Create a client with the first application

Required steps

This is the first step when configuring Norce Commerce for a new Client, no steps is required to be done before.


When setting up a client we need some information before starting:

  • Name
  • VatNo

Also, a client will always be created with one application, this is the “home market” usually. And should reflect the organisations home business. Information, like language, currency and VAT region should be based on which market is the primary or represents the base, home market (this usually corresponds the default settings in an ERP system as well).

For setting up the Home market, Norce Commerce needs its default settings (more can be added later):

  • Host or name of the market (for example , or a short name like “brand 1 SE”, “Companyname B2B SE” that explains the purpose of the application)
  • Default language, represented as a culture code (for example sv-SE, en-GB, nb-NO)
  • Default currency (SEK, NOK, EUR, USD, etc)
  • Default country (the countries allowed to buy from the market, for example Sweden, Norway, Denmark, United Kingdom)
  • Default VAT region (Sweden, Norway, etc)

Hidden settings

  • How to handle default language?


The actial creation of a new Client is done by Norce, nothing that can be done by yourself. Pass on the information above.

Further reading

Next steps

Where to go from here: