Connect Product schemas
Entities, enums and methods for importing products and product related information.
Unique code for competitor.
Competitor part number.
Specifies if the SKU is in stock at the competitor.
Specifies if prices are incl. VAT (true) or excluding VAT (false).
Part number in Norce to which the competitor data is referencing.
The sale price from the competitor.
Competitor sale price incl. freight, same as PriceSale if no freight.
Source of competitor data.
Name of the competitor.
ISO 4217 code for the currency that prices are in.
Represents a popularity ranking from an external source.
Product name for competitor data.
Specifies target sales area.
VAT rate in percentage.
Account which initiated the import. Learn about system accounts <a href='/connectintegration/#using-system-accounts'>here</a>.
Array of strings representing competitor fields to be processed.<br/>(Use the integer instead of the name for the xml content type)<br/><br/>0 = CompetitorName<br>1 = ProductName<br>2 = VatRate<br>3 = ExternalPopularities (Deprecated, not supported any longer)
Flag that specify how Norce Commerce Connect will handle the import. If true, all prices from the competitors not in this import will be deactivated. If false, the import will be handled as an update only, and other products already having prices will be ignored.
Norce Commerce Connect job id. Only exists in import logs. Should be omitted in the import request.
Request serialization type.(Use the integer instead of the name for the xml content type)<br/><br/>0 = JSON, 1 = XML
Location of the import file on Norce's file area. Can be used instead of sending data directly in payload.
Derived from base header. Ignored in competitor import.
Delivery method code. Used for delivery method matching in Norce Commerce.
Sets product delivery method to active or inactive. Default true.
Package percentage.
Part number in Norce Commerce to which the popularity information is referencing.
The popularity valu for the SKU.
The name of the external source. This name must correlate to a configured source in Norce Commerce.
Product flag code. Used for product flag matching in Norce Commerce.
Determines if a product flag is to be set or unset.
If true, data is only saved if flag record is new. Default: false.
If true, data is only saved if flag record is new or last updated by the same account as the one initiating the update. Default: false
Shows when flag was disabled for product.
External identifier for image matching.
File type code. Should match file info set up in Norce Commerce, e.g. "MainImage", "Additional", "Embedded".
Url to where the image is located. Must be a publically accessible endpoint.
Image file name. If omitted it will be parsed from the url. Max length: 50
Time when image was last updated. Deprecated.
External code for additional information field to be matched in Norce Commerce.
Value to be set or updated on the information field.
External parametric code configured in Norce Commerce. Used to match parameter.
List of parametric translations.
List of possible values to set for parametrics with multiple value choice.
Boolean value to set.
Date/time value to set.
Decimal value to set.
Integer value to set.
Parametric value for list of choices.
Culture code, e.g. "sv-SE".
Translated text parametric value. Max length 255 chars for text-values, unlimited for HTML-values.
Parametric value code. Use for parametric value matching in Norce Commerce.
Value to set
Description of the value
Array with localized versions of value and description
Externally defined price list code. Used to match price list in Norce Commerce.
Currency code in ISO 4217 format, e.g. "SEK", "EUR", "USD".
Price rule to be set as default.<br>1 = Cost plus<br>2 = Fixed price<br>3 = Margin (purchase cost)<br>4 = Use recommended price<br>5 = Cost plus (unit cost)<br>6 = Margin (unit cost)<br>7 = Use standard price (pct discount)<br>8 = Competitive (purchase cost)<br>9 = Competitive (unit cost)<br>10 = Use standard price (fixed discount)<br>11 = Structure calculation<br>12 = Use catalog price
Default price list value.
Price list description
End date/time when price list is no longer valid.
Determines if price list is primary. Only one price list can be primary on an application.
Determines if price list is public and active.
Determines if price list is favorite for the current application.
Price list name. Max length: 50
Start time when price list is valid and applied.
Price list type code
List of warehouses where this price list is applicable.
Sales area identifier.<br>1 = Sweden<br>2 = Norway<br>3 = Denmark<br>4 = Finland<br>5 = UnitedKingdom<br>6 = Estonia<br>7 = Greenland<br>8 = Germany<br>9 = Italy<br>10 = Austria<br>11 = Spain<br>12 = Netherlands<br>13 = Belgium<br>14 = France<br>15 = Switzerland<br>17 = USA<br>18 = Ireland<br>19 = Canada<br>20 = Lithuania<br>21 = Latvia<br>22 = Japan<br>23 = SouthKorea<br>24 = Australia<br>25 = Europe<br>26 = Poland<br>27 = CzechRepublic<br>28 = Russia<br>29 = NoVAT<br>36 = Bulgaria<br>37 = Croatia<br>38 = Cyprus<br>39 = Greece<br>40 = Hungary<br>41 = Luxembourg<br>42 = Malta<br>43 = Portugal<br>44 = Romania<br>45 = Slovakia<br>46 = Slovenia
Default minimum product margin percentage.
Limit to recommended price.
Code of parent price list.
Default supplemental charge (fixed)
Default supplemental charge (percentage)
List of price rules.
Price list population.
Account which initiated the import. Learn about system accounts <a href='/connectintegration/#using-system-accounts'>here</a>.
Array of strings representing price list fields to be processed.<br/>(Use the integer instead of the name for the xml content type)<br/><br/>0 = Name<br>1 = CurrencyCode<br>2 = StartDate<br>3 = EndDate<br>4 = IsPublic<br>5 = IsPrimary<br>6 = TypeCode<br>7 = Warehouses (required if you have WarehouseFieldsThatAreSet and WarehouseLocationFieldsThatAreSet values)<br>8 = DefaultPriceRule<br>9 = Description<br>10 = IsErpIntegrated (Deprecated, not supported any longer)<br>11 = DoNotCreateApplicationPriceList (Will not automatically create a relation to the application)<br>12 = SalesArea<br>13 = DefaultMinMarginPercent<br>14 = LimitToRecPrice<br>15 = ParentPriceListCode<br>16 = DefaultSupplementalChargeFixed<br>17 = DefaultSupplementalChargePercent<br>18 = PriceRules<br>19 = PriceRulesCleanup (Remove all price rules before import starts)<br>20 = PriceRulesLimitedUpdate<br>21 = Population<br>22 = PopulationCleanup (Remove all populations before import starts)
Norce Commerce Connect job id. Only exists in import logs. Should be omitted in the import request..
Request serialization type.(Use the integer instead of the name for the xml content type)<br/><br/>0 = JSON, 1 = XML
Location of the import file on Norce's file area. Can be used instead of sending data directly in payload.
Derived from base header. Ignored in price list import.
Array of strings representing warehouse fields to be processed.<br/>(requires values in WarehouseLocationFieldsThatAreSet as well)<br/>(Use the integer instead of the name for the xml content type)<br/><br/>0 = Type<br>1 = Name<br>2 = LeadTimeDayCount
Array of strings representing warehouse location fields to be processed.<br/>(requires values in WarehouseFieldsThatAreSet as well)<br/>(Use the integer instead of the name for the xml content type)<br/><br/>0 = Name<br>1 = LeadTimeDayCount<br>2 = IsIncludedInStockCalculation
Array of strings representing price list rule fields to be processed.<br/>(Use the integer instead of the name for the xml content type)<br/><br/>0 = Type<br>1 = Value<br>2 = LimitToRecPrice
Product code. Used for product cluster matching in Norce Commerce.
Manufacturer code. Required when creating products or as part of identifier of a product combined with ManufacturerPartNo on variant.
List of additional product images.
Product alias.
Product assortment code. If set, assortment with this code will be associated to product.
List of categories product shall be placed in.
List of translated product information fields.
Product family information. Families that can not be matched will not be created but give a warning in the logs.
Product image information.
Manufacturer name. If manufacturer doesn't exist this field is required to create a new manufacturer.
List of flags applied to product.
List of parametrics applied to product.
Variant definition information.
List of product variants.
Category code. Used for category matching in Norce Commerce.
Determines in which order this category shall be applied to product. Use sort order 1 for primary category.
Culture code, e.g. "en-GB". Required to import cultures.
Translated product description.
Translated product description header. Max length: 255
Determines if UniqueUrlName is manually maintained.
Translated product meta description.
Translated product meta tags.
Translated product name. Max length: 255
Translated additional product description.
Translated additional product header. Max length: 255
Translated product synonymous names. Max length: 500
Translated product tags.
Translated product title. Max length: 255
Language specific unique prodct url name, called 'Unique url' in administration gui.
Externally defined product family code. Used for product family matching in Norce Commerce.
Product family name.
Account which initiated the import. Learn about system accounts <a href='/connectintegration/#using-system-accounts'>here</a>.
If set to true all products previously in a variant cluster that is not in the cluster (i.e. without code) in this import will be removed from the cluster.
Specifies which product fields shall be updated.<br/>(Use the integer instead of the name for the xml content type)<br/><br/>0 = ManufacturerCode<br>1 = ManufacturerName<br>2 = Alias<br>3 = Code<br>4 = Variants (required if you have VariantFieldsThatAreSet values)<br>5 = Cultures (required if you have ProductCultureFieldsThatAreSet values)<br>6 = Categories<br>7 = MainImage<br>8 = AdditionalImages<br>9 = Family<br>10 = ProductParametrics<br>11 = ProductParametricsCreateOnly (Value is only set if the product parametric entity is created by the import)<br>12 = VariantDefinitionGroup<br>13 = VariantDefinitionGroupCreateOnly (Value is only set if the variant definition entity is created by the import)<br>14 = Assortment<br>15 = CategoriesCreateOnly (Value is only set if the product category entities is created by the import)<br>16 = CategoriesLimitedUpdate (If category is manually changed in the Admin UI import is ignored)<br>17 = AdditionalImagesCleanUp (Remove all additional images not included in the import)<br>18 = ParametricsCleanUp (Remove all parametrics from the entity, not included in the import)<br>19 = ImagesAndFilesCleanup (Remove all additional images and files not included in the import)
Specifies which SKU price list fields that are mandatory. If this field is missing in the import this specific price entity will be ignored.<br>Required settings: StandardPrice in (SkuFieldsThatAreSet) and all fields added here must be in SkuPriceListFieldsThatAreSet as well<br>(Use the integer instead of the name for the xml content type)<br/><br/>3 = PriceSale<br>4 = CostPurchase<br>5 = CostUnit<br>6 = PriceRecommended<br>7 = PricePrevious<br>8 = PriceCatalog<br>10 = IsActive
Norce Commerce Connect job id. Only exists in import logs. Should be omitted in the import request.
Specifies which product culture fields to be updated.<br>Required settings: Culture (in ProductFieldsThatAreSet)<br/>(Use the integer instead of the name for the xml content type)<br/><br/>0 = Name<br>1 = NameCreateOnly (Value is only set if the product culture entity is created by the import)<br>2 = SubHeader<br>3 = SubDescription<br>4 = DescriptionHeader<br>5 = Description<br>6 = DescriptionCreateOnly (Value is only set if the product culture entity is created by the import)<br>7 = Synonyms<br>8 = Title<br>9 = Tags<br>10 = MetaTags<br>11 = MetaDescription<br>12 = NameLimitedUpdate (If name is manually changed in the Admin UI, import is ignored)<br>13 = UniqueUrlName<br>14 = IsUniqueUrlNameManuallyMaintained<br>15 = UniqueUrlNameCreateOnly (Value is only set if the product culture entity is created by the import)
Request serialization type.(Use the integer instead of the name for the xml content type)<br/><br/>0 = JSON, 1 = XML
Specifies which SKU culture fields to be updated.<br>Required settings: Culture (in SkuFieldsThatAreSet)<br/>(Use the integer instead of the name for the xml content type)<br/><br/>0 = Name<br>0 = ErpName<br>1 = ErpNameCreateOnly (Value is only set if the SKU culture entity is created by the import)<br>2 = Comment<br>3 = CommentCreateOnly (Value is only set if the SKU culture entity is created by the import)
Specifies which SKU fields to be updated.<br>Required settings: Skus (in VariantFieldsThatAreSet)<br/>(Use the integer instead of the name for the xml content type)<br/><br/>0 = Name<br>1 = Status<br>2 = Type<br>3 = IntegrationPartNo<br>4 = CommodityCode<br>5 = EanCode<br>6 = TrackingCode<br>7 = UnitOfMeasurementType<br>8 = UnitOfMeasurementCount<br>9 = IsDropShipOnly<br>10 = IsBuyable<br>11 = DiscountClass<br>12 = RecommendedSalesQty<br>13 = IsRecommendedSalesQtyFixed<br>14 = ActualWeight<br>15 = VolumeWeight (Deprecated, not supported any longer)<br>16 = LogisticWidth<br>18 = LogisticHeight<br>19 = LogisticDepth<br>20 = StandardPrice (required if you have SkuPriceListFieldsThatAreSet values)<br>21 = VatRate<br>22 = StatusCreateOnly (Value is only set if the SKU entity is created by the import)<br>23 = StartDate<br>24 = StopDate<br>25 = StructureItems (required if you have SkuStructureItemFieldsThatAreSet values)<br>26 = PartNoCreateWhenMissing (Let's Norce automatically assign a unique PartNo)
Specifies which SKU price list fields to be updated.<br>Required settings: StandardPrice in (SkuFieldsThatAreSet)<br/>(Use the integer instead of the name for the xml content type)<br/><br/>3 = PriceSale<br>4 = CostPurchase<br>5 = CostUnit<br>6 = PriceRecommended<br>7 = PricePrevious<br>8 = PriceCatalog<br>9 = IsPriceDiscountable<br>10 = IsActive<br>11 = IsPriceDiscountableCreateOnly (Value is only set if the SKU price list entity is created by the import)<br>12 = PriceRule
Specifies which SKU structure item fields to be updated.<br>Required settings: StructureItems in (SkuFieldsThatAreSet)<br/>(Use the integer instead of the name for the xml content type)<br/><br/>0 = SortOrder<br>1 = StandardStructureItemPrice<br>2 = AdditionalInfo
Location of the import file on Norce's file area. Can be used instead of sending data directly in payload.
Derived from base header. Ignored in product import.
Specifies which variant culture fields to be updated.<br>Required settings: Cultures (in VariantFieldsThatAreSet) and for anything except Name and UniqueUrl the Client Setting <i>Product texts are variant unique</i> must be active.<br/>(Use the integer instead of the name for the xml content type)<br/><br/>0 = CultureCode<br>1 = Name<br>2 = NameCreateOnly (Value is only set if the variant cluster culture entity is created by the import)<br>3 = NameLimitedUpdate (If name is manually changed in the Admin UI, import is ignored)<br>4 = UniqueUrlName<br>5 = IsUniqueUrlNameManuallyMaintained<br>6 = UniqueUrlNameCreateOnly (Value is only set if the variant cluster culture entity is created by the import)<br>7 = SubHeader<br>8 = SubDescription<br>9 = DescriptionHeader<br>10 = Description<br>11 = DescriptionCreateOnly (Value is only set if the variant cluster culture entity is created by the import)<br>12 = Synonyms<br>13 = Title<br>14 = Tags<br>15 = MetaTags<br>16 = MetaDescription
Specifies which variant fields to be updated.<br>Required settings: Variant (in ProductFieldsThatAreSet)<br/>(Use the integer instead of the name for the xml content type)<br/><br/>0 = ManufacturerPartNo<br>1 = SortOrderValue<br>2 = StockDisplayBreakPoint<br>3 = IsDangerousGoods<br>4 = Cultures (required if you have VariantCultureFieldsThatAreSet values)<br>5 = Skus (required if you have SkuFieldsThatAreSet values)<br>6 = MainImage<br>7 = AdditionalImages<br>8 = VariantParametrics<br>9 = VariantParametricsCreateOnly (Value is only set if the variant cluster entity is created by the import)<br>10 = NonParametricVariantDefinitions<br>11 = NonParametricVariantDefinitionsCreateOnly (Value is only set if the variant cluster entity is created by the import)<br>12 = DeliveryMethods<br>13 = DeliveryMethodsCreateOnly (Value is only set if the variant cluster entity is created by the import)<br>14 = AdditionalImagesCleanUp (Remove all AdditionalImages from the entity, not included in the import)<br>15 = ParametricsCleanUp (Remove all Parametrics from the entity, not included in the import)<br>16 = TranslationRequested<br>17 = ImagesAndFilesCleanup (Remove all additional images and files not included in the import)
Part number for the SKU with relations.
Part number for the related SKU.
Code for the desired client defined relation type.
List of cultures for the relation.
Sets the relation to active or inactive.
True if the related product is variant unique.
True if the relation is variant unique.
Sort order for this relation on the SKU.
Culture code for this specific culture (e.g. "en-US")
Description for the relation.
Description header for the relation.
Relation name
Sub description for the relation.
Sub header for the relation.
Account which initiated the import. Learn about system accounts <a href='/connectintegration/#using-system-accounts'>here</a>.
If set to true. Relations not in the file will be deactivated.
Specifies which relation fields that should be created/updated.<br/>(Use the integer instead of the name for the xml content type)<br/><br/>0 = ManufacturerPartNo<br>1 = SortOrderValue<br>2 = StockDisplayBreakPoint<br>1 = IsActive<br>2 = IsVariantUnique<br>3 = IsVariantUniqueCreateOnly (Value is only set if the relation entity is created by the import)<br>4 = IsRelatedVariantUnique<br>5 = IsRelatedVariantUniqueCreateOnly (Value is only set if the relation entity is created by the import)<br>6 = DefaultName<br>7 = DefaultSubHeader<br>8 = DefaultSubDescription<br>9 = DefaultDescriptionHeader<br>10 = DefaultDescription<br>11 = Cultures (required if you have RelationCultureFieldsThatAreSet values)<br>12 = SortOrder
Specifies which relation culture fields that should be created/updated.<br>Required settings: Culture (in RelationFieldsThatAreSet)<br/>(Use the integer instead of the name for the xml content type)<br/><br/>1 = Name<br>2 = NameCreateOnly (Value is only set if the relation culture entity is created by the import)<br>3 = SubHeader<br>4 = SubDescription<br>5 = DescriptionHeader<br>6 = Description<br>7 = DescriptionCreateOnly (Value is only set if the relation culture entity is created by the import)
SKU part no. Required when creating new products with SKUs or as identifier of existing SKUs.
SKU weight. If null is imported will be set to inherit from category.
Commodity code.
List of SKU information translations.
Discount class.
EAN code, or GS1 code.
The replaceable sku in other systems than Norce Commerce. Used when Norce Commerce has SKU's other systems does not recognize and the integration partno is sent instead.
Determines if SKU can be bought.
Determines if SKU can only be sold using drop shipment.
Determines if recommended sales quantity is fixed.
SKU depth
SKU height
SKU width
Recommended sales quantity
SKU price information. Send to Norce Commerce the price information that should be updated. Use the header fields to control what is updated. Any values that are null or 0 will be ignored (not overwrite current value in Norce), but if the field (e.g. PriceSale) is listed in IgnoreSkuPriceListFieldsWhenEmpty will cause the entire price entity to be ignored.
SKU activation time.
SKU status. Required when creating new SKUs.<br>1 = Active<br>2 = Coming<br>3 = Expiring<br>4 = Hidden<br>5 = Inactive<br>6 = NotActivated
SKU deactivation time.
List of items included in SKU structure.
Tracking code.
SKU type. Required when creating new SKUs.<br>1 = ErpStandard<br>2 = ErpRefurbished<br>3 = Freight<br>4 = Insurance<br>8 = Structure<br>9 = Invoice<br>11 = Service<br>14 = Standard<br>15 = ErpExtended<br>16 = ErpStandardNoStock<br>17 = ErpPackage<br>19 = ErpTempOutOfStock<br>20 = EnvironmentalFee<br>21 = PackingFee<br>24 = ErpPackageWithCalc<br>25 = DisplayOnly<br>29 = ErpStandard2<br>33 = License
Number of units in the specified type.
Unit of measurement type.<br>1 = Pieces<br>2 = Hour<br>3 = Kilogram<br>4 = Litre<br>5 = Pair<br>6 = SquareMeter<br>7 = Meter
List of VAT rates applicable for SKU.
Deprecated. If required add as parameter instead.
Culture code, e.g. "en-GB". Required when importing SKU cultures.
Translated comment.
Translated ERP name.
Location code. Used for SKU location matching in Norce Commerce.
SKU part number.
Warehouse code. Used for warehouse matching in Norce Commerce.
Quantity of items that is purchased from a supplier but not yet recevied to the warehouse.
Additional on hand information defined by 3rd party and configured in Norce Commerce administration GUI.
Sets warehouse SKU information to active or inactive.
Indication of time required for delivery from this warehouse for this product.
Target stock level (max value)
Reorder point (min value)
Determines when the next delivery of items to warehouse is expected to occur.
Quantity of items on the shelf in the specified warehouse.
Account which initiated the import. Learn about system accounts <a href='/connectintegration/#using-system-accounts'>here</a>.
If set to true, all onHand records for the warehouses and locations in the import that is NOT included, will be deactivated.
Specifies which SKU on hand fields to be updated.<br/>(Use the integer instead of the name for the xml content type)<br/><br/>3 = OnhandValue<br>4 = IncomingValue<br>5 = NextDeliveryDate<br>6 = LeadTimeDayCount<br>7 = OnOrderValue (Deprecated, not supported any longer)<br>8 = MinimumValue<br>9 = MaximumValue<br>10 = IsActive<br>11 = Infos
Norce Commerce Connect job id. Only exists in import logs. Should be omitted in the import request.
Request serialization type.(Use the integer instead of the name for the xml content type)<br/><br/>0 = JSON, 1 = XML
Location of the import file on Norce's file area. Can be used instead of sending data directly in payload.
Derived from base header. Ignored in on hand import.
SKU part number.
Agreement code on the price list. Used for matching in Norce Commerce.
Purchase cost from supplier.
Unit cost.
Currency code in ISO 4217 format, e.g. "SEK", "EUR", "USD".
Sets SKU price to active or inactive.
Determines if discounts can be applied to the price.
Catalog price.
Previous price. Can be used to show discounts.
Recommended sale price.
Price rule for this SKU.<br>1 = CostPlus_PurchaseCost<br>2 = FixedPrice<br>3 = Margin_PurchaseCost<br>4 = UseRecommendedPrice<br>5 = CostPlus_UnitCost<br>6 = Margin_UnitCost<br>7 = UseStandardPrice_PctDiscount<br>8 = Competitive_PurchaseCost<br>9 = Competitive_UnitCost<br>10 = UseStandardPrice_FixedDiscount<br>11 = StructureCalculation<br>12 = UseCatalogPrice
Value to apply for selected Price Rule.
Sale price.
Threshold which determines minimum quantity of items required for specified price list to be applied.
Account which initiated the import. Learn about system accounts <a href='/connectintegration/#using-system-accounts'>here</a>.
If set to true, all price records for the price lists in the import that is NOT included, will be deactivated.
Specifies which SKU price list fields that are mandatory. If this field is missing in the import this specific price entity will be ignored.<br>Required settings: All fields added here must be in SkuPriceListFieldsThatAreSet<br/>(Use the integer instead of the name for the xml content type)<br/><br/>3 = PriceSale<br>4 = CostPurchase<br>5 = CostUnit<br>6 = PriceRecommended<br>7 = PricePrevious<br>8 = PriceCatalog<br>10 = IsActive
Specifies which SKU price list fields to be updated.<br/>(Use the integer instead of the name for the xml content type)<br/><br/>3 = PriceSale<br>4 = CostPurchase<br>5 = CostUnit<br>6 = PriceRecommended<br>7 = PricePrevious<br>8 = PriceCatalog<br>9 = IsPriceDiscountable<br>10 = IsActive<br>11 = IsPriceDiscountableCreateOnly (Value is only set if the sku price list entity is created by the import)<br>12 = PriceRule<br>13 = FullfileResetInheritance
Norce Commerce Connect job id. Only exists in import logs. Should be omitted in the import request.
Request serialization type.(Use the integer instead of the name for the xml content type)<br/><br/>0 = JSON, 1 = XML
Location of the import file on Norce's file area. Can be used instead of sending data directly in payload.
Derived from base header. Ignored in SKU price list import.
Part number of item to add to structure.
Quantity of items included in structure.
Structure item part number, the parent package part number.
List of additional 3rd party information fields.
Item sort order in structure.
Structure item price list information.
Currency code in ISO 4217 format, e.g. "SEK", "EUR", "USD".
Structure item price list code. Used for price list matching in Norce Commerce.
This item part number.
Structure price list code (parent). Used for price list matching in Norce Commerce.
Structure item sale price
Structure item part number, the parent package part number.
Minimum quantity required for a price rule to be applied.
Manufacturer part number. Required when creating products or in combination with ManufacturerCode as identifier of a specific product.
List of additional images.
List of translated variant information fields.
List of delivery methods applicable to variant. Use this to restrict which delivery methods that is allowed on the product.
Determines if a variant is dangerous goods.
Product image information.
List of variant definitions.
List of SKUs associated to variant.<br>NOTE: Only one SKU is allowed, multiple SKUs creation for the same product is deprecated, use variantization instead.
Sort order of variant among all the variants.
Stock display break point. Can be used to change the stock value that is displayed.
List of flags applied to variant.
List of parametrics applied to variant.
Culture code, e.g. "en-GB". Required when working with variant culture information.
Determines if UniqueUrlName is manually maintained.
Translated variant description.
Translated variant description header. Max length: 255
Translated variant meta description.
Translated variant meta tags.
Translated variant name.
Translated additional variant description.
Translated additional variant header. Max length: 255
Translated variant synonymous names. Max length: 500
Translated variant tags.
Translated variant title. Max length: 255
Unique URL
Variant type code. Used for variant type matching in Norce Commerce.
List of translated variant definitions.
Culture code, e.g. "en-GB"
Translated definition value.
Variant definition group code.
Variant definition group name.
List of variant definition types.
Variant definition type code. Used for variant type matching in Norce Commerce.
Type name.
Variant definition type parametric code.
Sort order.
VAT rate
Sales area identifier.<br>1 = Sweden<br>2 = Norway<br>3 = Denmark<br>4 = Finland<br>5 = UnitedKingdom<br>6 = Estonia<br>7 = Greenland<br>8 = Germany<br>9 = Italy<br>10 = Austria<br>11 = Spain<br>12 = Netherlands<br>13 = Belgium<br>14 = France<br>15 = Switzerland<br>17 = USA<br>18 = Ireland<br>19 = Canada<br>20 = Lithuania<br>21 = Latvia<br>22 = Japan<br>23 = SouthKorea<br>24 = Australia<br>25 = Europe<br>26 = Poland<br>27 = CzechRepublic<br>28 = Russia<br>29 = NoVAT<br>36 = Bulgaria<br>37 = Croatia<br>38 = Cyprus<br>39 = Greece<br>40 = Hungary<br>41 = Luxembourg<br>42 = Malta<br>43 = Portugal<br>44 = Romania<br>45 = Slovakia<br>46 = Slovenia
Warehouse code. Used for warehouse matching in Norce Commerce.
List of warehouse locations.
Location code. Used for location matching in Norce Commerce.
Determines if a location is part of central warehouse stock calculation.
Indication of time required for delivery.
Location name.
Indication of time required for delivery
Warehouse name.
Warehouse type.<br>1 = Warehouse<br>2 = Store<br>3 = Transport<br>4 = Other
Location code. Used for location matching in Norce Commerce.
Determines if a location is part of central warehouse stock calculation.
Indication of time required for delivery.
Location name.