Nets Easy Adapter

Formerly named Dibs easy.

See Adyen reference

For Dibs Easy Pay, Norce Commerce is enabling an iframe that is communicating directly with Nets.

Checkout payment, settle, cancel and credit are integrated for Nets Easy Pay.

Input parameters to Nets via the Norce Commerce Services's method GetPaymentForm or configured in the Admin UI: (There are more parameters sent to Dibs but they are automatically set by our adapter.)

Easy Pay Norce Commerce
Parameter Value Commerce Services, Name Norce Admin Value
TermsUrl url termsurl - url
Url url checkouturl - url
Url url returnurl (*) - url
Locale e.g. sv-SE Locale - e.g. sv-SE
paymentId checkoutId -
Checkout key - EncryptionKey
Secret key - Password

(*) optional

See also Working with the checkout process for common practices.