
This document is still a draft and might change

Sample clients in Norce

Norce Commerce has a couple of example clients that can be used to learn, demo and start from when setting up client for yourself.

Each one has its own guides and use case descriptions, sample data and documentations below.


Supplywise is a fictional customer to Norce, a retailer, selling primarily to businesses and uses many if Norce's features for B2B, like contract pricing, internal sales tools, supplier based rules, bundles and package offerings, shipping logic and other fees, and more.

To See
A short summary of the Customer Supplywise summary
Set up Supplywise from scratch on a new empty client Configure Supplywise
A walkthrough of the setup, the choices and reasons Start the Supplywise walkthroughs
Demo and tutorials Coming soon


Invelop is a fictional customer to Norce, a manufacturer of its own products, selling primarily to businesses and uses many Norce's features for B2B and manufacturers, like rich PIM functionality and enrichment workflows, integration to external master system for standard price, and more.

To See
A short summary of the Customer (used for training) Invelop summary
Set up Invelop from scratch on a new empty client Coming soon
A walkthrough of the setup, the choices and reasons Coming soon
Demo and tutorials Coming soon

Silver Kitchens

Silver Kitchens is a fictional customer to Norce, a retailer, selling primarily to consumers and uses many of Norce's features for B2C, like pricing, automation, campaigns, and more.

To See
A short summary of the Customer (used for training) Silver Kitchens summary
Set up Silver Kitchen from scratch on a new empty client Coming soon
A walkthrough of the setup, the choices and reasons Coming soon
Demo and tutorials Coming soon