Connect Order schemas
Import of order statuses, delivery notes and invoices and sending out new orders to integrated systems.
Box information. Max length: 100
Care of information. Max length: 100
City. Max length: 50
Country code in ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 format, e.g. SE, BY. Max length: 2
First line of address. Max length: 100
Second line of address. Max length: 100
Region. Max length: 50
Always null. Deprecated
Zip code. Max length: 50
Basket/Quotation id. Used for order matching.
ERP order number. Used for order matching.
If supplied, a cancel call is made for all included payments. Required property for each Payment is PaymentRef.
Represents a company.
Represents information about person related to an order.
Configurable identifier in Norce Commerce. This has erroneous behaviour.
Configurable identifier in Norce Commerce.
Norce Commerce internal id for the info type (use code instead)
The value set to the item from an integrated system to Norce Commerce.
Always null, deprecated.
Always null, deprecated.
Company code. If exists the company is already in ERP. Max length: 50
Always false, deprecated.
Always null, deprecated.
Always null, deprecated.
Always null, deprecated.
Always false, deprecated.
Company name. Max length: 100
Always false, decprecated.
Always null, deprecated.
Always null, deprecated.
Always null, deprecated.
Always false, deprecated.
VAT number. Max length: 50
Box information. Max length: 100
Care of information. Max length: 100
City. Max length: 50
Country code in ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 format, e.g. SE, BY. Max length: 2
First line of address. Max length: 100
Second line of address. Max length: 100
Region. Max length: 50
Always null. Deprecated
Zip code. Max length: 50
Part no of delivered item.
Quantity of items shipped.
Delivery note line number.
Supplier comment.
Item description.
Always null, deprecated.
Always null, deprecated
Tracking number.
Parcel status:<br>4 = Delivered<br>6 = Canceled<br>11 = Ready for pickup<br>12 = Pickedup<br>20 = Reserved
Discount amount.
Discount code. Used for discount matching in Norce Commerce.
Discount type
Fee amount.
Fee description.
Fee type.<br>0 = Shipping<br>1 = Invoice
VAT in percent.
Application from where the order is created.
Reference basket/quotation id.
Currency code, e.g. SEK. Max length: 3
Reference ERP order number.
Invoice creation date.
Invoice identification number. Must be unique.
First line of receiver's address.
Second line of receiver's address.
Application identifier.
Receiver attention.
Receiver care of.
Receiver's city.
Client comment.
Receiver's country.
Country code (e.g. 'SE') explicit set for invoice to be forwarded to PSP.
Invoice number of the invoice to credit (Only mandatory for credits).
Culture code (e.g. 'sv-SE') explicit set for invoice to be forwarded to PSP.
Date when order was shipped.
Global location number. Identifier for company/customer.
Code used for grouping of invoices (for partial invoicing).
Last date for invoice payments.
Total invoice round off.
Determines if all invoices already received in case of partial payments. Null is considered as true.
List of invoiced order items. Mandatory for PSP capture.
Receiver name
Represents successful payment reservation. Either PaymentCode or PaymentRef must be provided.
Code for payment method used (for receipts).
Name of payment method used (for receipts).
Receiver's region.
Set to true to suppress a PSP call for this invoice. Invoice will be stored as information only.
VAT amount
Receiver's zip code.
Item part no.
Quantity of invoiced items.
Unit price
Item description. Mandatory for PSP capture.
Line number.
Item price list.
Product name.
Unit VAT amount. Mandatory for PSP capture.
VAT rate in percent. Mandatory for PSP capture.
Info code. Used for info matching.
Value to set
Norce Commerce generated row identifier. Unique within the order.
Article number (Part No) in Norce Commerce.
Number of items ordered.
Item quantity for non-integer values.
Type of product.
Product type group.
Sale price for one item only excluding VAT (to get the row amount you multiply with quantity).
Sale price before discounts.
VAT amount for one item (to get the row VAT multiply with quantity).
VAT in percent
Client specific information on order item.
Row comment.
Product description (ERP name in Norce Commerce).
Article number in ERP (usually same as PartNo, different for SKU type 13 'Accumulation').
Internal product id in Norce Commerce.
Exists if the row is a child to another row, e.g. in case of service articles or items in a package/bundle.
Price list from which the price is derived.
All price lists that the unit price original is based on. This is a list of all pricelists in the hierarchy.
List of all promotions applied to the order item.
Unit of measurement, e.g. pieces, mm, g.
Client specific information on the order
Represents customer, either a person or a company.
Usually weborder number (basket id in Norce Commerce). For orders from external source this is their number. Max length: 50
Currency code in ISO 4217 format, e.g. "SEK", "EUR", "USD". Max length: 3
Comment field
Buyers reference, usually added in the checkout for B2B orders. Max length: 50
List of order discounts that are not represented on order lines. Not commonly used.
True if web solution thinks that this order should be manually validated before processed
Usually empty. If exists this is a suggestion from web solution which order number the order should have in ERP. Max length: 50
Collection of fees on the order. Not commonly used, the fees are mostly implemented as order items with TypeGroup "Fee".
Header information about order.
Collection of order rows. Other than the articles this collection can also contain fees such as freight.
Order type:<br>1 = Order<br>3 = Subscription/Recurring order<br>5 = External order
An order can have several payments. Usually this is only one, but sometime there are an additional payment method like giftcard or a voucher.
If order is created from a referral like an ad
Code of sales contact if a sales rep should be marked as seller. Max length: 50
Code of sales department if a sales dep should be marked as seller. Max length: 50
Represents customer, either a person or a company.
Represents customer, either a person or a company.
Represents order shipping information
Order source. Should be WEB for all orders created from client web sites.
Timestamp when order was created in Norce Commerce.
True if ErpOrder number is provided.
Order response status. Allowed values are "OK" or "Failed". Max length: 50
Use this for a more information if status code is failed. Max length: 255
Order number from the ERP, if available. Can be sent in with SendOrderStatus as well. Max length: 50
Payment code. Used for payment matching.
Payment method that should be sent in to the ERP, the code is configurable in Norce Commerce.
Transaction identifier from 3rd party, like payment service provider.
3rd party specific information abount payment (client and PSP decides what this can contain).
Amount paid or reserved including VAT after rounding rules.
Currency code in ISO 4217 format, e.g. "SEK", "EUR", "USD". Max length: 3
Name of the payment selected at the provider, e.g. "Card", "BankAccount", "Swish". Names are PSP dependent.
Represents person or company address.
Mobile phone number. Max length: 50
Always null, deprecated.
Customer code. If exists the person is already in ERP. Max length: 50
Personal email. Max length: 255
Person name. Max length: 50
Person job title. Max length: 10
Person surname. Max length: 50
Private phone number. Max length: 50
Social security number. Max length: 50
Work phone number. Max length: 50
3rd party specific information on pickup point (client and transporter decides what this can contain).
Represents person or company address.
Transporter code for store.
Determines if store is pick up point.
Store name
Sets item in price list to active or inactive.
Determines if price list is standard.
Name of price list. Max length: 50
Threshold value for applying price list based on item quantity.
Sale price for one item only excluding VAT.
Amount applied to the order item from this promotion.
External code for the promotion (if configured in Norce Commerce). Max length: 50
Norce Commerce internal id for the promotion.
Name of the promotion. Max length: 255
Quotation/basket id. Used for order matching as reference.
ERP order number. Used for order matching.
Order status.
Norce Commerce account used for order update.
List of additional order information fields.
Application identifier
External identifier for the delivery note.
External identifier for related invoice.
External identifier for shipment.
External identifier for the warehouse to ship items from.
External identifier for the warehouse to receive the items.
Barcode for whole shipment (individual shipment packages may have individual barcodes)
Carrier service name
Carrier service shipment reference
Carrier service tracking url.
User comment.
Items in the shipment
Name of receiver
Name of sender
List of shipment parts.
Represents person or company address.
Represents person or company address.
Line number
The item's part number
Quantity of the item
Name of the item.
External reference to which shipment package that includes this item.
Deprecated. Use PurchaseCost.
Purchase cost of the item.
Unit cost of the item.
External identifier for the package. May be referenced on a shipment item.
Barcode for the shipment package. Not necessarily the same a s the shipment barcode.
General comment for shipment package.
Delivery method sent to ERP, configurable in Norce Commerce
True if buyer expects SMS notifications when delivery is ready.
True if it is expected that the order is shipped only once, no partial deliveries.
True if it is expected that the freight fee should be charged one time even if order is delivered in several dispatches.
Represents pickup store for an order
Code of the order from the shipping advisor (if Norce Commerce has integration to it).
Shipping reference from PSP or other TMS if available.
List of items for the warehouse transaction.
Item part number.
Quantity of item in transaction.
Value of item in transaction.
Item line number.
Remaining amount of the item.
Remaining quantity of the item.
External identifier for the warehouse transaction.
External identifier of the affected warehouse.
General comment.
Optional delivery note number if transaction has delivery note connection.
Optional external reference.
External identifier of the affected location.
Optional order reference if transaction has order connection.
Optional purchase order reference if transaction has purchase order connection.
Reason for transaction (user defined).
Date of the transaction.
Type of warehouse transaction.
Item part number.
Quantity of item in transaction.
Value of item in transaction.
Item line number.
Remaining amount of the item.
Remaining quantity of the item.