Create an application

Required steps

These are configurations steps that already needs to have been done:


Before setting up another application there are these questions to answer:

  • What is the name and description of this new application?
  • What is (will be) the web site / host name, for the application?
  • Which of these should be used by the application, and which will be primary (default) for each?
    • Culture (Language)
    • Currency
    • Country (customers are allowed to buy from these)
    • Sales areas (the different VAT region supported)


Create an application

  1. Log in on the client in the production environment and make sure that you are on the primary application, before you start.
  2. Go to Settings → Applications → press NEW
  3. Fill in, in the form
    1. Application host This is the name of the application, this should be clear enough to understand what it is, in the drop selector between different applications in admin. Good examples are: “”, “Companyname SE“, “Brand B2B SE”.
    2. Primary culture The default language for the application (more languages can be added later)
    3. Primary currency The default currency for the application (more can be added later)
    4. Primary country The default country that the application allowed purchases from (more can be added later)
    5. Primary sales area The default VAT region supported by the application (more can be added later)
  4. Wait for a short while The system sets everything up on all environments. Have a cup of fresh coffee, while waiting.
  5. Assert that the new application is created. Look for it in the application changer at the top right in the Admin UI. Check that is is created on the demo playground environment as well.

That you cannot create the application on the demo playground environment, only on the product environment is it possible to set it up. And the application will be synced to the demo playground environment automatically.

Further configuration

For an application there is some configurations that can be changed or added after it is created. Depending on what kind of business it should be configured for there are some options here, but they are all coming down to about two options.

  • An application for one market In this scenario, not much needs to be changed. The primary settings should be enough, maybe with one culture (language) added.
  • An application supporting many markets

Other configurations are

  • Description Not part of the creation process, but is a good practice to fill in. Write a short explanation on what the purpose of the application is.
  • Product URL When a front end application is set up, this field can be used to activate a “preview” functionality in the admin UI for products. A button will be shown on the product page, with a direct link. Example: https: //{uniqueurl} will let the preview button open a new tab with {uniqueurl} replaced with the same field from the product looked at.
  • Setting up VAT codes on the sales area
  • Add more cultures, currencies(*), and Sales areas

(*) Having more than one currency per application will be deprectated, read more about it here


that the additional configuration set up in this step in NOT synced with other environments. Only the creation step is synced automatically. You need to change the settings on all environments, if required.

Further reading

Next steps

Where to go from here:

  • Create more applications if required