Building an order receiver service
The order receiver handles the order requests sent from Norce Commerce and handles the integration and processes when sending it into the ERP system.
For sales orders it is important that this happens as soon as possible after the checkout is done, so that the orders gets fulfilled according to the promise to the end customer.
To this end Norce Commerce has defined a straightforward, but different integration process from all others, where a service inside Norce Commerce calls out directly to the integration, posting an order request and expects an answer back.
If something does not work, Norce Commerce has a retry functionality that repeats the call for a time until it is handled by the support organisation.
Examples and other resources
- Guides
- Norce Commerce Connect
Responsibilities of the Order receiver
When an order is created in Norce Commerce, it should be configured to call the order receiver, that performs the order integration into the ERP system. Norce Commerce will send an JSON- or XML-request that contains all information needed to create a normal order. (Although it is possible to lookup more information using Norce Commerce Query, for special cases)
Your order receiver maps and sometimes add its own client specific business logic before sending the order to the target system.
Common responsibilities for a receiver is:
- Mapping the OrderRequest to a format the target understands
- Routing the order to the correct target (if client has many)
- Handling errors or problems in the integration
- Log and notify client or hosting partner
- Return correct status to Norce Commerce with the OrderResponse
You can configure the order post in the Client settings page under the ERP integration header.
The important settings for the order receiver configuration are:
- Erp endpoint type (SOAP, REST(Legacy), REST or No Integration)
REST is recommended practice, No integration disables the order integration (use this for demo purposes) and REST (Legacy) is a older version only for backward compatibility, use REST instead. - Erp endpoint url
The address to the integrations endpoint. - Erp endpoint username and password
the username and password to access the endpoint, basic authentication.
When in production it is required to have an endpoint behind basic authentication and using https.
The OrderRequest message
The OrderRequest is a large and complex contract.
Here are some important fields:
- Header/ApplicationKey (GUID) Application key represents an application configured in Norce. See under settings/application in the Admin UI. Check this value to route or handle different markets differently in the integration.
- ClientOrderRef This is the id from the basket (or from a source system) and is unique in the order ledger. Use this to identify retries of the same order (preventing duplicates)
- Payments/Payment/PaymentRef Every payment has an identifier from the PSP. This should be sent in to the ERP and can be used there for tracking and matching payments to orders.
- Items/OrderItem/PartNo The partno identifies the product and should be recognized by the ERP (if it's a standard product).
- Items/OrderItem/UnitPrice, UnitVat and Quantity The order has no line amount, instead you get the unit information and need to calculate total amounts yourself, if needed.
- Many places.../AdditionalInfo/Value/Code and Value Customer specific fields that is added in the checkout process will turn up here. You find additionalinfo under
, see Customization below.
An example OrderRequest message
{ "SellTo": { "Company": null, "Person": { "CustomerCode": "CUST0001", "CompanyCode": null, "FirstName": "John", "LastName": "Doe", "JobTitle": null, "PrivatePhone": "0701234567", "CellPhone": "0707654321", "WorkPhone": null, "Email": "", "SSN": null, "Address": { "Type": null, "Line1": "123 Example Street", "Line2": null, "Box": "", "ZipCode": "12345", "City": "Anytown", "Region": null, "Country": "SE", "CareOf": null, "ShippingPhoneNumber": null, "Gln": null, "ExtensionData": null }, "AdditionalInfo": [], "IsActive": null } }, "BillTo": { "Company": null, "Person": { "CustomerCode": "BILL0002", "CompanyCode": null, "FirstName": "Jane", "LastName": "Smith", "JobTitle": null, "PrivatePhone": "0812345678", "CellPhone": "0709876543", "WorkPhone": null, "Email": "", "SSN": null, "Address": { "Type": null, "Line1": "456 Invoice Lane", "Line2": null, "Box": "", "ZipCode": "54321", "City": "Billingville", "Region": null, "Country": "SE", "CareOf": null, "ShippingPhoneNumber": null, "Gln": null, "ExtensionData": null }, "AdditionalInfo": [], "IsActive": null } }, "ShipTo": { "Company": null, "Person": { "CustomerCode": "SHIP0003", "CompanyCode": null, "FirstName": "Alice", "LastName": "Johnson", "JobTitle": null, "PrivatePhone": "0105555555", "CellPhone": "0705555555", "WorkPhone": null, "Email": "", "SSN": null, "Address": { "Type": null, "Line1": "789 Shipping Blvd", "Line2": null, "Box": "", "ZipCode": "67890", "City": "Shipville", "Region": null, "Country": "SE", "CareOf": null, "ShippingPhoneNumber": null, "Gln": null, "ExtensionData": null }, "AdditionalInfo": [], "IsActive": null } }, "SalesContactCode": "SALES001", "SalesContactDivision": "Division A", "DoHold": false, "ClientOrderRef": "REF12345", "SubmitDate": "2024-12-18T12:00:00+01:00", "CustomerOrderRef": "ORDER123", "CustomerOrderComment": "Please handle with care.", "CurrencyCode": "SEK", "ReferId": null, "Payments": [ { "PaymentCode": 10001, "PaymentMethodCode": "credit_card", "PaymentRef": "PAYREF123", "Amount": 1500.00, "CurrencyCode": "SEK", "AdditionalInfo": [ { "Id": 1, "Code": "CardType", "Value": "Visa" }, { "Id": 2, "Code": "CardHolder", "Value": "John Doe" } ], "PaymentName": "Credit Card Payment" } ], "Discounts": [], "ShippingAdvice": { "DeliveryMethodCode": "PostNord", "DoSMSNotify": true, "PickupStore": { "Code": "STORE001", "Name": "Central Warehouse", "IsDropPoint": true }, "IsFeeChargedOnce": true, "IsComplete": true, "ShipAdvisorOrderCode": null, "TmsReference": null }, "Items": [ { "LineNo": 1, "ParentLineNo": null, "Type": "ErpStandard", "TypeGroup": "Physical", "PartNo": "ITEM001", "ErpPartNo": "ITEM001", "InternalProductId": "10001", "Description": "Example Product 1", "Quantity": 2, "UnitOfMeasure": "pcs", "UnitPrice": 300.00, "UnitPriceOriginal": 300.00, "Discount": 0.00, "UnitVat": 75.00, "PriceListNo": 1, "VatRate": 25.00, "Comment": "Urgent delivery", "AdditionalInfo": [ { "Id": 1, "Code": "Warranty", "Value": "2 years" } ], "PriceLists": [ { "PriceListName": "Standard List", "QtyBreak": 1, "UnitPrice": 300.00, "IsStandardPriceList": true, "IsActive": true } ], "Promotions": [], "ManufacturerCode": "example_manufacturer", "Quantity2": 2.000 } ], "Fees": [], "Header": { "ApplicationKey": "123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000" }, "OrderType": 1, "Source": "Online", "CustomerInvoiceRef": "INV12345", "DiscountCode": "DISCOUNT2024", "ExtensionData": null }
Read more about the OrderRequest in the Norce Commerce Connect API Reference.
Responses to Norce
If Norce Commerce receives anything but 200
(OK) and a well-formed OrderResponse, Norce Commerce will try to send the same request again every 10 minutes for six hours or until we receive the OK. After that it will fall into manual handling and checkup by Norce support.
Your different possible responses are:
- **OK, without an ERP order number (Asynchronous process) This means that the order is being processed by the ERP system, but has not been confirmed yet. Some ERP systems takes a longer time to be processed. This response sets the Order in Norce to
, and requires a status update, using SendOrderStatus in Norce Commerce Connect, to confirm the order. - **OK, with an ERP order number (Synchronous process) This means that the order was received and
by the ERP system. The Erp order number is returned in the response. - Failed This means that the order is failing during the integration process. The error is logged and tracked on your side in the order receiver. The description you set on the response message is logged in Norce.
- Another httpStatusCode, like Service Unavailable, BadRequest, InternalServerError, etc. and no content in the response. This triggers Norce Commerces retry functionality and described above.
OrderResponse message examples JSON
Ok - with ErpOrderNo
{ "StatusCode": "OK", "Description": "No error, order status is set to confirmed.", "HasErpOrderNo": true, "ErpOrderNo": "ErpNo_5670588" }
Ok - without ErpOrderNo
{ "StatusCode": "OK", "Description": "No error, order status is set to allocated.", "HasErpOrderNo": false, "ErpOrderNo": null }
{ "StatusCode": "Failed", "Description": "Managed Error, this message is logged in Norce Commerce, no retry.", "HasErpOrderNo": false, "ErpOrderNo": null }
OrderResponse message examples XML
Ok - with ErpOrderNo
<OrderResponse xmlns:i="" xmlns="Enferno.Services.StormConnect.Contracts.Order"> <StatusCode>OK</StatusCode> <Description>No error, order status is set to confirmed.</Description> <HasErpOrderNo>true</HasErpOrderNo> <ErpOrderNo>ErpNo_5670588</ErpOrderNo> </OrderResponse>
Ok - without ErpOrderNo
<OrderResponse xmlns:i="" xmlns="Enferno.Services.StormConnect.Contracts.Order"> <StatusCode>OK</StatusCode> <Description>No error, order status is set to allocated.</Description> <HasErpOrderNo>false</HasErpOrderNo> <ErpOrderNo/> </OrderResponse>
<OrderResponse xmlns:i="" xmlns="Enferno.Services.StormConnect.Contracts.Order"> <StatusCode>Failed</StatusCode> <Description>Managed Error, this message is logged in Norce Commerce, no retry.</Description> <HasErpOrderNo>false</HasErpOrderNo> <ErpOrderNo/> </OrderResponse>
Read more about the OrderResponse in the Connect API Reference.
The checkout process can add information on the Basket (that is added to the OrderRequest
) by using the configurable info types on the client. These are added to the OrderRequest as items under AdditionalInfo collections.
Configure info types in the Admin UI for
Receiving an OrderRequest
The Order Receiver Service accepts orders from Norce in JSON or XML format. Below are code examples demonstrating how to implement endpoints for receiving OrderRequest messages.
An OrderRequest
contains order details such as customer information, shipping address, and order items. It is sent to your service using HTTP POST.
Example Endpoints
Below are two example endpoints: one for receiving JSON and another for receiving XML.
/// <summary> /// Receive an OrderRequest from Norce in JSON format /// </summary> /// <param name="norceOrderRequest">Norce will POST an Enferno.Services.StormConnect.Contracts.Order.OrderRequest</param> /// <returns>ERP order data mapped to Enferno.Services.StormConnect.Contracts.Order.OrderResponse</returns> [HttpPost("json", Name = "ReceiveOrderRequestJson")] [Consumes("application/json")] // Specifies JSON as input format [Produces("application/json")] // Returns JSON response public async Task<IActionResult> PostJson(Enferno.Services.StormConnect.Contracts.Order.OrderRequest norceOrderRequest) { _logger.LogInformation("Order request received for {ClientOrderRef}", norceOrderRequest.ClientOrderRef); // Process the order and send a response var orderResponse = new Enferno.Services.StormConnect.Contracts.Order.OrderResponse { StatusCode = "Ok", HasErpOrderNo = true, ErpOrderNo = Guid.NewGuid().ToString() // Set to order number from Erp }; return Ok(orderResponse); }
Required NuGet Packages
To use the OrderRequest
and OrderResponse
objects in your integration, ensure that you include the Enferno.Services.StormConnect.Contracts NuGet Package in your project:
Install it using the Package Manager Console:
Install-Package Enferno.Services.StormConnect.Contracts
Recommended practices
Check for duplicates
It is important that the integration is designed with retries in mind. This means that duplicate checks must be in place. If, for example, Norce Commerce sends an order and gets a timeout exception. 10 minuter later the order will be sent again. The integration must handle that duplicate check, using the web order number (ClientOrderRef
) as key.
Handle errors in the receiver
The only reason that the retry functionality in Norce Commerce should be used is when the receiver endpoint is down, configured incorrectly or during a service window. Design the receiver so that it logs and monitors errors directly and return a Failed
status. Otherwise, Norce Commerce will handle the problem much later, at the earliest six hours after the order was created and by people with no access to your receiver logs.
Use the retry functionality for service downtime
The retry functionality exists to handle planned and expected service downtimes, both for the receiver and for the target system. When the receiver is down this works automatically, but use this also when the target system (ERP system) you pass on the order to is down. Return a status code, like ServiceUnavailable
, until its up again and log the errors as warnings.