Event Settings

Some event types has additional event settings that can specify exactly what should be triggered by the event. Since some items, for example product has quite a lot of different things that can trigger the event, you are able to restrict what should be triggered using these settings so that you don't get too many unnecessary events that you are not interested in.

Event configurations

  • Name A friendly name on what is actually a data table in Norce.
  • On insert Mark this if you want the event triggered when an new record is created to the data table (associated to the identifiers you get in the message).
  • On update Mark this and configure which fields you want to trigger the event, when they are changed in value.
  • On delete Mark if want an event when the record is deleted.
  • Filter For some settings you can set a filter that lets you restrict to a subset of the data table that should be triggering the event (for example, Category on the Product changed notification can be filtered to only listen for the primary categories).

EntityChanged property

Event metadata

To be able to understand why an event has been triggered you can look at the EntityChanged property passed with the event message. This describes which event setting that triggered the event.

For example, the CustomerChangedNotification has currently six different event settings - Customer, Customer Address, Customer Division, Customer Flag, Customer Info and Customer Price List. If the customer’s first name has changed the EntityChanged property will be tClientCustomer (the table name in Norce Commerce). If a new delivery address or a change to a saved address is done, the EntityChanged property will instead be tClientCustomerAddress.

This may help you when handling the integration, if you have different processes for different changes in the item in Norce Commerce.

Event type settings

Here are all the possible values and their explanation so that you can set up the event settings as you want it.


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Name EntityChanged value Description
Customer tClientCustomer The main data table for the CustomerChangedNotification event type. Contains customer information like name, email, role, etc.
Customer Address tClientCustomerAddress Saved invoice and delivery addresses. (Norce Commerce allowed for only one Invoice address, but many delivery addresses)
Customer Division tClientCustomerDivision A customer can have a relation to physical stores. And one can be primary (default).
Customer Flag tClientCustomerFlag Customer flags, they can be non-existent for a customer and be active or inactive (“set” or “not set”)
Customer Info tClientCustomerInfo Customer info types. You can filter on specific info types and (of course) both listen for new inserts as well as updates to the value.
Customer PriceList tClientCustomerPriceList A customer can have a relation to price lists.


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Name EntityChanged value Description
Company tClientCompany The main data table for the CompanyChangedNotification event type. Contains company information like name, code, vatno, etc.
Company Address tClientCompanyAddress Saved invoice and delivery addresses. (Norce Commerce allowed for only one Invoice address, but many delivery addresses)
Company Delivery method tClientCompanyDeliveryMethod A company can have relation to delivery methods
Company Discount tClientCompanyDiscount A company can have discount rates
Company Division tClientCompanyDivision A company can have a relation to physical stores. And one can be primary (default).
Company Flag tClientCompanyFlag Company flags, they can be non-existent for a company and be active or inactive (“set” or “not set”)
Company Info tClientCompanyInfo Company info types. You can filter on specific info types and (of course) both listen for new inserts as well as updates to the value.
Company Payment method tClientCompanyPaymentMethod A company can have relation to payment methods
Company PriceList tClientCompanyPriceList A company can have a relation to price lists.
Customer tClientCustomer A company can have relation to many customers. If information on a customer is changed this can also trigger this event.
Customer Company tClientCustomerCompany A company can have relation to many customers.


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Name EntityChanged value Description
Category tCategory A product has a relation to one or more categories. Where only one is primary. Contains default language information on the category and also default values that the product might use. You can (and often should) filter on only primary categories.
Category culture tCategoryCulture The language specific data table for the category. You can filter on specific culture codes.
Category SalesArea tCategorySalesArea Contains default vat code for the primary category. You can filter on sales area.
Client manufacturer tClientManufacturer Contains the name and code of the Manufacturer for the product.
Product SKU tClientProductSku Together with Product, this is the main data table for the SkuChangedNotification event type. Contains product information like partno, logistic info, statusid, typeid, etc. You can filter based on the product type.
Product SKU Culture tClientProductSkuCulture Language specific text information on the product sku, not commonly used. Can filter on culture codes.
Product SKU OnHand tClientProductSkuOnHand Availability information on the product. Information like onhand, incoming, nextdelivery, etc. Can filter on Warehouse.
Product SKU PriceList tClientProductSkuPriceList Price information on the product. Price Sale, Costs, price rules. But also chosen (primary) supplier information. Can filter on price lists.
Product SKU SalesArea tClientProductSkuSalesArea Contains vat code for the product (unless inherited from Category SalesArea). You can filter on sales area.
Structure item tClientProductSkuStructureItem If a product is an item in a package or a structure product, this is the identifier and quantity.
Structure pricelist item tClientProductSkuStructureItemPriceList If a product is an item in a package or a structure product, this is the price information.
Parametric tParametric A product can have parametrics. This is the metadata on the parametrics. Default name, description, type id.
Parametric culture tParametricCulture The language specific data table for the parametrics. Can filter on culture codes.
Parametric list item tParametricList If a parametric is of type list, this contains the list items, with code, default name, sort order etc.
Parametric list item culture tParametricListCulture The language specific data table for the parametric list items. Can filter on culture codes.
Parametric multiple item tParametricMultiple If a parametric is of type multiple, this contains the list items with code, default name, sort order etc.
Parametric multiple culture item tParametricMultipleCulture The language specific data table for the parametric multiple items. Can filter on culture codes.
PriceListClientPricing tPriceListClientPricing The price rules on the price lists. Contains price rule information.
Product tProduct Together with Product SKU, this is the main data table for the SkuChangedNotification event type. Contains product information like default name and description, manufacturer etc.
Product accessory (deprecated) tProductAccessory Not used anymore, Use Product Relation.
Product category tProductCategory The relation to the category, contains primary flag and sort order (if manual sort order is enabled for you).
Product crossell (deprecated) tProductCrossell Not used anymore, Use Product Relation.
Product culture tProductCulture The language specific data table for the Product. Can filter on culture codes.
Product file tProductFile The information on files and images on the product. Contains code, default texts, file id and file (image) key. Can filter on file/image type.
Product flag tProductFlag Product flags, they can be non-existent for a product and be active or inactive (“set” or “not set”). Can be filtered on flag.
Product parametric tProductParametric The relation between parametrics and the product, with the product’s value information, like booleanValue, dateValue, listId, etc.
Product parametric culture tProductParametricCulture The language specific data table for the parametric-product relation. Contains text values, like htmlValue and varcharValue. Can be filtered on Culture codes.
Product parametric multiple tProductParametricMultiple Contains relation between product and parametrics of the type multiple. No addition setting can be added.
Product relation tProductRelation Replaced Accessory, Upsell and Crossell.
Relations between products, contains type id, rule id, sort order etc. Can filter on relation type.
Product upsell (deprecated) tProductUpsell Not used anymore, Use Product Relation.
Variant grouping tVariantGroup The grouping information for products that are variants to other products. Contains common information for variants like code, group id and default texts.
Variant grouping culture tVariantGroupCulture The language specific data table for the Variant grouping. Contains language specific texts. Can be filtered on Culture codes.


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Name EntityChanged value Description
Product tProduct The main data table for the TranslationRequestedNotification event type. Contains product information like default name and other texts on the default language.


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Name EntityChanged value Description
Supplier Product tSupplierProductSku The main data table for SupplierSkuChangedNotification event type. Contains base product information from the supplier, like partno, eancode, manufacturer, vat code, and sometimes logistic information and weight.
Supplier Product tSupplierProductSkuClient Mapping information to the client product (productId)
Supplier Product tSupplierProductSkuInfo Extra fields from the supplier (not commonly used)
Supplier Prices tSupplierProductSkuPriceList Price information on the supplier product. Cost purchase, Price recommended.


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Name EntityChanged value Description
Supplier Prices tSupplierProductSkuPriceList The main data table for SupplierSkuPriceChangedNotification event type. Price information on the supplier product. Cost purchase, Price recommended.


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Name EntityChanged value Description
Supplier OnHand tSupplierProductSkuOnHand The main data table for SupplierSkuOnHandChangedNotification event type. Availability information on the product. Information like onhand, incoming, nextdelivery, etc.