Sitoo POS Adapter - Products and prices


The POS and Sitoo Adapter is deprecated and will not be supported on the next generation platform Norce Commerce. Read about it here: Difference between Norce commerce and Norce Storm.

Synchronisation between Storm and Sitoo

There are three types of synchronisation taking place between Norce [Storm] and Sitoo

  • Product synchronisation
  • Price/on-hand synchronisation

Product Fields that are synced

  • Part Number
  • Name
  • Description
  • Images
  • Category
  • Manufacturer
  • EAN Code
  • EAN Codes
  • Variants
  • Status
Norce Product Status Sitoo Status
Active activepos=true
Coming activepos=true
Expiring activepos=true
Hidden activepos=true
Inactive activepos=false

Price fields that are synced

Price data that are synced

  • Sales price
  • Purchase Price
  • Recommended Price