Credits and refunds using PSP Adapters

Crediting and refunding will frequently happen to all merchants. In Norce Commerce we support two types:

  • Credit allows you to refund, fully or partially, with a reference to one or more order rows.
  • A refund is a general refund or compensation that references the order as a whole and not a particular row.
  • Credits and refunds can not be done for orders with more than one payment type. If an order is partially paid with a gift card or other type the process has to be completed manually through each payment provider.
  • Gift card payments can not be credited or refunded through Norce.
  • All payment providers support and handle credit and refunds in different ways. Please see the documentation for the specific payment service adapter.

Implement Credits and Refunds


Credits are handled by sending in an Invoice object through the CreditPayment endpoint, where each order row and the corresponding amount that is affected should be represented. This is then passed on to each payment service provider to be processed.


Refunds are handled the same way as Credits using the CreditPayment endpoint. But rather than referencing an individual order row, the Invoice object should contain an order row with a product that has the type “Compensation”.

  1. Go to Product → Settings → Product Types and add the type Compensation Configuration
  2. Create a new product that has the type of Compensation
  3. Use this product for any refunds