Customer import examples

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Common calls to Connect API


ImportCustomers is used to import customers from different sources. Like ERP or CRM.

To insert new customers in Norce Commerce, the required keys are:

  • Code – Customer identifier from master system
  • LastName – Person last name (could also be middle and lastname)
  • FirstName – Person first name
  • EmailAddress – Person email

For updating customers one of the fields below is required for matching the entities:

  • Code – Customer identifier from master system, or
  • Id - Norce internal id for the Customer, or
  • EmailAddress - Person email

Examples in Postman


ImportCompanies is used to import organisations from different sources. Like ERP.

To insert new companies in Norce Commerce, the required keys are:

  • Code – Company identifier from master system
  • Name – Company name
  • OrganizationNo – VAT number for the company

For updating companies one of the fields below is required for matching the entities:

  • Code – Company identifier from master system, or
  • Id - Norce internal id for the Company, or
  • OrganizationNo – VAT number for the company

Examples in Postman

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