Importing and exporting images and files

Norce has a dedicated export/import to simplify the handling of images and files

Video tutorial


Exporting images is easy. Just use the filter functionality to find the products that where you want to export images and then select Tools > Export files and images

Export images and files


Import images are done at Integrations > Import and select Product Images/files

An import file should be in Microsoft Excel format (xslx) and contain the following fields.

PartNo The Part number of the product to where the file should be connected
CultureCode The language code used for Name and Description
Url The Url to where the image can be downloaded. (Must be publicly accessible)
Name The name of the file
Description The description of the image
Code The identifier of the image or file. If empty Norce will create one
TypeCode The code to the file type
IsVariantUnique If true the file will be attached to the specific variant. If false it will be connected on a product level (all variants)

Once the file is loaded two options are presented:

  • Add or update files and images - no files or images will be removed from the products specified in the file
  • Replace files and images, missing will be removed - all images tied to the products specified in the file will be deleted

Here's a template file you can use to get started: Image import template

Import images and files