Sitoo POS Adapter - Settings


The POS and Sitoo Adapter is deprecated and will not be supported on the next generation platform Norce Commerce. Read about it here: Difference between Norce commerce and Norce Storm.

Setting Description
Name Name of the adapter
Description Description
Account id
API key
Category interval (hours)
Category offset (minutes)
ExportFeedService Max Export Size
Product export interval (hours)
Product export offset (minutes)
Full promotions export interval (hours)
Full promotions export offset (minutes)
API-key for On Hand sync
Get onhand data interval (minutes)
Get onhand data offset (minutes)
API-key for order sync
Get orders interval (minutes)
Get orders offset (minutes)
Default site Id to send/receive orders to/from
Price lists
API-key for product status sync
Sales areas
Use scheduler to send category tree
Get shipment data interval (minutes)
Get shipment data offset (minutes)
Productstatus export interval (minutes)
Productstatus export offset (minutes)
Use scheduler to export products and productstatus
Use trigging scheduler
Warehouse Transaction interval (minutes)
Warehouse Transaction offset (minutes)