Introducing Norce Commerce

The Norce Commerce Product is the new eCommerce and PIM platform from Norce.

It is a "child" of both Norce [Storm] and Norce [Jetshop] in different ways.

We have taken the rich functionality, micro-service architecture and composability from Norce [Storm] and combined it with the cloud-native infrastructure, secure and robustness from Norce [Jetshop].

From this we have created one feature-rich, modern and powerful new product.

Difference from Norce [Storm]

Most features are included from Norce [Storm] to Norce Commerce, except the obsolete and legacy features and services, which is removed completely.

Some functionality has been changes to take into account how the new infrastructure works, for example Norce Commerce Event, that uses webhooks instead of Azure Service Bus.

See the upgrade guide for more information on the changes.

New names and terms

There are some changes to names and termonology to be aware of:

Norce Commerce Services

Old name(s) New name(s) Notes
Storm API and Norce [Storm] API Norce Commerce Services / Commerce Services The old Storm API is now referred to as just "Services" or "Norce Commerce Services", with this change we want to stress the move to more autonomous service components that are less dependent on the eachother.
We also move the versioning from path/v1.1/productservice to be under the service like path/productservice/v1.1 instead.

Norce Commerce Connect, Query, Event and Feed

Old name(s) New name(s) Notes
Storm Connect API / Norce [Storm] Connect API Norce Commerce Connect / Commerce Connect In documentation it is sometimes shortened to Norce Connect, or just Connect.
Storm Query API / Norce [Storm] Query API Norce Commerce Query / Commerce Query In documentation it is sometimes shortened to Norce Query, or just Query.
Storm Event / Norce [Storm] Event Norce Commerce Event / Commerce Event Event has undergone a change, using webhooks instead of allowing for direct connection to our Azure Service Bus.
Read more about this in the upgrade article.
Storm Channel Feed / Channel Service or Norce [Storm] Channel Service Norce Commerce Product feed / Product feed The channel service or channel feed are now just called Product Feed. It is more accurate naming for what it does.

API's and versioning

The API reference documentation has gotten a version feature, where each API currently has a Norce [Storm] version and a Norce Commerce version. At the time of writing they are identical, but might change in the future (2024->and forward). When needed, we will add a new minor (0.x) or major (x.0) version to the reference documentation, alongside the older ones.

API versions

Difference from Norce [Jetshop]

For Jetshop users and customers there are more things different, since the new product's feature-set is built on top of a whole different product. Most features you have in the Jetshop platform is there, and might even be more advanced, but it might need some time getting used to.

Check out our coming training and tutorials, or ask us for more information through our contact center.

Read more

  • Read about the upgrade path from Norce [Storm] to Norce Commerce here .
  • Read about the upgrade possibilities for Norce [Jetshop] customers here (not ready yet).
  • About the new infrastructure .