Shipping and VAT

In some countries the VAT for shipping is based on the VAT of the items included in the basket. Norce can cater for this by setting up a dedicated structured freight article.


  1. To accomplish this, first make sure that the Product Type FreightStructure is enabled under Products > Settings > Product Types Shipping and VAT
  2. Create a regular product of type Freight for each VAT Rate for which the VAT should be distributed among and set the appropriate VAT rate for these like the example below:
    • Freight 25 (VAT 25%)
    • Freight 12 (VAT 12%)
  3. Now create a new product of type FreightStructure
  4. With your new FreightStructure product go to the Structure tab and add you products Shipping and VAT
  5. Once this is all set you should map your Shipping Methods to your new FreightStructure product as described in Shipping and Delivery. Now when that shipping method is selected as shipping option in the checkout process the VAT will be proportionally distributed among the underlying