Product integration from Norce to ERP
When products are first created in Norce and then later created in the ERP.
Event and Query
To get data out from Norce and into the ERP system, you need to listen to changes in Norce Commerce, using Event and lookup the specifics with Query.
For Norce [Storm] clients:
Important information
The most important fields and their purpose:
Field | Entity | Description | Usage |
PartNo | ProductSku | Norce generates the product identifier that should be used by the ERP system. It is possible to set up rules for the partno generation in the Admin UI | When products are created in Norce, use the seed generation preferrably. |
Status | ProductSku | Depict the life of the product. Active (1), Coming (2), Expiring (3), Hidden (4), Inactive (5) | New products are usually "coming" until they are ready to be sellable. |
Type | ProductSku | The type of product in Norce. These are defined in Norce, but most are not activated by default for a client. The most common are: Standard (1), Freight (3), ManagedStructure (37), Service (11), Extended (14), ManagedERPPackage (38), see xxx for more information on types | Nor all products are created in the ERP, for example ManagedStructure and Extended are commonly left in Norce, see more about Extended here (coming) |
Name | Product, ProductCulture | A short name of the product | |
EanCode | ProductSku | Primary GS1/EAN code on the product. There can be more, see postman examples on how to get those | |
Manufacturer | Product | Required on all products in Norce, together with ManufacturerPartNo it must be unique in the product catalog | |
ManufacturerPartNo | Product | Required on all products in Norce, together with Manufacturer it must be unique in the product catalog | |
(Supplier)PartNo, SupplierId | SupplierSkus | If the client has supplier information in Norce, one or more supplier skus can be related to the product. Each have supplier and a supplier PartNo. See more on suppliers here | |
CategoryId | Category | Each product should have a primary category. For new products this might be used to mark the product with sufficient information to the ERP so that it will be created correctly. See below | |
VatCodeId | SalesArea | For each sales area the product will have a vat rate | When vatcodeid is null it is inherited from primary category (or from application) |
ParametricId, Values, ListId, MultipleListId | ProductParametric, *Multiple | Products can have parametrics, use metadata to lookup more information, see below | Not all parametrics is needed in the ERP, maybe none. Which ones are different for each client. |
FlagId | ClientProductFlag | Product can have many flags, use metadata to lookup more information, see below | Not all flags is needed in the ERP, maybe none. Which ones are different for each client. |
An example fetching the important information from Commerce Query'ThePartNo')?$expand=Product($select=DefaultName,ManufacturerId,ManufacturerPartNo;$expand=Categories($filter=IsPrimary eq true;$select=CategoryId),SupplierSkus($select=PartNo,SupplierId),Parametrics($select=ParametricId,DefaultVarcharValue,DefaultHtmlValue,IntegerValue,DecimalValue,BooleanValue,DateValue,ListId,NormalizedValue),ParametricMultiple($select=ParametricId,MultipleId),Flags($select=FlagId,IsActive)),SalesAreas($select=SalesAreaId,VatCodeId)&$select=PartNo,StatusId,TypeId,EanCode,PriceLists
{ "@odata.context": "$metadata#ProductSkus(PartNo,StatusId,TypeId,EanCode,PriceLists,Product(DefaultName,ManufacturerId,ManufacturerPartNo,Categories(CategoryId),SupplierSkus(PartNo,SupplierId),Parametrics(ParametricId,DefaultVarcharValue,DefaultHtmlValue,IntegerValue,DecimalValue,BooleanValue,DateValue,ListId,NormalizedValue),ParametricMultiple(ParametricId,MultipleId),Flags(FlagId,IsActive)),SalesAreas(SalesAreaId,VatCodeId))/$entity", "PartNo": "PRD0001270", "StatusId": 1, "TypeId": 1, "EanCode": "123123123123123", "Product": { "ManufacturerId": 1685, "ManufacturerPartNo": "T540XP", "DefaultName": "T540XP", "Categories": [ { "CategoryId": 41722 } ], "SupplierSkus": [ { "PartNo": "123456122433", "SupplierId": 1545 }, { "PartNo": "3214325436543", "SupplierId": 5246 } ], "Parametrics": [ { "ParametricId": 1726, "DefaultVarcharValue": null, "DefaultHtmlValue": null, "IntegerValue": null, "DecimalValue": null, "BooleanValue": true, "DateValue": null, "ListId": null, "NormalizedValue": 1.000 }, { "ParametricId": 16057, "DefaultVarcharValue": "Husqvarna T540 XP is developed for the exclusive top segment of saws with top handles focusing on professional customers such as arborists, gardeners, gardeners and property caretakers who need excellent performance combined with the best possible ergonom", "DefaultHtmlValue": null, "IntegerValue": null, "DecimalValue": null, "BooleanValue": null, "DateValue": null, "ListId": null, "NormalizedValue": null }, { "ParametricId": 16061, "DefaultVarcharValue": null, "DefaultHtmlValue": null, "IntegerValue": null, "DecimalValue": null, "BooleanValue": null, "DateValue": null, "ListId": null, "NormalizedValue": null } ], "ParametricMultiple": [ { "ParametricId": 16061, "MultipleId": 44776 }, { "ParametricId": 16061, "MultipleId": 44778 }, { "ParametricId": 16061, "MultipleId": 44780 } ], "Flags": [ { "FlagId": 565, "IsActive": true }, { "FlagId": 915, "IsActive": true } ] }, "SalesAreas": [ { "SalesAreaId": 1, "VatCodeId": null }, { "SalesAreaId": 2, "VatCodeId": null } ] }
Optional metadata
To get more information on entities referred only with an id in query, you need to do extra lookups. Make sure to look up many at a time, instead of doing lookups for each product fetch. Put the response in your memory cache instead.
Additional information on the category could be information needed to create the product correctly in the ERP. Fetch the DefaultName, code and id and other default values, if they are null on the ProductSku or Product level.
Field | Entity | Description |
Id | Category | You get the Id from the ProductSku lookup above |
Code | Category | |
DefaultName | Category | |
BusinessArea | Category | Use this field if you need to mark the category with information that is needed when creating the New Product in the ERP. |
ParentCategoryId | CategoryHierarchy | If you need to look up the category tree to a level above |
Hierarchy | CategoryHierarchy | The category hierarchy level (1 is first level 2 and up is the lower levels) |
TODO: Add Parametric Group to query
An example fetching category information from Commerce Query$select=Id,Code,DefaultName
{ "@odata.context": "$metadata#Categories(Id,Code,DefaultName)", "value": [ { "Id": 2192, "Code": null, "DefaultName": "Bild" }, { "Id": 2193, "Code": null, "DefaultName": "TV" }, { "Id": 2194, "Code": null, "DefaultName": "LCD" }, { "Id": 2195, "Code": null, "DefaultName": "LED" }, { "Id": 2196, "Code": null, "DefaultName": "Tillbehör" }, { "Id": 2197, "Code": null, "DefaultName": "Digital-TV" }, ... ] }
{ "@odata.context": "$metadata#CategoryHierarchy", "value": [ { "CategoryId": 2192, "ParentCategoryId": 2192, "Hierarchy": 1 }, { "CategoryId": 2193, "ParentCategoryId": 2192, "Hierarchy": 1 }, { "CategoryId": 2193, "ParentCategoryId": 2193, "Hierarchy": 2 }, { "CategoryId": 2202, "ParentCategoryId": 2192, "Hierarchy": 1 }, { "CategoryId": 2202, "ParentCategoryId": 2200, "Hierarchy": 2 }, { "CategoryId": 2202, "ParentCategoryId": 2202, "Hierarchy": 3 }, ... ] }
Depending on the setup for the client, flags might contain important extra information needed on the product in the ERP.
The reason to lookup metadata on flags is to get Code or Group information, to be able to decide which flags that are interesting for the ERP.
Field | Entity | Description |
Id | ProductFlags | |
Code | ProductFlags | |
TypeId | ProductFlags | Product flag (1) or Variant flag (2) |
DefaultName | ProductFlags | |
(Group)Id | ProductFlagGroup | |
(Group)DefaultName | ProductFlagGroup |
TODO: Add group code to query
An example fetching flag information from Commerce Query$select=Id,TypeId,DefaultName,Code&$expand=Group($select=Id,Code,DefaultName)
{ "@odata.context": "$metadata#ProductFlags(Id,TypeId,GroupId,DefaultName,DefaultDescription,IsManuallyEditable,Code,Cultures(CultureCode,Name,Description),Group(Id,DefaultName,DefaultDescription,Cultures(CultureCode,Name,Description)))", "value": [ { "Id": 42, "TypeId": 1, "GroupId": 9, "DefaultName": "Utförsäljning", "DefaultDescription": null, "IsManuallyEditable": true, "Code": "sale", "Group": { "Id": 9, "DefaultName": "Manual flags", "DefaultDescription": "Manually defined product flags", } } ] }
Depending on the setup for the client, flags might contain important extra information needed on the product in the ERP.
The reason to lookup metadata on parametrics is to get Code and list metadata information, to be able to decide which parametrics that are interesting for the ERP.
Field | Entity | Description |
Id | Parametric | |
Code | Parametric | |
DefaultName | Parametric | |
(List)Id | ParametricList | |
(List)Code | ParametricList | |
DefaultVarcharValue | ParametricList | |
(Multiple)Id | ParametricMultiple | |
(Multiple)Code | ParametricMultiple | |
DefaultValue | ParametricMultiple |
An example fetching parametric information from Commerce Query API$select=Id,DefaultName,Code$select=Id,ParametricId,DefaultVarcharValue,Code$select=Id,ParametricId,DefaultValue,Code
{ "@odata.context": "$metadata#Parametrics(Id,DefaultName,Code)", "value": [ { "Id": 1684, "DefaultName": "Anitamodell", "Code": null }, { "Id": 1714, "DefaultName": "Fjärrkontroll", "Code": "fjarrkontroll" }, ... ] }
{ "@odata.context": "$metadata#ParametricListValues(Id,ParametricId,DefaultVarcharValue,Code)", "value": [ { "Id": 2145, "ParametricId": 1668, "DefaultVarcharValue": "4:3", "Code": "4-3" }, { "Id": 2146, "ParametricId": 1668, "DefaultVarcharValue": "16:9", "Code": "16-9" } ... ] }
{ "@odata.context": "$metadata#ParametricMultipleValues(Id,ParametricId,DefaultValue,Code)", "value": [ { "Id": 1505, "ParametricId": 1671, "DefaultValue": "DVB-T", "Code": null }, { "Id": 1506, "ParametricId": 1671, "DefaultValue": "DVB-C", "Code": null }, { "Id": 1507, "ParametricId": 1671, "DefaultValue": "DVB-C", "Code": null }, ... ] }
Build in attributes in Norce
There are many other fields in norce that can be of use, depending on the case. Here is an overview:
Field | Entity | Description |
IntegrationPartNo / DefaultIntegrationPartNo | ProductSku / Category | An optional identifier, use this if the ERP should has mapped several products in Norce to one integration product in the ERP |
CommodityCode / DefaultCommodityCode | ProductSku / Category | |
Grossweight / DefaultGrossWeight | ProductSku / Category | |
UnitOfMeasurementId / DefaultUnitOfMeasurementId | ProductSku / Category | Pieces (1), Hours (2), Kilogram (3), Litres (4), Pairs (5), Square meters (6), Meters (7) |
UnitOfMeasurementCount | ProductSku | Number of items in a sku |
IsDropShipOnly / DefaultIsDropShipOnly | ProductSku / Category | |
LogisticWidth | ProductSku | |
LogisticHeight | ProductSku | |
LogisticDepth | ProductSku | |
IsDangerousGoods | Product | Marks if the product is classified as dangerous goods and can only be shipped through specific delivery methods |
Code | Product | Variant identifier, all product entities with same code are groups as variants to each other |
Sales areas
Finding the Vatcode for a product is resolved from the settings on the Sales Area entities. If the vatcode is null on one level, check the next, follow the priority order below.
- ProductSkuSalesAreas (expands from ProductSku, see above) returns vatcodes set up on the product level.
- CategorySalesAreas (expands from Category, see above)
- SalesAreas (its own endpoint), this entity has all default information for the Sales areas, currencyid and VatCodeId.
Additionally, lookup ApplicationSalesArea to get primary sales area for the application, and lookup ClientSalesArea to get the external Code, if needed.
Field | Entity | Description |
SalesAreaId or Id | ProductSkuSalesArea / CategorySalesArea / SalesArea | Product and Category returns all sales areas that are set up for the client, but VatCode can be null. |
DefaultName | SalesArea | A vat code region in clear text. |
DefaultCurrencyId | SalesArea | Norce configured default currency, lookup currencies separately if needed |
DefaultVatCodeId | SalesArea | Norce configured default vatcode for the specific sales area |
IsPrimary | ApplicationSalesArea | One sales area only can be default for an application |
Code | ClientSalesArea | The configured code if needed |
Fetching sales area information from Norce Commerce Query$select=Id,DefaultName,DefaultCurrencyId,DefaultVatCodeId$ApplicationId,SalesAreaId,IsPrimary,IsActive$select=SalesAreaId,IsPrimary,Code
Other core entities
Fetch manufacturers and suppliers to look up the codes, which is usually the identifiers recognized by other systems like the ERP.
Field | Entity | Description |
ManufacturerId | ClientManufacturer | |
ManufacturerCode | ClientManufacturer | |
(Manufacturer)Name | ClientManufacturer | |
SupplierId | ClientSupplier | |
SupplierCode | ClientSupplier | |
(Supplier)Name | ClientSupplier |
Fetching parametric information from Commerce Query API$select=ManufacturerId,ManufacturerCode,Name$select=SupplierId,SupplierCode,Name
Event settings
The primary event type needed is SkuChangedNotification, which listens to changes to anything regarding the products. There is quite a lot of settings that can be user, read more about what they mean on the page about event settings. Here is an example with explanations.
Entity | On Insert | On Update | On Delete | Filter |
tCategorySalesArea | No | Yes (vatcodeid) | No | Filter on relevant sales areas for the ERP (commonly only one) |
tClientProductSku | Yes | Yes (choose only the fields the erp needs updates on) | No | Filter on erp-enables product types only (usually 'Standard' only) |
tClientProductSkuSalesArea | Yes | Yes (vatcodeid) | No | Filter on relevant sales areas for the ERP (commonly only one) |
tProduct | Yes | Yes (choose only the fields the erp needs updates on) | No | n/a |
tProductFlag (*) | Yes | Yes (flagId, isactive) | No | Filter on only the flags that the erp is interested in |
tProductParametric (*) | Yes | Yes (only the types of values needed) | Yes | n/a |
tProductParametricMultiple (*) | Yes (only of multiple type is needed) | n/a | Yes | n/a |
(*) Flags and parametric is only required if the client has som specific information on them that is needed in the ERP.
Note, onhand and price is discussed on other pages, but could also be added here to the same event settings.
- Read more here: Event settings