Documentation ShoppingService (1.1)

Entities and methods to handle baskets and payments.

Download OpenAPI description



















Create subscription


Creates a new Subscription. The Subscription will be inactive. To activate a Subscription the Checkout process must be used. See PurchaseSubscription.


The ip-address of the end user.


Account internal id of current user.


A comma separated list of internal pricelist ids to use, if any. PriceLists supplied must be valid, either from the application's public priceList or any customer or company priceLists or any valid client priceLists. For clients configured to use priceListSeed exclusively in the API only the supplied priceLists will be used. If this is not configured, the supplied priceLists will be appended to the valid priceLists. If none is supplied, the default value for the application will be used in combination with any customer or company priceLists. This applies to both configurations.


Specifies in which language to display culture specific information. If none is supplied, value is resolved from Application.


Internal id to specify in which currency to display prices. If none is supplied, value is resolved from Application. Note that if price is specified on items to insert, then it must be in the same currency.


The Subscription to create.

Idinteger or null(int32)

A unique internal id for this Subscription. When creating new Subscription this should be left as null and will be ignored.


The name of the Subscription. This will also be the name of the template basket. Can be used to distinguish Subscriptions from each other. MaxLength: 50.


The internal status id for this Subscription. When a Subscription is created the status will be 0 (Inactive) and ignored. To activate a Subscription it must pass through the Checkout process. See ListSubscriptionStatus for valid values. Can only be changed between Active and Paused. To delete a Subscription use DeleteSubscription.

HoldUntilDatestring or null(date-time)

A date used to temporarily pause the Subscription and automatically activate it again on the specified date. If no HoldFromDate is specified the pause will start immediately.

StartDatestring or null(date-time)

An optional start date for the Subscription. The Subscription can be activated but no orders will be processed before this date if specified. Can only be changed if a specified date has not passed or if the Subscription is still inactive. If no StartDate is specified when activating the Subscription this will be set to the activation date.

EndDatestring or null(date-time)

An optional end date for the Subscription. The Subscription will be deleted after this date if specified. See DeleteSubscription for details about deleting subscriptions.

SchedulesArray of objects(SubscriptionSchedule)(SubscriptionSchedule)

The schedules for this Subscription. Any Subscription must have at least one schedule when activated.

HoldFromDatestring or null(date-time)

A date used to temporarily pause the Subscription from the specified date and automatically activate it again on HoldUtilDate. If this is specified HoldUntilDate must also be specified.

NextRunstring or null(date-time)

Calculated date for next time an order will be created by this subscription

curl -i -X POST \
  '' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -d '{
    "Id": 0,
    "Name": "string",
    "TemplateBasket": {
      "Id": 0,
      "CustomerId": 0,
      "CompanyId": 0,
      "SalesContactId": 0,
      "StatusId": 0,
      "CurrencyId": 0,
      "CurrencyCode": "string",
      "Comment": "string",
      "OrderReference": "string",
      "DiscountCode": "string",
      "ReferId": 0,
      "ReferUrl": "string",
      "ValidTo": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
      "IsEditable": true,
      "Items": [
          "Id": 0,
          "LineNo": 0,
          "ParentLineNo": 0,
          "ProductId": 0,
          "PartNo": "string",
          "ManufacturerPartNo": "string",
          "Name": "string",
          "SubHeader": "string",
          "ThumbnailImage": "string",
          "FlagIdSeed": "string",
          "Type": 0,
          "PriceDisplay": 0,
          "Price": 0,
          "PriceOriginal": 0,
          "Cost": 0,
          "VatRate": 0,
          "Quantity": 0,
          "UOM": "string",
          "UOMCount": 0,
          "Comment": "string",
          "PriceListId": 0,
          "ReferId": 0,
          "ReferUrl": "string",
          "IsEditable": true,
          "IsDiscountable": true,
          "Info": [
              "TypeId": 0,
              "Value": "string",
              "Code": "string"
          "OptionalItems": [
          "OnHandValue": 0,
          "IncomingValue": 0,
          "NextDeliveryDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
          "LeadtimeDayCount": 0,
          "PromotionIdSeed": "string",
          "ImageKey": "string",
          "ManufacturerName": "string",
          "CategoryId": 0,
          "OnHand": {
            "Value": 0,
            "IncomingValue": 0,
            "NextDeliveryDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
            "LeadtimeDayCount": 0,
            "LastChecked": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
            "IsActive": true,
            "IsReturnable": true,
            "Info": [
                "Id": 0,
                "Value": "string",
                "Code": "string"
          "OnHandSupplier": {
            "Value": 0,
            "IncomingValue": 0,
            "NextDeliveryDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
            "LeadtimeDayCount": 0,
            "LastChecked": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
            "IsActive": true,
            "IsReturnable": true,
            "Info": [
                "Id": 0,
                "Value": "string",
                "Code": "string"
          "PriceRecommended": 0,
          "ManufacturerId": 0,
          "UniqueName": "string",
          "StatusId": 0,
          "StockDisplayBreakPoint": 0,
          "PriceCatalog": 0,
          "IsBuyable": true,
          "SubDescription": "string",
          "CategoryIdSeed": "string",
          "RecommendedQuantity": 0,
          "IsRecommendedQuantityFixed": true,
          "AppliedPromotions": [
              "Id": 0,
              "Name": "string",
              "DiscountCode": "string",
              "AppliedAmount": 0,
              "AppliedAmountIncVat": 0
          "RequirementPromotionIdSeed": "string",
          "IsSubscribable": true,
          "DescriptionHeader": "string",
          "IsPriceManual": true,
          "PriceStandard": 0,
          "EanCode": "string",
          "CostUnit": 0,
          "PriceDisplayIncVat": 0,
          "PriceListLocked": true,
          "PriceOriginalIncVat": 0,
          "PriceRecommendedIncVat": 0,
          "PriceCatalogIncVat": 0,
          "PriceStandardIncVat": 0
      "Info": [
          "TypeId": 0,
          "Value": "string",
          "Code": "string"
      "Summary": {
        "Items": {
          "Amount": 0,
          "Vat": 0,
          "AmountIncVat": 0
        "Freigt": {
          "Amount": 0,
          "Vat": 0,
          "AmountIncVat": 0
        "Fees": {
          "Amount": 0,
          "Vat": 0,
          "AmountIncVat": 0
        "Total": {
          "Amount": 0,
          "Vat": 0,
          "AmountIncVat": 0
      "AppliedPromotions": [
          "Id": 0,
          "Name": "string",
          "Header": "string",
          "ShortDescription": "string",
          "Description1": "string",
          "Description2": "string",
          "StartDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
          "EndDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
          "ImageKey": "string",
          "RequirementSeed": "string",
          "DiscountCode": "string",
          "IsExcludedFromPriceCalculation": true,
          "AllowProductListing": true,
          "Images": [
              "Id": 0,
              "Type": 0,
              "Name": "string",
              "Description": "string",
              "Key": "string"
          "ProductFilters": [
              "ManufacturerId": 0,
              "CategorySeed": "string",
              "TypeId": 0,
              "ProductId": 0,
              "VariantProductId": 0,
              "PartNo": "string",
              "PricelistId": 0,
              "FlagId": 0
          "AppliedAmount": 0,
          "EffectSeed": "string",
          "FreightDiscountPct": 0,
          "IsStackable": true,
          "AppliedAmountIncVat": 0,
          "ExclusivityType": 0
      "IpAddress": "string",
      "AttestedBy": 0,
      "TypeId": 0,
      "DoHold": true,
      "IsBuyable": true,
      "InvoiceReference": "string",
      "PaymentMethodId": 0,
      "DeliveryMethodId": 0,
      "SalesAreaId": 0
    "Type": {
      "Id": 0,
      "Code": "string",
      "Name": "string",
      "Description": "string",
      "EndDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z"
    "StatusId": 0,
    "HoldUntilDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
    "StartDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
    "EndDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
    "Schedules": [
        "Id": 0,
        "IsActive": true,
        "Frequency": {
          "Id": 0,
          "Value": "string",
          "Code": "string"
        "RecurValue": 0,
        "IsOnMonday": true,
        "IsOnTuesday": true,
        "IsOnWednesday": true,
        "IsOnThursday": true,
        "IsOnFriday": true,
        "IsOnSaturday": true,
        "IsOnSunday": true,
        "MonthlyDay": 0,
        "MonthlyInterval": {
          "Id": 0,
          "Value": "string",
          "Code": "string"
        "MonthlyIntervalValue": {
          "Id": 0,
          "Value": "string",
          "Code": "string"
        "TimeOfDay": "string"
    "HoldFromDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
    "NextRun": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z"



Idinteger or null(int32)

A unique internal id for this Subscription. When creating new Subscription this should be left as null and will be ignored.


The name of the Subscription. This will also be the name of the template basket. Can be used to distinguish Subscriptions from each other. MaxLength: 50.


The internal status id for this Subscription. When a Subscription is created the status will be 0 (Inactive) and ignored. To activate a Subscription it must pass through the Checkout process. See ListSubscriptionStatus for valid values. Can only be changed between Active and Paused. To delete a Subscription use DeleteSubscription.

HoldUntilDatestring or null(date-time)

A date used to temporarily pause the Subscription and automatically activate it again on the specified date. If no HoldFromDate is specified the pause will start immediately.

StartDatestring or null(date-time)

An optional start date for the Subscription. The Subscription can be activated but no orders will be processed before this date if specified. Can only be changed if a specified date has not passed or if the Subscription is still inactive. If no StartDate is specified when activating the Subscription this will be set to the activation date.

EndDatestring or null(date-time)

An optional end date for the Subscription. The Subscription will be deleted after this date if specified. See DeleteSubscription for details about deleting subscriptions.

SchedulesArray of objects(SubscriptionSchedule)(SubscriptionSchedule)

The schedules for this Subscription. Any Subscription must have at least one schedule when activated.

HoldFromDatestring or null(date-time)

A date used to temporarily pause the Subscription from the specified date and automatically activate it again on HoldUtilDate. If this is specified HoldUntilDate must also be specified.

NextRunstring or null(date-time)

Calculated date for next time an order will be created by this subscription

{ "Id": 0, "Name": "string", "TemplateBasket": { "Id": 0, "CustomerId": 0, "CompanyId": 0, "SalesContactId": 0, "StatusId": 0, "CurrencyId": 0, "CurrencyCode": "string", "Comment": "string", "OrderReference": "string", "DiscountCode": "string", "ReferId": 0, "ReferUrl": "string", "ValidTo": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z", "IsEditable": true, "Items": [], "Info": [], "Summary": {}, "AppliedPromotions": [], "IpAddress": "string", "AttestedBy": 0, "TypeId": 0, "DoHold": true, "IsBuyable": true, "InvoiceReference": "string", "PaymentMethodId": 0, "DeliveryMethodId": 0, "SalesAreaId": 0 }, "Type": { "Id": 0, "Code": "string", "Name": "string", "Description": "string", "EndDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z" }, "StatusId": 0, "HoldUntilDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z", "StartDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z", "EndDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z", "Schedules": [ {} ], "HoldFromDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z", "NextRun": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z" }

Delete a subscription


Sets the status of the subscription and Template basket to Deleted. Deleted subscriptions will not be available in the API. Any registered recurring payments with a PSP will be cleared.


The internal id of the subscription to delete. Note that this id should be removed from future references.


Account internal id of current user.

curl -i -X POST \




Get a subscription


Gets a Subscription by subscription id.


The internal id of the subscription to fetch.


A comma separated list of internal pricelist ids to use, if any. PriceLists supplied must be valid, either from the application's public priceList or any customer or company priceLists or any valid client priceLists. For clients configured to use priceListSeed exclusively in the API only the supplied priceLists will be used. If this is not configured, the supplied priceLists will be appended to the valid priceLists. If none is supplied, the default value for the application will be used in combination with any customer or company priceLists. This applies to both configurations.


Specifies in which language to display culture specific information. If none is supplied, value is resolved from Application.


Internal id that specifies in which currency to display prices. If none is supplied, value is resolved from Application.

curl -i -X GET \



Idinteger or null(int32)

A unique internal id for this Subscription. When creating new Subscription this should be left as null and will be ignored.


The name of the Subscription. This will also be the name of the template basket. Can be used to distinguish Subscriptions from each other. MaxLength: 50.


The internal status id for this Subscription. When a Subscription is created the status will be 0 (Inactive) and ignored. To activate a Subscription it must pass through the Checkout process. See ListSubscriptionStatus for valid values. Can only be changed between Active and Paused. To delete a Subscription use DeleteSubscription.

HoldUntilDatestring or null(date-time)

A date used to temporarily pause the Subscription and automatically activate it again on the specified date. If no HoldFromDate is specified the pause will start immediately.

StartDatestring or null(date-time)

An optional start date for the Subscription. The Subscription can be activated but no orders will be processed before this date if specified. Can only be changed if a specified date has not passed or if the Subscription is still inactive. If no StartDate is specified when activating the Subscription this will be set to the activation date.

EndDatestring or null(date-time)

An optional end date for the Subscription. The Subscription will be deleted after this date if specified. See DeleteSubscription for details about deleting subscriptions.

SchedulesArray of objects(SubscriptionSchedule)(SubscriptionSchedule)

The schedules for this Subscription. Any Subscription must have at least one schedule when activated.

HoldFromDatestring or null(date-time)

A date used to temporarily pause the Subscription from the specified date and automatically activate it again on HoldUtilDate. If this is specified HoldUntilDate must also be specified.

NextRunstring or null(date-time)

Calculated date for next time an order will be created by this subscription

{ "Id": 0, "Name": "string", "TemplateBasket": { "Id": 0, "CustomerId": 0, "CompanyId": 0, "SalesContactId": 0, "StatusId": 0, "CurrencyId": 0, "CurrencyCode": "string", "Comment": "string", "OrderReference": "string", "DiscountCode": "string", "ReferId": 0, "ReferUrl": "string", "ValidTo": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z", "IsEditable": true, "Items": [], "Info": [], "Summary": {}, "AppliedPromotions": [], "IpAddress": "string", "AttestedBy": 0, "TypeId": 0, "DoHold": true, "IsBuyable": true, "InvoiceReference": "string", "PaymentMethodId": 0, "DeliveryMethodId": 0, "SalesAreaId": 0 }, "Type": { "Id": 0, "Code": "string", "Name": "string", "Description": "string", "EndDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z" }, "StatusId": 0, "HoldUntilDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z", "StartDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z", "EndDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z", "Schedules": [ {} ], "HoldFromDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z", "NextRun": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z" }

Get a subscription by basket id


Gets a Subscription by it's template basket. This can be used in a order confirmed page where only a basketId is know. Baskets with TypeId TemplateBasket (3) should use use this method to get the Subscription.


The internal id of the template basket for the subscription to fetch.


A comma separated list of internal pricelist ids to use, if any. PriceLists supplied must be valid, either from the application's public priceList or any customer or company priceLists or any valid client priceLists. For clients configured to use priceListSeed exclusively in the API only the supplied priceLists will be used. If this is not configured, the supplied priceLists will be appended to the valid priceLists. If none is supplied, the default value for the application will be used in combination with any customer or company priceLists. This applies to both configurations.


Specifies in which language to display culture specific information. If none is supplied, value is resolved from Application.


Internal id that specifies in which currency to display prices. If none is supplied, value is resolved from Application.

curl -i -X GET \



Idinteger or null(int32)

A unique internal id for this Subscription. When creating new Subscription this should be left as null and will be ignored.


The name of the Subscription. This will also be the name of the template basket. Can be used to distinguish Subscriptions from each other. MaxLength: 50.


The internal status id for this Subscription. When a Subscription is created the status will be 0 (Inactive) and ignored. To activate a Subscription it must pass through the Checkout process. See ListSubscriptionStatus for valid values. Can only be changed between Active and Paused. To delete a Subscription use DeleteSubscription.

HoldUntilDatestring or null(date-time)

A date used to temporarily pause the Subscription and automatically activate it again on the specified date. If no HoldFromDate is specified the pause will start immediately.

StartDatestring or null(date-time)

An optional start date for the Subscription. The Subscription can be activated but no orders will be processed before this date if specified. Can only be changed if a specified date has not passed or if the Subscription is still inactive. If no StartDate is specified when activating the Subscription this will be set to the activation date.

EndDatestring or null(date-time)

An optional end date for the Subscription. The Subscription will be deleted after this date if specified. See DeleteSubscription for details about deleting subscriptions.

SchedulesArray of objects(SubscriptionSchedule)(SubscriptionSchedule)

The schedules for this Subscription. Any Subscription must have at least one schedule when activated.

HoldFromDatestring or null(date-time)

A date used to temporarily pause the Subscription from the specified date and automatically activate it again on HoldUtilDate. If this is specified HoldUntilDate must also be specified.

NextRunstring or null(date-time)

Calculated date for next time an order will be created by this subscription

{ "Id": 0, "Name": "string", "TemplateBasket": { "Id": 0, "CustomerId": 0, "CompanyId": 0, "SalesContactId": 0, "StatusId": 0, "CurrencyId": 0, "CurrencyCode": "string", "Comment": "string", "OrderReference": "string", "DiscountCode": "string", "ReferId": 0, "ReferUrl": "string", "ValidTo": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z", "IsEditable": true, "Items": [], "Info": [], "Summary": {}, "AppliedPromotions": [], "IpAddress": "string", "AttestedBy": 0, "TypeId": 0, "DoHold": true, "IsBuyable": true, "InvoiceReference": "string", "PaymentMethodId": 0, "DeliveryMethodId": 0, "SalesAreaId": 0 }, "Type": { "Id": 0, "Code": "string", "Name": "string", "Description": "string", "EndDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z" }, "StatusId": 0, "HoldUntilDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z", "StartDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z", "EndDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z", "Schedules": [ {} ], "HoldFromDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z", "NextRun": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z" }

Get subscription schedule meta data


Gets meta data for scheduling Subscriptions.


Specifies in which language to display culture specific information. If none is supplied, value is resolved from Application.

curl -i -X GET \



FrequenciesArray of objects(IdValue)(IdValue)

A list of frequencies. Defines how often should a Subscription should produce an order. See SubscriptionSchedule for usage.

MonthlyIntervalsArray of objects(IdValue)(IdValue)

A list of intervals used together with MonthlyIntervalValues. See SubscriptionSchedule for usage.

MonthlyIntervalValuesArray of objects(IdValue)(IdValue)

A list of interval values used together with MonthlyIntervals. See SubscriptionSchedule for usage.

{ "Frequencies": [ {} ], "MonthlyIntervals": [ {} ], "MonthlyIntervalValues": [ {} ] }

List subscriptions for a customer


Lists all Subscriptions for a customer.


The internal customer id of the customer. The id is used to fetch subscriptions for that customer.


Accepts a comma separated string of Status internal ids. Lookup references in ListStatuses.


A comma separated list of internal pricelist ids to use, if any. PriceLists supplied must be valid, either from the application's public priceList or any customer or company priceLists or any valid client priceLists. For clients configured to use priceListSeed exclusively in the API only the supplied priceLists will be used. If this is not configured, the supplied priceLists will be appended to the valid priceLists. If none is supplied, the default value for the application will be used in combination with any customer or company priceLists. This applies to both configurations.


Specifies in which language to display culture specific information. If none is supplied, value is resolved from Application.


Internal id that specifies in which currency to display prices. If none is supplied, value is resolved from Application.

curl -i -X GET \



BodyArray [
Idinteger or null(int32)

A unique internal id for this Subscription. When creating new Subscription this should be left as null and will be ignored.


The name of the Subscription. This will also be the name of the template basket. Can be used to distinguish Subscriptions from each other. MaxLength: 50.


The internal status id for this Subscription. When a Subscription is created the status will be 0 (Inactive) and ignored. To activate a Subscription it must pass through the Checkout process. See ListSubscriptionStatus for valid values. Can only be changed between Active and Paused. To delete a Subscription use DeleteSubscription.

HoldUntilDatestring or null(date-time)

A date used to temporarily pause the Subscription and automatically activate it again on the specified date. If no HoldFromDate is specified the pause will start immediately.

StartDatestring or null(date-time)

An optional start date for the Subscription. The Subscription can be activated but no orders will be processed before this date if specified. Can only be changed if a specified date has not passed or if the Subscription is still inactive. If no StartDate is specified when activating the Subscription this will be set to the activation date.

EndDatestring or null(date-time)

An optional end date for the Subscription. The Subscription will be deleted after this date if specified. See DeleteSubscription for details about deleting subscriptions.

SchedulesArray of objects(SubscriptionSchedule)(SubscriptionSchedule)

The schedules for this Subscription. Any Subscription must have at least one schedule when activated.

HoldFromDatestring or null(date-time)

A date used to temporarily pause the Subscription from the specified date and automatically activate it again on HoldUtilDate. If this is specified HoldUntilDate must also be specified.

NextRunstring or null(date-time)

Calculated date for next time an order will be created by this subscription

[ { "Id": 0, "Name": "string", "TemplateBasket": {}, "Type": {}, "StatusId": 0, "HoldUntilDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z", "StartDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z", "EndDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z", "Schedules": [], "HoldFromDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z", "NextRun": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z" } ]

List subscription statuses


Gets meta data for scheduling Subscriptions.


Specifies in which language to display culture specific information. If none is supplied, value is resolved from Application.

curl -i -X GET \



BodyArray [

The internal Id of the Entity. This Id might be different in different tiers such as Stage and Production. Use Code if hard coding is required.


The Value of the Entity. MaxLength: max.


The Code of the Entity, if existing. Use this value when hard coding is required. MaxLength: 255.

[ { "Id": 0, "Value": "string", "Code": "string" } ]

List subscription types


Lists all active and valid SubscriptionTypes for the application.


Specifies in which language to display culture specific information. If none is supplied, value is resolved from Application.

curl -i -X GET \



BodyArray [

A internal id for this type.


An external code use to identify this type. Used when creating Subscription. MaxLength: 50.


The name of the type. MaxLength: 50.


A description of the type. MaxLength: 500.

EndDatestring or null(date-time)

An optional end date for the SubscriptionType. Subscriptions created for this SubscriptionType can not have an end date later than this.

[ { "Id": 0, "Code": "string", "Name": "string", "Description": "string", "EndDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z" } ]

Purchase a subscription


PurchaseSubscription activates a subscription by initializing a payment process equal to the one for normal Baskets. When a Subscription is activated orders will be created according to the Schedules specified for the Subscription.


The internal id of the Subscription to activate. Only inactive Subscriptions can be purchased and the Subscription must have valid Schedules.


The user's ipAddress.


The user agent of the user's browser.


A comma separated list of internal pricelist ids to use, if any. PriceLists supplied must be valid, either from the application's public priceList or any customer or company priceLists or any valid client priceLists. For clients configured to use priceListSeed exclusively in the API only the supplied priceLists will be used. If this is not configured, the supplied priceLists will be appended to the valid priceLists. If none is supplied, the default value for the application will be used in combination with any customer or company priceLists. This applies to both configurations.


Specifies in which language to display culture specific information. If none is supplied, value is resolved from Application.


General: 'test'=true to enable tests. When 'test' is used no payments will be processed for real. Payments may interpret supplied values such as cardNumber or ssn to simulate failures. Not implemented. Klarna: 'sessionId'=id. Used to provide a sessionId to Klarna payments. Not implemented. Payex and Dibs. Supported values are 'returnUrl' and 'cancelUrl'. Values should point to where the payment service should go in case of success/failure.

Array [

The Name of the Entity. MaxLength: 50.


The Value of the Entity. MaxLength: max.

curl -i -X POST \
  '' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -d '[
      "Name": "string",
      "Value": "string"




String response. OK if successful, otherwise may have different values depending on PSP. MaxLength: 50.


Descriptive text for the status. MaxLength: 255.

BasketIdinteger or null(int32)

Internal id of the associated basket.


Order number if order's been created. MaxLength: 50.


Internal identifier of this specific payment attempt. MaxLength: int.


External identifier of this specific payment attempt, usually from the PSP. MaxLength: 50.


Used when a payment should be finalized on a different platform, e.g. sending a link by SMS to customer. MaxLength: 50.


Configurated redirection URL after successful payment. MaxLength: 255.

RedirectParametersArray of objects(NameValue)(NameValue)

PSP specific data returned for the payment. See PSP documentation.

IsSyncronousboolean or null

Indicates if the payment attempt was synchronous or not.

PaymentServiceIdinteger or null(int32)

Internal id of the payment service used.

{ "Status": "string", "StatusDescription": "string", "BasketId": 0, "OrderNo": "string", "PaymentCode": "string", "PaymentReference": "string", "HostedPaymentPage": "string", "RedirectUrl": "string", "RedirectParameters": [ {} ], "IsSyncronous": true, "PaymentServiceId": 0 }

Update a subscription


Updates a Subscription. The TemplateBasket will be ignored. Use regular API-methods for baskets to change the TemplateBasket.


Account internal id of current user.


A comma separated list of internal pricelist ids to use, if any. PriceLists supplied must be valid, either from the application's public priceList or any customer or company priceLists or any valid client priceLists. For clients configured to use priceListSeed exclusively in the API only the supplied priceLists will be used. If this is not configured, the supplied priceLists will be appended to the valid priceLists. If none is supplied, the default value for the application will be used in combination with any customer or company priceLists. This applies to both configurations.


Specifies in which language to display culture specific information. If none is supplied, value is resolved from Application.


Internal id that specifies in which currency to display prices. If none is supplied, value is resolved from Application.


The subscription to update. Only the Name, StatusId, HoldUntilDate, StartDate and Schedules can be changed. StatusId can only be changed between Active and Paused.

Idinteger or null(int32)

A unique internal id for this Subscription. When creating new Subscription this should be left as null and will be ignored.


The name of the Subscription. This will also be the name of the template basket. Can be used to distinguish Subscriptions from each other. MaxLength: 50.


The internal status id for this Subscription. When a Subscription is created the status will be 0 (Inactive) and ignored. To activate a Subscription it must pass through the Checkout process. See ListSubscriptionStatus for valid values. Can only be changed between Active and Paused. To delete a Subscription use DeleteSubscription.

HoldUntilDatestring or null(date-time)

A date used to temporarily pause the Subscription and automatically activate it again on the specified date. If no HoldFromDate is specified the pause will start immediately.

StartDatestring or null(date-time)

An optional start date for the Subscription. The Subscription can be activated but no orders will be processed before this date if specified. Can only be changed if a specified date has not passed or if the Subscription is still inactive. If no StartDate is specified when activating the Subscription this will be set to the activation date.

EndDatestring or null(date-time)

An optional end date for the Subscription. The Subscription will be deleted after this date if specified. See DeleteSubscription for details about deleting subscriptions.

SchedulesArray of objects(SubscriptionSchedule)(SubscriptionSchedule)

The schedules for this Subscription. Any Subscription must have at least one schedule when activated.

HoldFromDatestring or null(date-time)

A date used to temporarily pause the Subscription from the specified date and automatically activate it again on HoldUtilDate. If this is specified HoldUntilDate must also be specified.

NextRunstring or null(date-time)

Calculated date for next time an order will be created by this subscription

curl -i -X POST \
  '' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -d '{
    "Id": 0,
    "Name": "string",
    "TemplateBasket": {
      "Id": 0,
      "CustomerId": 0,
      "CompanyId": 0,
      "SalesContactId": 0,
      "StatusId": 0,
      "CurrencyId": 0,
      "CurrencyCode": "string",
      "Comment": "string",
      "OrderReference": "string",
      "DiscountCode": "string",
      "ReferId": 0,
      "ReferUrl": "string",
      "ValidTo": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
      "IsEditable": true,
      "Items": [
          "Id": 0,
          "LineNo": 0,
          "ParentLineNo": 0,
          "ProductId": 0,
          "PartNo": "string",
          "ManufacturerPartNo": "string",
          "Name": "string",
          "SubHeader": "string",
          "ThumbnailImage": "string",
          "FlagIdSeed": "string",
          "Type": 0,
          "PriceDisplay": 0,
          "Price": 0,
          "PriceOriginal": 0,
          "Cost": 0,
          "VatRate": 0,
          "Quantity": 0,
          "UOM": "string",
          "UOMCount": 0,
          "Comment": "string",
          "PriceListId": 0,
          "ReferId": 0,
          "ReferUrl": "string",
          "IsEditable": true,
          "IsDiscountable": true,
          "Info": [
              "TypeId": 0,
              "Value": "string",
              "Code": "string"
          "OptionalItems": [
          "OnHandValue": 0,
          "IncomingValue": 0,
          "NextDeliveryDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
          "LeadtimeDayCount": 0,
          "PromotionIdSeed": "string",
          "ImageKey": "string",
          "ManufacturerName": "string",
          "CategoryId": 0,
          "OnHand": {
            "Value": 0,
            "IncomingValue": 0,
            "NextDeliveryDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
            "LeadtimeDayCount": 0,
            "LastChecked": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
            "IsActive": true,
            "IsReturnable": true,
            "Info": [
                "Id": 0,
                "Value": "string",
                "Code": "string"
          "OnHandSupplier": {
            "Value": 0,
            "IncomingValue": 0,
            "NextDeliveryDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
            "LeadtimeDayCount": 0,
            "LastChecked": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
            "IsActive": true,
            "IsReturnable": true,
            "Info": [
                "Id": 0,
                "Value": "string",
                "Code": "string"
          "PriceRecommended": 0,
          "ManufacturerId": 0,
          "UniqueName": "string",
          "StatusId": 0,
          "StockDisplayBreakPoint": 0,
          "PriceCatalog": 0,
          "IsBuyable": true,
          "SubDescription": "string",
          "CategoryIdSeed": "string",
          "RecommendedQuantity": 0,
          "IsRecommendedQuantityFixed": true,
          "AppliedPromotions": [
              "Id": 0,
              "Name": "string",
              "DiscountCode": "string",
              "AppliedAmount": 0,
              "AppliedAmountIncVat": 0
          "RequirementPromotionIdSeed": "string",
          "IsSubscribable": true,
          "DescriptionHeader": "string",
          "IsPriceManual": true,
          "PriceStandard": 0,
          "EanCode": "string",
          "CostUnit": 0,
          "PriceDisplayIncVat": 0,
          "PriceListLocked": true,
          "PriceOriginalIncVat": 0,
          "PriceRecommendedIncVat": 0,
          "PriceCatalogIncVat": 0,
          "PriceStandardIncVat": 0
      "Info": [
          "TypeId": 0,
          "Value": "string",
          "Code": "string"
      "Summary": {
        "Items": {
          "Amount": 0,
          "Vat": 0,
          "AmountIncVat": 0
        "Freigt": {
          "Amount": 0,
          "Vat": 0,
          "AmountIncVat": 0
        "Fees": {
          "Amount": 0,
          "Vat": 0,
          "AmountIncVat": 0
        "Total": {
          "Amount": 0,
          "Vat": 0,
          "AmountIncVat": 0
      "AppliedPromotions": [
          "Id": 0,
          "Name": "string",
          "Header": "string",
          "ShortDescription": "string",
          "Description1": "string",
          "Description2": "string",
          "StartDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
          "EndDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
          "ImageKey": "string",
          "RequirementSeed": "string",
          "DiscountCode": "string",
          "IsExcludedFromPriceCalculation": true,
          "AllowProductListing": true,
          "Images": [
              "Id": 0,
              "Type": 0,
              "Name": "string",
              "Description": "string",
              "Key": "string"
          "ProductFilters": [
              "ManufacturerId": 0,
              "CategorySeed": "string",
              "TypeId": 0,
              "ProductId": 0,
              "VariantProductId": 0,
              "PartNo": "string",
              "PricelistId": 0,
              "FlagId": 0
          "AppliedAmount": 0,
          "EffectSeed": "string",
          "FreightDiscountPct": 0,
          "IsStackable": true,
          "AppliedAmountIncVat": 0,
          "ExclusivityType": 0
      "IpAddress": "string",
      "AttestedBy": 0,
      "TypeId": 0,
      "DoHold": true,
      "IsBuyable": true,
      "InvoiceReference": "string",
      "PaymentMethodId": 0,
      "DeliveryMethodId": 0,
      "SalesAreaId": 0
    "Type": {
      "Id": 0,
      "Code": "string",
      "Name": "string",
      "Description": "string",
      "EndDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z"
    "StatusId": 0,
    "HoldUntilDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
    "StartDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
    "EndDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
    "Schedules": [
        "Id": 0,
        "IsActive": true,
        "Frequency": {
          "Id": 0,
          "Value": "string",
          "Code": "string"
        "RecurValue": 0,
        "IsOnMonday": true,
        "IsOnTuesday": true,
        "IsOnWednesday": true,
        "IsOnThursday": true,
        "IsOnFriday": true,
        "IsOnSaturday": true,
        "IsOnSunday": true,
        "MonthlyDay": 0,
        "MonthlyInterval": {
          "Id": 0,
          "Value": "string",
          "Code": "string"
        "MonthlyIntervalValue": {
          "Id": 0,
          "Value": "string",
          "Code": "string"
        "TimeOfDay": "string"
    "HoldFromDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
    "NextRun": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z"



Idinteger or null(int32)

A unique internal id for this Subscription. When creating new Subscription this should be left as null and will be ignored.


The name of the Subscription. This will also be the name of the template basket. Can be used to distinguish Subscriptions from each other. MaxLength: 50.


The internal status id for this Subscription. When a Subscription is created the status will be 0 (Inactive) and ignored. To activate a Subscription it must pass through the Checkout process. See ListSubscriptionStatus for valid values. Can only be changed between Active and Paused. To delete a Subscription use DeleteSubscription.

HoldUntilDatestring or null(date-time)

A date used to temporarily pause the Subscription and automatically activate it again on the specified date. If no HoldFromDate is specified the pause will start immediately.

StartDatestring or null(date-time)

An optional start date for the Subscription. The Subscription can be activated but no orders will be processed before this date if specified. Can only be changed if a specified date has not passed or if the Subscription is still inactive. If no StartDate is specified when activating the Subscription this will be set to the activation date.

EndDatestring or null(date-time)

An optional end date for the Subscription. The Subscription will be deleted after this date if specified. See DeleteSubscription for details about deleting subscriptions.

SchedulesArray of objects(SubscriptionSchedule)(SubscriptionSchedule)

The schedules for this Subscription. Any Subscription must have at least one schedule when activated.

HoldFromDatestring or null(date-time)

A date used to temporarily pause the Subscription from the specified date and automatically activate it again on HoldUtilDate. If this is specified HoldUntilDate must also be specified.

NextRunstring or null(date-time)

Calculated date for next time an order will be created by this subscription

{ "Id": 0, "Name": "string", "TemplateBasket": { "Id": 0, "CustomerId": 0, "CompanyId": 0, "SalesContactId": 0, "StatusId": 0, "CurrencyId": 0, "CurrencyCode": "string", "Comment": "string", "OrderReference": "string", "DiscountCode": "string", "ReferId": 0, "ReferUrl": "string", "ValidTo": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z", "IsEditable": true, "Items": [], "Info": [], "Summary": {}, "AppliedPromotions": [], "IpAddress": "string", "AttestedBy": 0, "TypeId": 0, "DoHold": true, "IsBuyable": true, "InvoiceReference": "string", "PaymentMethodId": 0, "DeliveryMethodId": 0, "SalesAreaId": 0 }, "Type": { "Id": 0, "Code": "string", "Name": "string", "Description": "string", "EndDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z" }, "StatusId": 0, "HoldUntilDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z", "StartDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z", "EndDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z", "Schedules": [ {} ], "HoldFromDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z", "NextRun": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z" }