Gets the NavigationStructure for the Application. The NavigationStructure is used to get the list of NavigationNodes. See IProductService.ListNavigationNodes for more information.
curl -i -X GET \
{ "Id": 0, "Name": "string", "Description": "string", "IsDefault": true }
curl -i -X GET \ ''
Key is unique for the NavigationNode and used when listing the content displayed for the node.
Hierarchy represents the current navigation path within the NavigationNode structure. Hierarchy is used to get the sub nodes for current node. MaxLength: 4000.
The target path, if any, for the NavigationNode. This can be a direct link to any page that defines the content for the node. Depending on TypeId. MaxLength: 500.
A comma separated list of flag internal ids, if any, for the NavigationNode. MaxLength: 255.
The image key for the first underlying category, if any. Url for images are formed like http://[client specific CDN]/{ImageKey}. Preset, height and width can be sent as parameters.
A count of existing products under this node. It will have a value if fetched from an operation which calculates the value, null otherwise.
[ { "Key": "string", "Hierarchy": "string", "TypeId": 0, "Name": "string", "TargetPath": "string", "ManufacturerSeed": "string", "CategorySeed": "string", "FlagIdSeed": "string", "ImageKey": "string", "Description": "string", "ProductCount": 0 } ]
Specifies the parent hierarchy for the NavigationNodes to list. If none is supplied all nodes will be listed. Sample: /1/
Specifies the number of levels deep to go. If none is supplied all nodes will be listed.
If set to true only nodes with underlying products will be fetched. If false, all nodes will be fetched. Default value is false.
Accepts a comma separated string of Status internal ids. Lookup references in ListStatuses.
Accepts a comma separated string of Assortment internal ids. Lookup references in ListAssortments.
Specifies if the product count should be grouped as products or as variants. Default is false which returns a list of products. Set to true if variants are wanted.
curl -i -X GET \ ''
Key is unique for the NavigationNode and used when listing the content displayed for the node.
Hierarchy represents the current navigation path within the NavigationNode structure. Hierarchy is used to get the sub nodes for current node. MaxLength: 4000.
The target path, if any, for the NavigationNode. This can be a direct link to any page that defines the content for the node. Depending on TypeId. MaxLength: 500.
A comma separated list of flag internal ids, if any, for the NavigationNode. MaxLength: 255.
The image key for the first underlying category, if any. Url for images are formed like http://[client specific CDN]/{ImageKey}. Preset, height and width can be sent as parameters.
A count of existing products under this node. It will have a value if fetched from an operation which calculates the value, null otherwise.
[ { "Key": "string", "Hierarchy": "string", "TypeId": 0, "Name": "string", "TargetPath": "string", "ManufacturerSeed": "string", "CategorySeed": "string", "FlagIdSeed": "string", "ImageKey": "string", "Description": "string", "ProductCount": 0 } ]
curl -i -X GET \
[ { "Id": 0, "Name": "string", "Description": "string", "ImageKey": "string", "Code": "string" } ]