Sitoo POS Adapter - Promotions


The POS and Sitoo Adapter is deprecated and will not be supported on the next generation platform Norce Commerce. Read about it here: Difference between Norce commerce and Norce Storm.

Norce [Storm] has extensive and flexible ways to set up promotions to be used on the web. The Sitoo POS system has more restricted promotions, called vouchers in Sitoo POS, and this document aims at pointing out what can and can not be done in Norce [Storm] and at the same time integrated with Sitoo POS.

Promotions in Norce [Storm]

A promotion in Norce is composed of two parts: at least one requirement and at least one effect, so that when the requirement or requirements are fulfilled the effect is applied.

Example: Provide the code “Discount” and get 10% off. In this case the requirement is set to having a coupon code with the wording “Discount”, and the effect is set to discount the basket total by 10%.


In Norce it is possible to exclude articles of type freight from totals calculation. This is not possible in Sitoo, so be aware that a percentage discount for a basket will also affect freight articles in Sitoo.

Any promotions created in Norce [Storm] that cannot be integrated with Sitoo will simply be ignored by the Sitoo adapter. Also note that any promotion with more than one requirement will be ignored by the integration.

Promotion integration between Norce and Sitoo

This documentation will start from the Sitoo POS vouchers and show how the corresponding promotion must be set up in Norce by listing requirements and effects. For each voucher type the Sitoo POS API description and code for the voucher is provided in parentheses.

Order discounts

Sitoo provides three vouchers for order discount, one to discount the order by a percentage and one by an amount.

Discount order by an amount

(OrderDiscountM, 100)

This voucher must have a specific code provided. Amounts are given including VAT.

  • Requirement: Checkout code
  • Effect: Discount basket . Set the discount amount in the amount box.

Discount order by percentage

OrderDiscountX, 110

This voucher must have a specific code provided.

  • Requirement: Checkout code
  • Effect: Discount basket . Set the discount percentage in the percentage box.

Discount order with a total above an amount with a different amount

OrderBuyForMGetDiscountN, 120

Amounts must be given including VAT.

  • Requirement: Basket total above. Note that freight will be included in Sitoo.
  • Effect: Discount basket . Set the discount amount in the amount box.

Product discounts

Sitoo provides five vouchers for product discounts. Common for all of these is that they require a selection of products that are affected by the voucher. In Norce these products must be the same for both the requirement and effect since there’s only one list connected to the voucher in Sitoo POS, i.e. you may not require product A to discount product B.

Discount product by an amount

ProductDiscountM, 200

The product(s) must be listed in both the requirement and the effect, and the effect will be applied the number of times indicated by quantity. No value = unlimited.

  • Requirement: Basket product(s) . Quantity for requirement will be ignored.
  • Effect: Discount products . Discount amount set by selecting “Fixed amount”.

If you add more than one line with different discounts every different discount will be a voucher of its own in Sitoo POS.

Discount product by percentage

ProductDiscountX, 210

The product(s) must be listed in both the requirement and the effect, and the effect will be applied the number of times indicated by quantity. No value = unlimited.

  • Requirement: Basket product(s) . Quantity for requirement will be ignored.
  • Effect: Discount products . Discount amount set by selecting “Percentage discount”. Discount may also be set generically for the entire promotion by using the Generic price rule for the promotion. Discount should then be set to “Use generic discount”.

If you add more than one line with different discounts every different discount will be a voucher of its own in Sitoo POS.

Buy X products for a fixed price

ProductBuyXForPriceM, 220

The product(s) must be listed in both the requirement.

  • Requirement: Basket product(s) . Quantity for requirement must be set.
  • Effect: Discount products . Set the price rule to fixed price and the price to the total price divided by the number of products. Example: Buy 3 for 99 – set the fixed price of each product to 33.

Buy X products, pay for Y

ProductBuyXPayForY, 230

The product(s) must be listed in both the requirement and the effect and the general discount must be used.

  • Requirement: Basket product(s) . Quantity for requirement must be set.
  • Effect: Discount products . Set the Generic price rule to “Percentage discount” and enter 100%. Set every product line to Discount “Use genereric discount” and quantity to the number of products that are supposed to be free. So in the case of “Take 3 pay for 2” the quantity for the effect should be 1, i.e. one free product.

Buy X products, pay for Y and get a discount for remaining products


Not supported in Storm.

Package discounts

Sitoo provides one voucher for package discounts.

Buy package of products for fixed price

PackageBuyForPriceM, 300

Not currently supported by Storm.