Klarna Shipping assistant

Klarna Shipping Assistant is a way to integrate your shipping options straight into the Klarna Checkout widget. Klarna Shipping Assistant displays the available options based on the integration between one of the shipping partners. Please refer to the Klarna documentation for each individual partner.

Once you have set up the integration between Klarna and the shipping partner you need to configure Norce Commerce.

  1. Create a Delivery Method with the External Provider PSP method. It must also have a pricing product row, typically set to zero.
  2. During the checkout process, the delivery method created above needs to be set to the cart using one of the UpdateDeliveryMethod API methods so it’s applied when the GetPaymentForm is triggered.
  3. The request parameter Tags can be used to add shipping information, which can be used to calculate shipping, as specified here .

All other delivery methods available in Norce will be passed to Klarna as fallback options. If one or more delivery methods shouldn’t be used as fallback, exclude it at the Payment Method Filter tab for the Klarna KCO v3 Payment Method.