Last updated

Working with the checkout process

The end of the buying experience is the checkout process with payment and order confirmation. The checkout process experience is subject to a number of business rules defined by Norce. Your solution needs to comply with these rules.

The checkout process requires a basket and at least one payment method and one delivery method set up.

An example checkout object

  "Basket": {
    "Id": 6600304,
    "CustomerId": null,
    "CompanyId": null,
    "SalesContactId": null,
    "StatusId": 3,
    "CurrencyId": 2,
    "CurrencyCode": "SEK",
    "Comment": null,
    "OrderReference": null,
    "DiscountCode": null,
    "ReferId": null,
    "ReferUrl": null,
    "ValidTo": null,
    "IsEditable": true,
    "Items": [
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        "LineNo": 1,
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        "ProductId": 31234584,
        "PartNo": "PRD0001270",
        "ManufacturerPartNo": "T540XP",
        "Name": "T540XP",
        "SubHeader": "<p>Detta är en kort beskrivning.</p>",
        "ThumbnailImage": "2/thumb_p31234584.jpg",
        "FlagIdSeed": "915,1884",
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        "PriceDisplay": 5743.20,
        "Price": 0.00,
        "PriceOriginal": 5743.20,
        "Cost": 5734.34,
        "VatRate": 1.2500,
        "Quantity": 1.000,
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        "UOMCount": 1.000,
        "Comment": null,
        "PriceListId": 4654,
        "ReferId": null,
        "ReferUrl": null,
        "IsEditable": true,
        "IsDiscountable": true,
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            "Value": "",
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            "Value": "",
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      "PartNo": null,
      "Price": 0.00,
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      "Price": 0.00,
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      "TypeName": "Checkout",
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      "Price": 0.00,
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        "ImagePath": null,
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      "IsForCompanyOnly": false,
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      "TypeName": "Checkout",
      "Description": "Form checkout payment.",
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      "Price": 0.00,
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      "TypeName": "Checkout",
      "Description": "Form checkout payment.",
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      "TypeName": "Checkout",
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      "Price": 0.00,
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      "PartNo": "PRD0001212",
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      "LocationId": null,
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      "Code": "HEMPK",
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  "Payments": []

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        <a:Id i:nil="true"/>
        <a:Code i:nil="true"/>
        <a:SSN i:nil="true"/>
        <a:Phone i:nil="true"/>
        <a:CellPhone i:nil="true"/>
        <a:ReferId i:nil="true"/>
        <a:ReferUrl i:nil="true"/>
            <a:Id i:nil="true"/>
            <a:LoginName i:nil="true"/>
            <a:Name i:nil="true"/>
            <a:Roles i:nil="true" xmlns:b=""/>
            <a:Authorizations i:nil="true" xmlns:b="Enferno.Services.Contracts.Expose"/>
        <a:InvoiceAddress i:nil="true"/>
        <a:Flags i:nil="true"/>
        <a:Info i:nil="true" xmlns:b="Enferno.Services.Contracts.Expose"/>
        <a:PricelistIds i:nil="true" xmlns:b=""/>
        <a:CrmId i:nil="true"/>
        <a:IsActive i:nil="true"/>
        <a:Created i:nil="true"/>
        <a:Updated i:nil="true"/>
    <Payer xmlns:a="Enferno.Services.Contracts.Expose.Customers">
        <a:Id i:nil="true"/>
        <a:Code i:nil="true"/>
        <a:SSN i:nil="true"/>
        <a:Phone i:nil="true"/>
        <a:CellPhone i:nil="true"/>
        <a:ReferId i:nil="true"/>
        <a:ReferUrl i:nil="true"/>
            <a:Id i:nil="true"/>
            <a:LoginName i:nil="true"/>
            <a:Name i:nil="true"/>
            <a:Roles i:nil="true" xmlns:b=""/>
            <a:Authorizations i:nil="true" xmlns:b="Enferno.Services.Contracts.Expose"/>
            <a:CareOf i:nil="true"/>
            <a:Line1>TestInvoicestreet 1</a:Line1>
            <a:Line2 i:nil="true"/>
            <a:Region i:nil="true"/>
            <a:GlobalLocationNo i:nil="true"/>
            <a:ShippingPhoneNumber i:nil="true"/>
        <a:Flags i:nil="true"/>
        <a:Info i:nil="true" xmlns:b="Enferno.Services.Contracts.Expose"/>
        <a:PricelistIds i:nil="true" xmlns:b=""/>
        <a:CrmId i:nil="true"/>
        <a:IsActive i:nil="true"/>
        <a:Created i:nil="true"/>
        <a:Updated i:nil="true"/>
    <ShipTo xmlns:a="Enferno.Services.Contracts.Expose.Customers">
        <a:Id i:nil="true"/>
        <a:Code i:nil="true"/>
        <a:SSN i:nil="true"/>
        <a:Phone i:nil="true"/>
        <a:CellPhone i:nil="true"/>
        <a:ReferId i:nil="true"/>
        <a:ReferUrl i:nil="true"/>
            <a:Id i:nil="true"/>
            <a:LoginName i:nil="true"/>
            <a:Name i:nil="true"/>
            <a:Roles i:nil="true" xmlns:b=""/>
            <a:Authorizations i:nil="true" xmlns:b="Enferno.Services.Contracts.Expose"/>
                <a:CareOf i:nil="true"/>
                <a:Line1>TestInvoicestreet 1</a:Line1>
                <a:Line2 i:nil="true"/>
                <a:Region i:nil="true"/>
                <a:GlobalLocationNo i:nil="true"/>
                <a:ShippingPhoneNumber i:nil="true"/>
        <a:InvoiceAddress i:nil="true"/>
        <a:Flags i:nil="true"/>
        <a:Info i:nil="true" xmlns:b="Enferno.Services.Contracts.Expose"/>
        <a:PricelistIds i:nil="true" xmlns:b=""/>
        <a:CrmId i:nil="true"/>
        <a:IsActive i:nil="true"/>
        <a:Created i:nil="true"/>
        <a:Updated i:nil="true"/>
            <Description>30 dagars faktura</Description>
            <PartNo i:nil="true"/>
            <ImagePath i:nil="true"/>
                <Name>No service</Name>
                <Description i:nil="true"/>
                <ImagePath i:nil="true"/>
                <ImageKey i:nil="true"/>
            <ImageKey i:nil="true"/>
            <Description>Used for giftcards handeled by an ERP or other source outside of Norce Commerce</Description>
            <PartNo i:nil="true"/>
            <ImagePath i:nil="true"/>
                <Name>No service</Name>
                <Description i:nil="true"/>
                <ImagePath i:nil="true"/>
                <ImageKey i:nil="true"/>
            <ImageKey i:nil="true"/>
            <Name>Svea Ekonomi</Name>
            <Description>Form checkout payment.</Description>
            <PartNo i:nil="true"/>
            <ImagePath i:nil="true"/>
                <Description i:nil="true"/>
                <ImagePath i:nil="true"/>
                <ImageKey i:nil="true"/>
            <ImageKey i:nil="true"/>
            <Name>Adyen checkout</Name>
            <Description>Form checkout payment.</Description>
            <PartNo i:nil="true"/>
            <ImagePath i:nil="true"/>
                <Description i:nil="true"/>
                <ImagePath i:nil="true"/>
                <ImageKey i:nil="true"/>
            <ImageKey i:nil="true"/>
            <Name>Klarna Checkout v3 (Recurrable)</Name>
            <Description>Form checkout payment.</Description>
            <PartNo i:nil="true"/>
            <ImagePath i:nil="true"/>
                <Description i:nil="true"/>
                <ImagePath i:nil="true"/>
                <ImageKey i:nil="true"/>
            <ImageKey i:nil="true"/>
            <Name>Dibs Easy Pay</Name>
            <Description>Form checkout payment.</Description>
            <PartNo i:nil="true"/>
            <ImagePath i:nil="true"/>
                <Description i:nil="true"/>
                <ImagePath i:nil="true"/>
                <ImageKey i:nil="true"/>
            <ImageKey i:nil="true"/>
            <Name>Walley B2B</Name>
            <PartNo i:nil="true"/>
            <ImagePath i:nil="true"/>
                <Description i:nil="true"/>
                <ImagePath i:nil="true"/>
                <ImageKey i:nil="true"/>
            <ImageKey i:nil="true"/>
            <Name>DB Schenker Utlämningsställe</Name>
            <Description>DB Schenker leverans till vald utlämningsställe</Description>
            <ImagePath i:nil="true"/>
            <ImageKey i:nil="true"/>
            <StoreId i:nil="true"/>
            <WarehouseId i:nil="true"/>
            <LocationId i:nil="true"/>
            <Carrier i:nil="true"/>
            <Name>Hempaket kväll</Name>
            <Description>Leverans sker hem mellan 17:00 och 22:00.</Description>
            <ImagePath i:nil="true"/>
            <ImageKey i:nil="true"/>
            <StoreId i:nil="true"/>
            <WarehouseId i:nil="true"/>
            <LocationId i:nil="true"/>
            <Carrier i:nil="true"/>

Checkout data model

Checkout data model

In the center of the checkout process is the Checkout object. This contains other important entities like:

  • The Basket, all products/items, with its current prices, fees, promotions etc. See the Basket guide.
  • The Buyer, Payer and ShipTo addresses. They are all Customer objects, representing who buys the order. Who pays it and where it should be delivered.
  • The Payments already used. This is in most cases an empty list, but in some, like when using gift card payments for part of the amount you will purchase from each gift card first and pay for the rest as the last step. And in this scenario some already paid payment will show in this list.
  • PaymentMethods, is a list of the possible payments to use. If you have already chosen one (or if you have one as default) it will have the “IsSelected” flag set to true.
  • DeliveryMethods, is a list of the possible shipping methods to use. If you have already chosen one (or if you have one as default) it will have the “IsSelected” flag set to true.

The Checkout object is always resolved from the business rules in Norce Commerce. Depending on the rules set up there are many things that can change between your actions. If you, for example update shipping to another, shipping fees on the basket might change, some promotions on the basket are applied or removed, some payment methods might not be allowed anymore etc.

The update “flow”

Checkout process

Since updates on anything related to the checkout might change any other thing on the checkout the common practice is to

  1. Catch and handle the user action in the back end.
  2. Call the method in Norce Commerce Shopping Service and receive the new Checkout object in return.
  3. Map the new checkout object to our model and return to the front end.
  4. Write the new model to the cache.

Also, keep the cache time rather short for the checkout object, since some business rules can change without user action involvement. Read more on updating patterns in the frontend design guide and the basket guide.

Checkout update steps

For a purchase to go through the checkout must have the following:

  • One selected payment method
  • One selected delivery method
  • Customer information on all fields - SellTo, BillTo and ShipTo (*)

(*) When using form payment processes customer information is commonly added from the payment service provider and not from Norce Commerce directly.


Default values can be set to remove several steps in the checkout process. Already when creating the basket, pass in a whole basket object, containing PaymentMethodId, DeliveryMethodId, etc. See Working with Baskets.

Freight and delivery

If you use Norce’s built-in freight framework, the only requirement is to set, or allow the customer to select, a delivery method during checkout. Norce will automatically add the correct price and information to the basket and, later, to the order.

It is also possible to work with external delivery selection providers like NShift and Ingrid, passing in their information to the basket and order.

Purchase and payments

After the initial checkout actions are done it is time to let the customer pay.

Norce Commerce supports many different payment service providers, and they might have some differences between them, but Norce tries to make similar PSP processes look as much the same as possible. Norce separate these into three mayor types. The one-step process, the two-step process and the form based process.

One-step payments

(all in the same window)

One step payment process

This is the simplest process, where the customer stays on the same page and initialize the purchase action by pressing a button. This, for example could be a pay later method, or invoice from the ERP system.

The user action is translated to a purchase call to Norce Commerce Shopping Service. And the response ( PaymentResponse) has all the status information needed to tell the customer of the status.

The Purchase methods

There are three different purchase calls to Norce Commerce Shopping Service, that does the same thing but takes different input parameters.

  • Purchase, only a basket id is required. All payment configurations is fetched from settings in Norce Commerce
  • PurchaseEx, a list of payment parameters can be passed in. Norce lets the web application override configurations.
  • PurchaseEx2, a list of payment parameters and also a whole checkout object can be passed in. By using this call, you can skip a step of updates of the checkout object. Pass in the checkout with your last changes, and they will be applied first before the purchase is done.

The PaymentResponse object

The PaymentResponse is returned by all the Purchase calls and gives the client a status, as well as information on what to do next.

  • Status and StatusDescription, information on what the status is or what is currently happening on the order or payment.
  • IsSynchronous, true if the payment is a 1-step payment. false if it is a 2-step payment (see below)
  • OrderNo, the order number or the quotationid, depending on configurations in Norce.
  • PaymentReference, a transaction reference from the PSP (if applicable), or a snippet (script tag) that should be rendered in an iframe in the checkout page (form based payments, see below)
  • RedirectUrl, if the purchase process is in 2 steps, this is the redirect url to the PSP payment window.
  • RedirectParameters, if the purchase process is in 2 steps, this is a list of name-value pairs containing parameters that should be posted to the redirect url.

Two-step payments

(redirect to a payment window)

Some payment service providers uses payment windows where the application should redirect the customers, where they will fill in sensitive payment information before returning back to a confirmation page.

Two-step process

  • The purchase is initialized by calling one of Norce Commerce’s purchase methods.
  • Redirect URL and sometimes Redirect parameters is returned and the back end redirects the customer to a payment window
  • The customer completed the payment in the payment window
  • The customer is returned to the site (to a predefined url either as a redirect parameter, as a parameter in the earlier initialize process or a fixed url set up in the merchant settings at the PSP)
  • The payment should be validated by calling PaymentCallback or PaymentCallback2 before an order confirmation page is shown to the customer.
  • Some PSP setups sends a server-to-server call as a confirmation to Norce as well or when no call has come from Norce for a specific time.

The callback methods

For 2-step payments, a callback is required when the customer is returned to the site. Depending on the PSP implementation, this will either validate the payment using parameters sent in (e.g., checksum validations) or, for some PSPs, make an additional API call to confirm the payment. The callback returns a PaymentResponse object with a successful status if everything is correct, and the order is ready to be processed by Norce.

  • PaymentCallback, validates the payment and starts the order process. Send in all the parameters required for the PSP (usually this is all query or post parameters passed from the Payment window).
  • PaymentCallback2, validates the payment, but does not start the order process. Use this in more complex solutions.

Form based Payments

(as an embedded form on the checkout page)

Some PSP's (payment service providers) has a payment process that adds a form to the checkout page, like an IFrame. In this way the customer will not be redirected a couple of times, with all the possible added complexities. So for the customer this feels simpler and more like a 1-step purchase process.

Another common difference here is that many PSPs will collect all the customer information on their side and the trigger the purchase process from their form, so a Purchase call to Norce Commerce Shopping Service will never happen. Here is how it works instead.

  • When the customer is ready to pay, GetPaymentForm is called in Norce Commerce Shopping Service.
  • The PaymentResponse object returned contains embed information in the paymentReference field to render the form in the UI.
  • The customer provides information in the form to the PSP directly, like personal information or card number etc.
  • The customer click on “Buy” in the IFrame and the PSP processes the payment.
  • The PSP responds with a confirmation so that the solution can validate the payment by calling Norce Commerce Shopping Service´s PaymentFormCallback.
  • Some PSP setups sends a server-to-server call as a confirmation to Norce as well or when no call has come from Norce for a duration.

There are three slightly different PaymentCallback methods:

  • PaymentCallback validates the payment and starts the order process.
  • PaymentCallback2 validates the payment, but does not start the order process.
  • PaymentFormCallback validates the form payment, but does not start the order process. Use PaymentCallback if the order should be processed directly.

Show a confirmation page

To get the information you want to show on an order confirmation page you can call GetOrderRequest, to get the order information and also GetCheckout to get the last Checkout object as well. Between these to you should have most information you need.

For two-step and payment form payments the confirmation page should be passed in to the psp using the payment parameter ShopCallbackUrl (see below), who in turn redirects the customer back when it's time.


Most commonly the PSP implementation require a URL with just one query value, that is their payment reference. The rest of the information is already something you have, in a cookie for example. But to only trust in a cookie might give you problems if multiple things happen at the same time (customer has many tabs or devices active). A good practice is to add the BasketId as a query parameter to the ShopCallbackUrl. This ensures that you have all the information needed to display a confirmation page.

Confirmation notifications

Norce Commerce has a built-in solution to notify the customer by email about the order confirmation. This solution uses Sendgrid as the mail engine and is configured in the Admin UI. If you want to handle the notification in your own way, you can trigger the notification by using Norce Commerce Event and lookup information from Norce Commerce Query.

Availability checks

Some clients need to do an availability check during the checkout process. Norce has two possible ways to help with that.

Calling ListProductOnHandByBasket, this returns OnHand information from Norce on all items in the basket in one go. Aside from basketId, you can also pass in a list of warehouses that you want specifically to check.

Calling ListExternalProductOnHandByBasket, this is similar to its sister above, but this method checks the actual OnHand of the products in the basket in the clients source system(s). If no such integrations is provided then this is equal to calling the method above. But if this real time check is set up, this method will return will non-cached data as well as update the products in Norce using Norce Commerce Connect.


Norce does not do any availability validations on the baskets. Only the data is provided so that your application can have their own validation rules.

Payment Capture (Settle)

Some payments require a capture, usually later when the order is being delivered. Some solution uses Norce Commerce´s capture functionality for this and others uses built-in functionality in their ERP systems.

Read more about how to do Payment Capture here.

More functionality

Important Payment Parameters

Different PSP´s supports different parameters in their integrations. Read more on the specifics under the PSP adapter documentation. Since every PSP has its own parameters and parameter names Norce tries to map these to its own set of parameters. This eases the transition between different PSP implementations.

Parameter nameUsed inDescription
CountryCode(*)PurchaseEx, PurchaseEx2, GetPaymentFormA country code that marks in which country the purchase should be handled. This overrides the primary country on the application and must be a country added to the application (check the configurations in admin). This is passed in to the Payment Service provider and is applied on the payment session.
(ISO-3166-1 ALPHA-2 two letter country code format, like “SE”, “FI”, “UK”, “DE”)
CultureCodePurchaseEx, PurchaseEx2, GetPaymentFormA language setting for the generated UI that is shown by the PSP. Overrides primary culture (or chosen culture) on the application level.
(ISO 639 two-letter lowercase, or in combination with ISO 3166 two-letter uppercase subculture code, like “sv”, “de”, “sv-SE”, “da-DK”)
ShopCallbackUrlPurchaseEx, PurchaseEx2, GetPaymentFormThe browser will redirect to this page once the purchase has been completed. Used to display a thank-you-page for the end user.
ShopTermsUrlPurchaseEx, PurchaseEx2, GetPaymentFormThe page to which the Checkout will include a link for customers that wish to view the merchant terms for purchase.
CheckoutIdGetPaymentFormThe PSP’s unique checkout id. Gets set when initializing a new checkout session and should be specified in URL's back to Norce, like CallbackUrl or ValidationUrl etc as ?checkoutId={} See specific documentation for PSP.
ShopValidationUrlGetPaymentFormWhen PSP calls back to Norce Commerce during validation, this url point to an endpoint where Norce should pass the validation on to if you want to do your own validations as well.
StartNewSessionGetPaymentFormForce a new session at the PSP, clears out things that are usually persisted from the PSP, like purchase country and customer information, use this to reset the payment process at the PSP.

(*) For most payment service providers, this setting is not updatable, so if you want to change it you must clear old the checkout id and let the PSP start again, see StartNewSession parameter.

Samples in Postman

We have some good samples on how to work with the checkouts here.

Payment Adapters

And Gift card payment adapters

Suggested further reading