The Supplier Service has Entities and Operations to create and update supplier products and content in Norce [Storm].
The Supplier Service has Entities and Operations to create and update supplier products and content in Norce [Storm].
Use this to import campaigns and other price lists. Price lists not existing in Norce Commerce will be created.
Read more about the method here.
List of price lists to import.
Price rule to be set as default.
1 = Cost plus
2 = Fixed price
3 = Margin (purchase cost)
4 = Use recommended price
5 = Cost plus (unit cost)
6 = Margin (unit cost)
7 = Use standard price (pct discount)
8 = Competitive (purchase cost)
9 = Competitive (unit cost)
10 = Use standard price (fixed discount)
11 = Structure calculation
12 = Use catalog price
Determines if price list is primary. Only one price list can be primary on an application.
List of warehouses where this price list is applicable.
Sales area identifier.
1 = Sweden
2 = Norway
3 = Denmark
4 = Finland
5 = UnitedKingdom
6 = Estonia
7 = Greenland
8 = Germany
9 = Italy
10 = Austria
11 = Spain
12 = Netherlands
13 = Belgium
14 = France
15 = Switzerland
17 = USA
18 = Ireland
19 = Canada
20 = Lithuania
21 = Latvia
22 = Japan
23 = SouthKorea
24 = Australia
25 = Europe
26 = Poland
27 = CzechRepublic
28 = Russia
29 = NoVAT
36 = Bulgaria
37 = Croatia
38 = Cyprus
39 = Greece
40 = Hungary
41 = Luxembourg
42 = Malta
43 = Portugal
44 = Romania
45 = Slovakia
46 = Slovenia
curl -i -X POST \ \ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ -H 'X-StormConnect-Header: string' \ -d '[ { "Code": "string", "CurrencyCode": "string", "DefaultPriceRule": 0, "DefaultPriceRuleCode": "string", "DefaultPriceRuleValue": 0, "Description": "string", "EndDate": "string", "IsErpIntegrated": true, "IsPrimary": true, "IsPublic": true, "IsFavorite": true, "Name": "string", "StartDate": "string", "TypeCode": "string", "Warehouses": [ { "Code": "string", "Locations": [ { "Code": "string", "IsIncludedInStockCalculation": true, "LeadTimeDayCount": 0, "Name": "string" } ], "LeadTimeDayCount": 0, "Name": "string", "Type": 0 } ], "SalesArea": 0, "DefaultMinMarginPercent": 0, "LimitToRecPrice": true, "ParentPriceListCode": "string", "DefaultSupplementalChargeFixed": 0, "DefaultSupplementalChargePercent": 0, "PriceRules": [ { "Type": 0, "Value": 0, "LimitToRecPrice": true, "MinValue": 0, "MaxValue": 0, "ManufacturerCode": "string", "CategoryCode": "string", "Flags": [ "string" ] } ], "Population": { "Type": 0, "AllCategories": { "RuleType": 0, "RuleCodes": [ "string" ] }, "Categories": [ { "Code": "string", "RuleType": 0, "RuleCodes": [ "string" ], "RequireSupplier": true } ], "RequireSupplier": true } } ]'
{ "StatusCode": "string", "Description": "string", "JobId": "string", "ValidationSummary": { "NrOfItemsInTotal": 0, "NrOfValidationFailures": 0, "Messages": [ … ] } }