Last updated

Upgrading to Norce Commerce

A guide to what needs to be done to upgrade a Norce [Storm] client to Norce Commerce.

Version history

latest: 2024-11-12, Added more information on the upgrade steps


version: 2024-09-19, more on functional changes and things of note.

version: 2024-06-13, Changes to Adyen Adapter and added mandatory header to Product feed

version: 2024-02-20, Added more detailed information

version: 2024-01-05, added more Norce Commerce details

version: 2023-10-12, removed order integration, still used in NC.

version: 2023-10-10, created

Up to date with security and technology versions

Old technologyUse insteadNotes
Client certificatesOAuth2 tokensClient certificate authentication was used for access to Storm API and is deprecated and will not be enabled in Norce Commerce.
Basic authenticationOAuth2 tokensBasic authentication was used for access to Storm Connect and Query and will no be enabled in Norce Commerce.
SOAP ProtocolRESTSOAP gets deprecated for Norce Commerce Services, so the old StormAPIClient and its nuget package will not work at all in Norce Commerce.

Up to date with API versions

The solution must use the latest versions of the API services.

Old serviceUse insteadNotes
Exportfeed ServiceProduct feedsService is deprecated, use product feed service instead
Export APIProduct feedsService is deprecated, use product feed service instead
Old AdminCurrent AdminOld admin is deprecated
Goggle feeds/Facebook, etcProduct feedsOld google or facebook exports are not supported, use product feeds with custom mapping to correct format.
Custom services and logicMoved to external servicesFor example: ftp server hosting, custom integrations, etc.
Contact us to get information about the current setup and if customer functionality exists
Storm Connect 3Storm Connect v4Service is deprecated, use Norce Commerce Connect v4 instead
Ignite importsStorm Connect v4Service is deprecated, use Norce Commerce Connect v4 instead
Subscriptions (Recurring orders)Build external services or switch to 3rd partySome functionality will still exist in the API, but the actual business logic will be deprecated.
CDON Marketplace adapterBuild external service or switch to 3rd party
Sitoo AdapterBuild external service or switch to 3rd party
Voyado AdapterBuild external service or switch to 3rd party
Adyen AdapterNorce Checkout with Adyen adapterFor Adyen, the new Norce Checkout must be used, currently in beta. Contact Norce for more information.

Functional changes to current services

Additionally, there are some changes made to current services, primarily because of security concerns.

FunctionalityUse insteadNotes
Storm Event service busUse new Webhooks insteadIt will not be possible to access Norce Commerce Azure Service bus directly, instead there will be webhooks instead.
Read more here
Date stored in Local formatDate stored in UTCOn Iver, dates where stored in local format, while on Azure and Norce Commerce stores all date formats in UTC, see documentation for more details.
Optional header is now mandatory in Product Feed/ChannelServiceApplicationidIn Norce [Storm] Channel Service, the ApplicationId header information was optional, while on Norce Commerce it is mandatory, since all clients are sharded on the key.
ApplicationId and ClientId changeNew Id'sOn Iver, ClientId and ApplicationId where same on all environments (lab and production), but that is not the case for Norce Commerce.

When the new clients are created on Stage and Production, they will get new numbers for ClientId and ApplicationId and they will not be the same with each-other either.

Data migration

Data migration from Norce [Storm] to Norce Commerce is a process that is done by Norce, but the client must be aware of the process and be prepared for it.

Data migration is performed transparently by Norce and is done in a way where it's possible, in most cases, to switch from Norce [Storm] to Norce Commerce in a matter of a few minutes. The data is copied from the old environment to the new, and the client then switches over to the new environment.

Talk to the Upgrade team for further information on the process.

Upgrade steps

Each client might have some different requirements for the upgrade process, but our basic setup of the project are as follows:

1Thorough analysis of client solution, finding deprecated functionalityxx
2Implement the changes to the solution found in (1)x
3Clean up the client data, remove old and unnecessary data, to make the move simpler (optional)x
4Partner solution implement new functionality (Norce Event webhooks)x
5Set up of new Norce Commerce clientsx
6Migration of Client data from Storm lab to Norce Commerce stage environmentx
7Changing end points to new stage environment (from lab)x
8Verifying new Norce Commerce stage environmentxx
-When go-live
9Norce disables API access to Norce [Storm] to prevent being split between Storm and Norce.x
10Final data migration from Storm Production to Norce Commerce Productionx
11Changing end point to Norce Commerce production environmentx
12Final go-live verificationsxx
13Launch on Norce Commercex

Note, steps 9-10 is generally completed within a few minutes, and can be further reduced if the client performs fewer update operations during the migration day.