Setup: Create suppliers

Supplier catalogs can be used to set up automations and other retail business rules in Norce.

Required steps

  • Set up product structure
  • Set up pricing structure


Have a list of suppliers ready, with their information they provide.


Start with creating a new supplier in admin.

  1. Create a new Supplier by pressing New , fill in
    1. Name
    2. Code , must be a unique code within the list of suppliers.
    3. Country
    4. Currency
    5. Enabled as chosen supplier , should be "true" if you want to use the supplier for price rules.
    6. Set penalty charges (optional), changes the cost from the supplier, use this together with chosen supplier enabled = true to set penalties in the chosen logic.
    7. Set automap (optional), use this if you always will have the same manufacturer code and category code in the supplier catalog as you have on the client side. Everything else can be left out.
  2. Create at least one Supplier warehouse and location for the supplier, by going to the warehouse tab under the supplier created and fill in
    1. Name , "Warehouse" in supplier imports and "WarehouseCode" in Connect contract. Must be unique withing the list of warehouses under the same supplier.
    2. Lead time , a number that is inherited down to the actual supplier sku. Default is 0.
    3. Standard , only one Warehouse should be "standard" for each supplier (if it has more than one)
    4. Ignore stock , deactivates the warehouse from stock based supplier rules. See Status rules for more info.
    5. Create a new location
      1. Location , "Location" in supplier imports and "LocationCode" in Connect contract. Must be unique withing the list of locationss under the same supplier-warehouse.
      2. Lead time , a number that is inherited down to the actual supplier sku. Default is Lead time from Warehouse.
      3. Standard , only one Location should be "standard" for each supplier-warehouse (if it has more than one)
  3. Create at least one Supplier Price list for the supplier, by going to the price list tab under the created supplier and fill in
    1. Name
    2. Code , must be a unique within the list of price lists of the same supplier
    3. Currency
    4. Primary , default price list for the supplier, only one primary within the same supplier
    5. Is manually maintained , allows for the supplier prices to be manually edited in admin.
    6. Connected warehouses , might not show initially. Save the price list and refresh. At least one warehouse and location must be chosen.
  4. Connect the Supplier price list to a client price list
    1. On each client price list that you want the chosen supplier logic to be applied you need to link them up.
    2. Go to the client price list and choose "Supplier price list"
    3. Add the supplier price list you want and save Note that chosen supplier is inherited to other price list, so only the parent needs to be connected, unless you want to override the linked supplier price list with another on the child.

Further configuration

Read about the supplier business rules to get more info on additional configurations.

Further reading

Where to go from here

  • Set up supplier business rules
  • Import supplier products
  • Maintaining a mapping structure