Setup: Configure market price lists

Required steps

  • Create client and at least one application
  • Create additional applications
  • Create warehouses and locations


To set up you market price lists correct you need to decide on:

  • Do I want to calculate my market price lists in Norce? Or having them updated from another system?
  • If I have several markets, should they inherit price information from a base or a home market? For example cost, or recommended prices?


  • Initially all new clients should have one standard price list already set up, this will be your base price list or the market price list for the home market (this has always PriceListId 1).
  • Go to price list tab in Admin
  • For each application, set up a price list
    • Set Code , Name , Currency
    • Set to Public and Primary for the application (usually primary price lists are not shared between applications)
    • Set SalesArea
    • Set Favorite (optional)
    • Parent Price list (if needed)
    • Set DefaultPriceRule (For price lists without inheritance, you can skip this)
      • Price rule
      • Rule value
      • Minimum product margin
    • Add warehouse/location(s)
    • If price list has parent, you need
      • Population rules
      • Possibly additional pricing rules

Further configuration

  • Continue with more pricing rules narrow down on category/manufacturer/flag
  • Additional price lists for members, customers or campaigns

Further reading

Where to go from here

  • Setting up product feeds for the different markets