Norce [Storm] - POS Adapters


Some Norce [Storm] Adapters are deprecated in Norce Commerce is replaced by Other services or solutions.

Read about it here.

Different POS (Point Of Sale) systems, such as Sitoo, are integrated through Norce [Storm] via the adapter type POS.

After you as a customer have signed up for an account with one of our partners, you can do all the configuration in the Admin UI to be able to start using our adapters.

Overview of the POS adapter process

Store(s)Norce [Storm]ERP SystemProduct data1Product Status data2On hand data from store(s)3Orders4Pass on orders (already fullfilled in store)5opt[Get all orders from POS into ERP]Orders6Pass on orders (with unfulfilled items)7Delivery notification, Invoice (capture payment from Norce)8opt[POS orders to be fulfilled by online process (endless aile)]Pass on orders9Delegate fulfillment10opt[Online orders to be fulfilled by Store]Pass on reservation request11opt[Online requests to bereserved by Store]Store(s)Norce [Storm]ERP System

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