The Supplier Service has Entities and Operations to create and update supplier products and content in Norce [Storm].
The Supplier Service has Entities and Operations to create and update supplier products and content in Norce [Storm].
Use this to import availability data separated from other product data. Availability information on products not yet created in Norce Commerce will be ignored.
Read more about the method here.
List of sku on hands to import.
Quantity of items that is purchased from a supplier but not yet recevied to the warehouse.
Additional on hand information defined by 3rd party and configured in Norce Commerce administration GUI.
Indication of time required for delivery from this warehouse for this product.
Determines when the next delivery of items to warehouse is expected to occur.
curl -i -X POST \ \ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ -H 'X-StormConnect-Header: string' \ -d '[ { "LocationCode": "string", "PartNo": "string", "WarehouseCode": "string", "IncomingValue": 0, "Infos": [ { "Code": "string", "Value": "string" } ], "IsActive": true, "LeadTimeDayCount": 0, "MaximumValue": 0, "MinimumValue": 0, "NextDeliveryDate": "string", "OnOrderValue": 0, "OnhandValue": 0 } ]'
{ "StatusCode": "string", "Description": "string", "JobId": "string", "ValidationSummary": { "NrOfItemsInTotal": 0, "NrOfValidationFailures": 0, "Messages": [ … ] } }
Use this to import whole product catalogs. Only one price is allowed per product. Use ImportSkuPriceList to add more prices. To import availability data use ImportOnhands.
Read more about the method here.
List of products to import.
Product assortment code. If set, assortment with this code will be associated to product.
List of categories product shall be placed in.
List of translated product information fields.
Product family information. Families that can not be matched will not be created but give a warning in the logs.
Manufacturer name. If manufacturer doesn't exist this field is required to create a new manufacturer.
List of parametrics applied to product.
Variant definition information.
curl -i -X POST \ \ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ -H 'X-StormConnect-Header: string' \ -d '[ { "Code": "string", "ManufacturerCode": "string", "AdditionalImages": [ { "ExternalCode": "string", "FileTypeName": "string", "Url": "", "FileName": "string", "LastModified": "string" } ], "Alias": "string", "AssortmentCode": "string", "Categories": [ { "Code": "string", "SortOrder": 0 } ], "Cultures": [ { "CultureCode": "string", "Description": "string", "DescriptionHeader": "string", "IsUniqueUrlNameManuallyMaintained": true, "MetaDescription": "string", "MetaTags": "string", "Name": "string", "SubDescription": "string", "SubHeader": "string", "Synonyms": "string", "Tags": "string", "Title": "string", "UniqueUrlName": "string" } ], "Family": { "Code": "string", "Name": "string" }, "MainImage": { "ExternalCode": "string", "FileTypeName": "string", "Url": "", "FileName": "string", "LastModified": "string" }, "ManufacturerName": "string", "ProductFlags": [ { "Code": "string", "IsSet": true, "IsCreateOnly": true, "IsLimitedUpdate": true, "StopDate": "string" } ], "ProductParametrics": [ { "ParametricCode": "string", "Cultures": [ { "CultureCode": "string", "ValueText": "string" } ], "MultipleValueList": [ { "Code": "string", "Value": "string", "Description": "string", "Cultures": [ {} ] } ], "ValueBoolean": true, "ValueDateTime": "string", "ValueDecimal": 0, "ValueInteger": 0, "ValueList": { "Code": "string", "Value": "string", "Description": "string", "Cultures": [ { "CultureCode": "string", "Value": "string", "Description": "string" } ] } } ], "VariantDefinitionGroup": { "Code": "string", "Name": "string", "Types": [ { "Code": "string", "Name": "string", "ParametricCode": "string", "SortOrder": 0 } ] }, "Variants": [ { "ManufacturerPartNo": "string", "AdditionalImages": [ { "ExternalCode": "string", "FileTypeName": "string", "Url": "", "FileName": "string", "LastModified": "string" } ], "Cultures": [ { "CultureCode": "string", "IsUniqueUrlNameManuallyMaintained": true, "Name": "string", "UniqueUrlName": "" } ], "DeliveryMethods": [ { "Code": "string", "IsActive": true, "PackagePercentage": 0 } ], "IsDagerousGoods": true, "MainImage": { "ExternalCode": "string", "FileTypeName": "string", "Url": "", "FileName": "string", "LastModified": "string" }, "NonParametricVariantDefinitions": [ { "TypeCode": "string", "Cultures": [ {} ] } ], "Skus": [ { "PartNo": "string", "ActualWeight": 0, "CommodityCode": "string", "Cultures": [ {} ], "DiscountClass": "string", "EanCode": "string", "IntegrationPartNo": "string", "IsBuyable": true, "IsDropShipOnly": true, "IsRecommendedSalesQtyFixed": true, "LogisticDepth": 0, "LogisticHeight": 0, "LogisticWidth": 0, "RecommendedSalesQty": 0, "StandardPrice": { "PartNo": "string", "PriceListCode": "string", "CostPurchase": 0, "CostUnit": 0, "CurrencyCode": "string", "IsActive": true, "IsPriceDiscountable": true, "PriceCatalog": 0, "PricePrevious": 0, "PriceRecommended": 0, "PriceRule": 0, "PriceRuleValue": 0, "PriceSale": 0, "QuantityBreak": 0 }, "StartDate": "string", "Status": 0, "StopDate": "string", "StructureItems": [ { "AdditionalInfo": [] } ], "TrackingCode": "string", "Type": 0, "UnitOfMeasurementCount": 0, "UnitOfMeasurementType": 0, "VatRates": [ {} ], "VolumeWeight": 0 } ], "SortOrderValue": 0, "StockDisplayBreakPoint": [ { "Code": "string", "IsSet": true, "IsCreateOnly": true, "IsLimitedUpdate": true, "StopDate": "string" } ], "VariantFlags": [ { "Code": "string", "IsSet": true, "IsCreateOnly": true, "IsLimitedUpdate": true, "StopDate": "string" } ], "VariantParametrics": [ { "ParametricCode": "string", "Cultures": [ {} ], "MultipleValueList": [ { "Cultures": [] } ], "ValueBoolean": true, "ValueDateTime": "string", "ValueDecimal": 0, "ValueInteger": 0, "ValueList": { "Code": "string", "Value": "string", "Description": "string", "Cultures": [ null ] } } ] } ] } ]'
{ "StatusCode": "string", "Description": "string", "JobId": "string", "ValidationSummary": { "NrOfItemsInTotal": 0, "NrOfValidationFailures": 0, "Messages": [ … ] } }
curl -i -X POST \ \ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ -H 'X-StormConnect-Header: string' \ -d '[ { "PartNo": "string", "RelatedPartNo": "string", "RelationTypeCode": "string", "Cultures": [ { "CultureCode": "string", "Description": "string", "DescriptionHeader": "string", "Name": "string", "SubDescription": "string", "SubHeader": "string" } ], "IsActive": true, "IsRelatedVariantUnique": true, "IsVariantUnique": true, "SortOrder": 0 } ]'
{ "StatusCode": "string", "Description": "string", "JobId": "string", "ValidationSummary": { "NrOfItemsInTotal": 0, "NrOfValidationFailures": 0, "Messages": [ … ] } }
List of SKU price lists to import.
Price rule for this SKU.
1 = CostPlus_PurchaseCost
2 = FixedPrice
3 = Margin_PurchaseCost
4 = UseRecommendedPrice
5 = CostPlus_UnitCost
6 = Margin_UnitCost
7 = UseStandardPrice_PctDiscount
8 = Competitive_PurchaseCost
9 = Competitive_UnitCost
10 = UseStandardPrice_FixedDiscount
11 = StructureCalculation
12 = UseCatalogPrice
Threshold which determines minimum quantity of items required for specified price list to be applied.
curl -i -X POST \ \ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ -H 'X-StormConnect-Header: string' \ -d '[ { "PartNo": "string", "PriceListCode": "string", "CostPurchase": 0, "CostUnit": 0, "CurrencyCode": "string", "IsActive": true, "IsPriceDiscountable": true, "PriceCatalog": 0, "PricePrevious": 0, "PriceRecommended": 0, "PriceRule": 0, "PriceRuleValue": 0, "PriceSale": 0, "QuantityBreak": 0 } ]'
{ "StatusCode": "string", "Description": "string", "JobId": "string", "ValidationSummary": { "NrOfItemsInTotal": 0, "NrOfValidationFailures": 0, "Messages": [ … ] } }