
Shipping and Delivery is a key part of the eCommerce business and with our comprehensive toolset it's easy to create flexible shipping options. Delivery Methods is where you set up different types of shipping depending on carriers, shipping types, destination or type of goods.

Creating Delivery Methods

When creating a new Delivery Method at Shopping > Delivery Methods > New you first have have to fill out the details and Save in order for the other tabs to appear.

Detail Description
Method The carrier and the type of shipping
Name Name the delivery method as it should appear i the frontend Checkout
Code Code is used for marking up the order with the delivery code in the ERP system
Description A short description of the Method
Max order value (ex VAT) Limitation in terms of value of the order
Max order weight Limitation in terms of weight of the order
Max volume weight Limitation in terms of volume weight of the order
Target Defines if this used for Companies, Private Individuals or All


Location Filter

In the Location Filter it's possible to set a range of zip codes in various countries where the Delivery Method is valid.

Product Type Filter

Set the Product Types that are valid for the delivery method. If nothing is set all product types are allowed. Shipping

Payment Method Filter

Allows the Delivery Method only to be valid if a certain Payment Method is selected.

Customer Flag Filter

Allows the Delivery Method only to be valid if the customer has a certain flag attached to it.