Access client


The Storm API client for .net has been tag:ed end of life and will cease to be updated and supported in roll out tests in an unspecified later date.

All Storm’s API’s moves to open API standards and swagger endpoints and these old clients with dependencies to 3rd party technologies or tools will stop being supported. No specific date in set yet.

AccessClient is used for simplifying access to the Storm API. It keeps track of all the contracts and handles caching and batch calls to the API.


Caching is defined in the unity section in the application configuration file. Depending on the setup, different cache providers can be used. When running the web server as a single instance, InMemoryCache should be used. When running multiple instances, a distributed cache should be used. See Enferno.Public and Enferno.Public.Azure under Storm Commerce for available providers.

More on Cache.


The logging framework is based on Microsoft’s Enterprise Library Application Logging Block, and configured as so. LogEntries, at, is used as an on-line logging provider.

Applications can be configured to use LogEntries as a log target. Storm Commerce needs to configure the application logs there and will provide details for that. The API is logging to LogEntries and the logs are visible to partner developers through the on-line Storm API Reference.

More on Logging.

Batch Calls

The AccessClient provides support for caching and batching. When possible, batching of calls should be used to avoid unnecessary round trips to the server.

More on Batch calls.


The StormContext is a cookie based container of user and setup data for Storm accessible through out the application. It provides means to log in and out a user.

More on StormContext.