

Setting Default Description
Use legacy (Unit Cost) True (*) See legacy functionality below (other unit cost settings are disabled)
Use legacy (Purchase Cost) True (*) See legacy functionality below (other purchase cost settings are disabled)
Inherit Cost Unit False (**) Unit cost is inherited (if exist on parent)
Inherit Cost Purchase False (**) Purchase cost is inherited (if exist on parent)
Inherit from same currency only (Unit) True Disallow inheritance if parent cost is in a different currency
Inherit from same currency only (Purchase) True Disallow inheritance if parent cost is in a different currency

(*) Legacy will soon be disabled for new setups and only exist for backward compatibility of existing clients.

(**) Will be default when legacy is disabled for new setups.


Purchase cost will be overridden if the child price list has its own connected suppliers and products.

Catalog Price

How catalog price is inherited from parent price list to its children.

Setting Default Description
Use Legacy True (*) See legacy functionality below (other settings are disabled)
Inherit Price Catalog False (**) Catalog price is inherited (if exist on parent)
Inherit from same currency only True Disallow inheritance if parent catalog price is in a different currency

(*) Legacy will soon be disabled for new setups and only exist for backward compatibility of existing clients.

(**) Will be default when legacy is disabled for new setups.

Competitor settings

Setting Description Usage
Competitors by application Competitors marked for each application Use this if you have applications for different markets
Limit price calculation to connected competitors xxx

Other settings

Setting Description Usage
Get recommended price from supplier Allows Norce to fetch the Recommended price from the supplier product catalogs Use this if you have product creation automation from supplier data

Legacy functionality

Setting Description
Recommended price inheritance Recommended price is inherited to all child price lists, if different currency the amount will be converted without rounding. And if the parent doesnt have a recommended price the sale price will be used instead
Unit Cost inheritance Unit cost is inherited to all child price lists, if different currency the amount will be converted without rounding. If the field is empty nothing is inherited
Purchase Cost inheritance Purchase cost is inherited to all child price lists, if different currency the amount will be converted without rounding. If the field is empty nothing is inherited. Purchase cost can be overridden if the child price list has its own suppliers connected to it on the product
Catalog Price inheritance Catalog price is inherited to all child price lists, if different currency the amount will be converted without rounding. If the field is empty nothing is inherited

Further reading

  • Set up price list structure (coming)