Supplier integration examples

Examples in Postman

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Using client libraries

Norce Commerce has client libraries for c#. Read more about them here:


ImportProducts is used to import products and sku´s from suppliers.

Note that there is a similar method in the Product namespace, that handles product data for the client catalog. While this method call handles the supplier products.

You find the full product schema here

To insert or update supplier products in Norce Commerce, the required keys are:

  • SupplierId – Specified in header, references ID of supplier in Norce Commerce
  • SupplierPartNo – Unique part number for supplier product
  • Manufacturer – Manufacturer Code in Norce Commerce
  • ManufacturerPartNo – Combination of ManufacturerCode and ManufacturerPartNo must be unique to be able to resolve product in Norce Commerce
  • WarehouseCode – Used to resolve correct supplier warehouse in Norce Commerce
  • LocationCode – Used to resolve correct supplier warehouse location in Norce Commerce
  • PriceListCode – Used to resolve correct supplier price list in Norce Commerce

Examples in Postman

Examples in Client Libraries

Here is a code example using .net client library
//Using Storm Client library:
static void Main()
    var serviceUrl = "";
    var applicationId = 0;
    var secretKey = Guid.NewGuid();
    var job = ImportSupplierProduct(serviceUrl, applicationId, secretKey);
public static JobDto ImportSupplierProduct(string serviceUrl, int applicationId, Guid secretKey)
    const int accountId = 0;
    const int supplierId = 0; // Supplier ID in Norce
    var productHeader = new SupplierProductHeader()
        AccountId = accountId,
        SupplierId = supplierId,
        FullFile = false,
        FieldsThatAreSet = new List<SupplierProductField>()
        OnhandFieldsThatAreSet = new List<SupplierOnHandField>
        PriceFieldsThatAreSet = new List<SupplierPriceField>
    var requestUri = new Uri(new Uri(serviceUrl), "supplier/ImportProducts");
    var myRequest = new MyRequest<SupplierProductHeader, SupplierProduct>(
        productHeader, GetSupplierProducts());
    return RestHelper.SendStreamedData<JobDto, SupplierProductHeader, SupplierProduct>(
        requestUri.AbsoluteUri, applicationId, secretKey, myRequest);
private static IEnumerable<SupplierProduct> GetSupplierProducts()
    //NOTE Format and map your data to the Norce Commerce Connect standard here
    return new List<SupplierProduct>
        new SupplierProduct
            SupplierPartNo = "SupplierPartNo123", // NOTE Required key
            ProductName = "TestArticle 123",
            CategoryCode = "SupplierCategory01",
            Manufacturer = "Manufacturer01", // NOTE Required key
            ManufacturerPartNo = "TESTMFRPARTNO01", // NOTE Required key
            OnHand = new List<SupplierOnHand>
                                new SupplierOnHand
                                    WarehouseCode = "Standard", // Part of onhand key
                                    LocationCode = "Standard", // Part of onhand key
                                    Value = 12M // Available qty
            PriceList = new List<SupplierPrice>
                                new SupplierPrice
                                    PriceListCode = "STD1", // Price key
                                    CurrencyCode = "SEK",
                                    CostPurchase = 125.00M // Excl. VAT

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