Setup: Configure business rules for supplier data

Supplier is a core functionality for retail clients, and has a lot of business logic that can be utilized, for those who wants it.

Required steps

  • Set up suppliers
  • Set up product structure


Decide on what you want to do with your supplier data in Norce.


Read about the different funcationality below.

Cost bases pricing settings

You can base price rules on purchase costs that comes from "chosen supplier" product catalogs. Use the Cost plus or Margin methods.

Make sure that you have

  • Enabled chosen supplier on those suppliers you want to use as a base for your price rules
  • Set penalty charges , for suppliers who should be penalized in the chosen supplier logic
  • Connect the supplier price lists to the client price list that should get the cost, only the parent needs this connection. The child price lists will inherit cost purchase. Although, if you want to override a child price list with different chosen suppliers, you connect them separately to the specific child price list.

Note also that some logic, like population rules on price lists have an option for "Require supplier" which is handy if you want to discard all product who does not have a purchase cost from the price list as a whole.

Status automation settings

You can add status automation based on supplier products instead of only base them on your own availability. Here is a summary:

  1. Your physical products (Standard products), will be marked expiring if they have had supplier onhand earlier but they are all inactivated (note, 0 in availability is not enough, they must be removed from the supplier's catalog entirely)
  2. If you have enabled the client setting "Set sku status expiring to inactive when out of supplier stock", expiring product will be set inactive when both local and supplier stock is 0.
  3. Both points above work together, which means that a physical product that is out of local stock, but is sold from suppliers might be active for (back order) sales. Until the last supplier doesn't have it in their catalog anymore, then the product will automatically be set inactive (first expiring from point 1 above and then directly to inactive from point 2)
  4. Products and categories have a setting - Drop shipment only that disregard all local stock for the in-stock based rules, even if they have a local stock. This makes it possible to specially mark products for special handling.

Note that supplier warehouses must have "ignore stock" set to false, to be used by the automation rules above.

Read more about status automation here.

Extended assortment settings

If you want to work with a separate extended assortment, that you does not create in other systems until they are sold, you can do this by using the product type extended in Norce. This type will be ignored by automations and business rules that use local wareshouses for example and instead look into supplier catalog information.

  • Add product creation rules , to automatically create products from supplier catalogs.
  • Maintain the mappings for category and manufacturer from the imports of supplier caalogs
  • Make sure that order integrations handles items of the type extended and create them in the ERP automatically (and changes the type to standard )

Drop shipping

Norce has some features to enable products or whole categories as "Drop ship only", disbling some business logic and automations on these products. If you use the supplier functionality in norce to choose the best possible supplier to by from in each situation, you can add chosen supplier data to your order integration directly, from Norce Commerce Query. Check for isDropShipOnly flagged products on the orders.

Further configuration

Further reading

  • Read about how to set up supplier here .

Where to go from here

  • Import supplier products
  • Maintain a mapping structure