Product Service schemas
The Products namespace is concerned with product catalog data. Products, Prices, Availability etc.
No entities. See IdValue
Represents a parametric defined for a Category.
The internal Id of the Parametric.
The internal Id of the Parametric. MaxLength: 50.
The internal Id of the ParametricGroup.
The Name of the ParametricGroup. MaxLength: 50.
Use this to sort the parametric. The value is fetched from the category's sort order for the parametric values.
Indicates if the parametric is global. If it is set as global it exists on all products in all categories.
Represents an Item much like any package item. ConfigurationItems contains groups of configurable items instead of fixed items.
The PartNo of the ConfigurationItem. MaxLength: 50.
A list of ConfigurationItemGroups where each group contains selectable items.
Represents a selectable Item in a ConfigurationItem. The group contains all selectable items for this group.
The internal Id of the ConfigurationItemGroup.
The Name of the ConfigurationItemGroup. MaxLength: 512.
Indicates if any item from Items must be selected or not.
Indicates if more than one item in Items must be selected or not.
The SortOrder of the ConfigurationItemGroup within the ConfigurationItem.
A list of ConfigurationItemGroupItems where each item is a selectable product.
Represents a selectable Item in a ConfigurationItemGroup, i.e a Product. The Item is what the user selects in the configuration.
The internal product id of the Product.
The PartNo of the Product. MaxLength: 50.
The Name of the Product. When Product is a VariantType, this will be the value of the variant parameter(s). MaxLength: 255.
The Description of the Product. MaxLength: max.
The SortOrder of the Item within the group.
The Quantity of the Item.
The Price of the Item.
The internal pricelist id of the Item.
A rate to multiply with price to get price inc VAT. 25% VAT equals a VatRate of 1.25.
A unique id for the image at our image server. Url for images are formed like http://[client specific CDN]/{ImageKey}. Preset, height and width can be sent as parameters.
A unique name that can be used in Urls and to get a Product. GetProduct and GetProductByUniqueName gets the same Product. MaxLength: 500.
Grouping of products cross Categories. It can be use to group products that are related to each other only by name, i.e family.
The internal Id of the Family.
The Name of the Family. MaxLength: 50.
The Description of the Family. MaxLength: max.
A unique id for the image at our image server. Url for images are formed like http://[client specific CDN]/{ImageKey}. Preset, height and width can be sent as parameters.
The external Code of the Family. MaxLength: 50.
Files related to Product.
This is the file internal id and it defines the kind of file it is. Not to be confused with entity ids. Values are application specific and should be like 'Front image', 'Back image'. See ListFileTypeIds for possible values.
This is the FileTypeId mapped from Storm's predefined types. Types maps to mime types.
MaxLength: max. Obsolete! - Use Key
This is the Name of the product file. MaxLength: 50.
This is the Description of the product file. MaxLength: max.
A unique id for the file at our image server. Url for images are formed like http://[client specific CDN]/{Key}. Preset, height and width can be sent as parameters.
This is the file type extension for the current file. Can be used to append after image key in url. MaxLength: 50.
This is the file's external Code. Can be use as is for grouping files if Id is not adequate. Or any other application specific purpose. MaxLength: 50.
This is the sortorder of the file within its file type Id.
Image alt text
Used to render filter options for product lists. See FilterList and ListProductFilter methods for details.
The Name of the filter. Available names are: catf, mfrf, flgf, ohf, prcf and parf. These are a short notation of the actual types. Used in filter specifications as filter name. MaxLength: 50.
The Type of the filter. Available types are: Category, Manufacturer, Flag, OnHand, Price and Parametric. MaxLength: 50.
A list of specific FilterItems for the Filter. The items are the actual values for each type of Filter.
Special FilterItem with a boolean value used for parametric filters. FilterBool can be rendered with a CheckBox in the Application. Ex. for filter within a parf filter: 'V123_1-1' when value parametric 123 should have a value of 1 (true).
The internal Id of the Parametric. MaxLength: int.
The Name of the Parametric. MaxLength: 255.
A count of SKUs matched by the FilterItem.
A count of SKUs not matched by the FilterItem.
The Description of the Parametric. MaxLength: max.
A unique id for the image at our image server. Url for images are formed like http://[client specific CDN]/{ImageKey}. Preset, height and width can be sent as parameters. Obsolete! - Not supported
The actual value for the items property of Filter. Used as filter specification values. Selected values should be comma separated in a filter specification. Ex: 'catf|123,124'
The internal id of the FilterItem. Values are dependent on the type of the filter. This will be the internal id of a catergory if the Filter is a Category filter. Not used for OnHand and Price filters. MaxLength: int.max.
MaxLength: 255.
The Value of the FilterItem. MaxLength: max.
The Type of the Item. This is the data type, such as int, string, decimal and DateTime. MaxLength: 50.
Unit of measurement for the value, if specified. MaxLength: 50.
A count of SKUs matched by the FilterItem.
A description of the value. MaxLength: max.
A Client specific code for the value. MaxLength: 50.
SortOrder for the FilterItem. Only used for parametric filter values and can be specified in StormAdmin for list values or multi values. Can be used to sort the values. Default sort order is Name.
Special FilterItem for parametric filters which have single select values. Ex. for filter: 'L123_456' when list value parametric 123 should have value id 456. Use '' or '!' to separate or:ed values: 'L123_456L123_457'
The internal Id of the Parametric. MaxLength: int.
The Name of the Parametric. MaxLength: 255.
A list of FilterItems where each FilterItem represents a distinct parametric value.
The Description of the Parametric. MaxLength: max.
A unique id for the image at our image server. Url for images are formed like http://[client specific CDN]/{ImageKey}. Preset, height and width can be sent as parameters. Obsolete! - Not supported
Special FilterItem for parametric filters which have multi select values. Ex. for filter: 'M123_456' when multi parametric 123 should have value id 456. Use '' or '!' to separate or:ed values: 'M123_456M123_457'.
The internal Id of the Parametric. MaxLength: int.
The Name of the Parametric. MaxLength: 255.
A list of FilterItems where each FilterItem represents a distinct parametric value.
The Description of the Parametric. MaxLength: max.
A unique id for the image at our image server. Url for images are formed like http://[client specific CDN]/{ImageKey}. Preset, height and width can be sent as parameters. Obsolete! - Not supported
Used as Item for filter type Price. FilterPriceItem can be rendered with a slide bar in the Application. Ex. for filter: 'prcf|true_10-20' when price should be between 10 to 20 inc vat.
Not used. MaxLength: int.
Not used. MaxLength: 255.
The lowest price from the result set, excluding VAT.
The highest price from the result set, excluding VAT.
The lowest price from the result set, including VAT.
The highest price from the result set, including VAT.
Special FilterItem with a range defined by a min and max value for parametric filters. FilterRangeItems can be rendered with a slide bar in the Application. Ex. for filter: 'V123_1.4-2.5' when value parametric should be between 1.4 and 2.5.
The internal Id of the Parametric. MaxLength: int.
The Name of the Parametric. MaxLength: 255.
The minimum value in the range of the Parametric. MaxLength: decimal.
The maximum value in the range of the Parametric. MaxLength: decimal.
The Type of the range values. Normally int or decimal. MaxLength: max.
The unit of measurement of the Parametric. MaxLength: 50.
The Description of the Parametric. MaxLength: max.
A unique id for the image at our image server. Url for images are formed like http://[client specific CDN]/{ImageKey}. Preset, height and width can be sent as parameters. Obsolete! - Not supported
Internal product id.
A key that can be used to group items on product. It is equal to the ProductId for non-variants and equals 'v'+variantId for variants. Should only be used when fetching product lists as variants. MaxLength: int.
Internal category id.
Internal manufacturer id.
A comma separated list of flag internal ids. MaxLength: max.
Best price excluding VAT.
A rate to multiply with price to get price inc VAT. 25% VAT equals a VatRate of 1.25.
MaxLength: max.
MaxLength: max.
ParametricValueSeed contains a comma separated list of id-value pairs separated by colon. Ex: 4711:32,4712:5. Id is the ParametricId and Value is either a ListValueId, MultipleValueId or the actual value depending on the parametric type. Note that parametric values with string or html types are not included here since we cannot know if they contain any of the separators. Use ListParametricInfo to list all parametric info and ListParametricValues2 for all values as lookup when resolving parametric data. MaxLength: max.
Used in FlagList when returning product flags.
The internal Id of the Flag.
The Name of the Flag. MaxLength: 50.
The Type of the Flag. ProductFlags have TypeId = 1 and VariantFlags have TypeId = 2.
The GroupId of the Flag. This value is client specific and can be used to group product flags.
The Description of the Flag. MaxLength: 500.
The external Code for the flag. MaxLength: 500.
Used to group different flags together.
The internal Id of the flagGroup.
The Name of the flagGroup. MaxLength: 50.
The Description of the flagGroup. MaxLength: 500.
The external Code for the flagGroup. MaxLength: 500.
No entities. See IdNameDescriptions
Contains basic data about Manufacturers in Norce. It is returned from GetManufacturer.
The internal Id of the Manufacturer.
The Name of the Manufacturer. MaxLength: 100.
The organizational number of the Manufacturer. MaxLength: 50.
The url to the Manufacturer's web site. MaxLength: 255.
MaxLength: 255. Obsolete! - Use LogoKey
The url to the Manufacturer's support page on their web site. MaxLength: 255.
The email address to the Manufacturer's support. MaxLength: 255.
The phone number to the Manufacturer's support. MaxLength: 500.
The opening hours for the Manufacturer's support. MaxLength: max.
The url to the Manufacturer's support policy web page. MaxLength: max.
The url to the Manufacturer's support description web page. MaxLength: max.
The system wide unique Key of the Manufacturer.
A unique id for the image at our image server. Url for images are formed like http://[client specific CDN]/{LogoKey}. Preset, height and width can be sent as parameters.
A unique name that can be used in Urls and to get this entity. GetManufacturer and GetManufacturerByUniqueName gets the same Manufacturer. MaxLength: 255.
Contains minimum data about Manufacturers in Norce shown in lists of Manufacturers. It is returned from ListManufacturer.
The internal Id of the Manufacturer.
The Name of the Manufacturer. MaxLength: 100.
The system wide unique Key of the Manufacturer.
A unique name that can be used in Urls and to get a Manufacturer. GetManufacturer and GetManufacturerByUniqueName gets the same Manufacturer. MaxLength: 255.
A unique id for the image at our image server. Url for images are formed like http://[client specific CDN]/{LogoKey}. Preset, height and width can be sent as parameters.
PagedList of ManufacturerItems. The Items property contains all current items, depending on paging, and the ItemCount the total number of items.
The total item count. Can be used to manage paging. Use PageSize to calculate number of pages.
Current list of ManufacturerItems for the current page if paging is used. Otherwise all items will be in the list.
Internal id of manufacturer.
MaxLength: 255.
MaxLength: 50.
MaxLength: 255. Obsolete! - Use ImageKey
A unique id for the image at our image server. Url for images are formed like http://[client specific CDN]/{LogoKey}. Preset, height and width can be sent as parameters.
A unique name that can be used in Urls and to get a Manufacturer. GetManufacturer and GetManufacturerByUniqueName gets the same Manufacturer. MaxLength: 255.
The current node in the navigation. This is used when navigation is specified in Norce. Will be deprecated in the future.
Key is unique for the NavigationNode and used when listing the content displayed for the node.
Hierarchy represents the current navigation path within the NavigationNode structure. Hierarchy is used to get the sub nodes for current node. MaxLength: 4000.
TypeId defines the content type of the NavigationNode.
The display name of the NavigationNode. MaxLength: 50.
The target path, if any, for the NavigationNode. This can be a direct link to any page that defines the content for the node. Depending on TypeId. MaxLength: 500.
The manufacturer seed, if any, for the NavigationNode. MaxLength: 255.
The category seed, if any, for the NavigationNode. MaxLength: 255.
A comma separated list of flag internal ids, if any, for the NavigationNode. MaxLength: 255.
The image key for the first underlying category, if any. Url for images are formed like http://[client specific CDN]/{ImageKey}. Preset, height and width can be sent as parameters.
The description for the first underlying category, if any. MaxLength: max.
A count of existing products under this node. It will have a value if fetched from an operation which calculates the value, null otherwise.
The root structure used for navigating the site. One application can have more than one structure. This is used when navigation is specified in Norce. Will be deprecated in the future.
The internal Id is used to get the NavigationNodeList for this structure.
The Name of the NavigationStructure. MaxLength: 50.
The Description of the NavigationStructure. MaxLength: 500.
Indicates if the NavigationStructure is a default structure or not.
Information about OnHand for a given SKU. There are generally three different types of OnHand in Norce. One for the Web, one for the chosen supplier and one for any specified Store.
The aggregated value from all warehouses and locations in the current context (Web, Supplier or Store).
The incoming quantity on the next delivery.
The next delivery data from supplier to client warehouse.
The number of days it takes to ship from the supplier.
When onHand info was last checked. Null if never.
Indicate if the product is stocked in a store.
Indicate if the product is returnable in a store.
List of IdValues for the OnHand data for this sku warehouse location combination. This will always be null unless fetched with any of the ProductOnHand methods.
An entity that represents the OnHand for a product/variant.
The product internal id for the current product/variant. If the entity is fetched by productId it will be that productId. If the product is fetched by partNo it will be the productId for that variant.
A list of warehouses with OnHand for the product.
An optional list of ProductOnHand for all variants if fetched by productId. Null when fetched for a variant or a basket.
Information about a ParametricGroup. A ParametricGroup can be used to group different parametrics together.
The internal Id of the parametricGroup.
The Name of the parametricGroup. MaxLength: 50.
The Description of the parametricGroup. MaxLength: 500.
The external Code for the parametricGroup. MaxLength: 500.
Metadata for a Parametric. This data can be cached for lookup use.
The internal Id of the parametric.
The Name of the parametric. MaxLength: 50.
The Type of the parametric: ListValue, MultiValue or Value.
The Description of the parametric. MaxLength: 500.
The unit of measurement of the values. MaxLength: 50.
Specifies if the current Parametric is for variants only (true) or for the common product (false).
The data type of the values for this parametric: Text, Integer, Decimal, Boolean, Html or Date.
An externally defined code use to identify this Parametric. MaxLength: 50.
Indicates if the parametric is hidden or not. This can be used to hide parametrics that are only used in application logic. Only non-hidden parametrics should be displayed in the frontend.
Indicates if the parametric is global. If it is set as global it exists on all products in all categories.
A comma separated list of parametric values on the format id:value-id. Id is the parametric id and value id is the parametric value id. Use ListParametricInfo to list all parametric info and ListParametricValues2 for all values as lookup when resolving parametric data. MaxLength: max.
Same as for ParametricListSeed but any parametric can have multiple values. Use ListParametricInfo to list all parametric info and ListParametricValues2 for all values as lookup when resolving parametric data. MaxLength: max.
Same as for ParametricListSeed but the value is inlined as id:value. Use ListParametricInfo to list all parametric info and ListParametricValues2 for all values as lookup when resolving parametric data. Parametric with values of type html or text are not supported. MaxLength: max.
Metadata for ParametricValues. This data can be cached for lookup use. Only information about ListValues and MultiValues are returned.
The internal Id of the parametric value.
The Name of the parametric value. MaxLength: 255.
The Description of the parametric value. MaxLength: max.
An externally defined code use to identify this Parametric value. MaxLength: 50.
A unique id for the image at our image server. Url for images are formed like http://[client specific CDN]/{ImageKey}. Preset, height and width can be sent as parameters.
MaxLength: 50. Obsolete! - Use ParametricInfo.Type
Can be specified in Storm Admin for each parametric value.
The internal Id of the Parametric that contains this value.
An externally defined code use to identify this Parametric that contains this value. MaxLength: 50.
MaxLength: 50.
MaxLength: max. Obsolete! - Use Value2 with Uom
Internal product parametric id.
Parametric value internal id if the parametric type is single list value.
MaxLength: max.
MaxLength: max.
The parametric value, if not a ListValue or a MultiValue parametric. MaxLength: max.
The unit of measurement, if any. MaxLength: 50.
Id of the parametric group.
Name of the parametric group. MaxLength: 50.
Use this to sort the parametric. The value is fetched from the variant group type's sort order in the first place and then from the category's sort order for the parametric values.
An external application specific code use to identify this Parametric. MaxLength: 50.
Indicates if the parametric is hidden or not. This can be used to hide parametrics that are only used in application logic. Only non-hidden parametrics should be displayed in the frontend.
Information about a specific pricelist.
The internal Id of the pricelist.
The Name of the pricelist. MaxLength: 50.
The Description of the pricelist. MaxLength: max.
External pricelist code usually known to the Erp-system. MaxLength: 50.
Specifies if this is the primary priceList or not.
Specifies if this is a public priceList or not. Most application specific pricelists are public while customer specific are not.
Specifies if this priceList is limited to stock or not.
Specifies if this is a bid pricelist or not.
A unique id for the image at our image server. Url for images are formed like http://[client specific CDN]/{ImageKey}. Preset, height and width can be sent as parameters.
Internal id representing the type of priceList. Types are client specific except for 0=None, which is the default or standard priceList type. See ListPriceListTypes for defined types.
The StarDate for when the pricelist is valid, if any.
The EndDate for when the pricelist is valid, if any.
Specifies if the pricelist is virtual or not. Virtual pricelists must be inherited from a parent pricelists, which cannot be virtual, and can have no population rules. Prices are not stored in Storm but calculated on the fly when needed. Rules can be specified but other properties are inherited from parent.
The part number for this product. MaxLength: 50.
The pricelist internal id for the price.
The actual price value, excluding VAT.
The actual price value, including VAT.
A rate to multiply with price to get price inc VAT. 25% VAT equals a VatRate of 1.25.
Time when this price started to be best price.
Internal id of the product.
The name of the product. When Product is a VariantType, this will be the value of the variant parameter(s). MaxLength: 255.
Description of the product. MaxLength: max.
Contains the partNo if the product is not a variant or if the product is fetched by PartNo or VariantUniqueName. If the product has a value here then the selected variant can be found by either PartNo or by Id. MaxLength: 50.
MaxLength: 25.
MaxLength: 255. Obsolete! - Use ImageKey
MaxLength: 255. Obsolete! - Use ImageKey with preset
MaxLength: 255. Obsolete! - Use ImageKey with preset
MaxLength: 255. Obsolete! - Use ImageKey with preset
If viewed on Product level this will be the product specific files. If viewed on a Variant it will be the variant specific files.
A comma separated list of flag internal ids. If viewed on Product level this will be the product specific flags. If viewed on a Variant it will be the variant specific flags. MaxLength: max.
If viewed on Product level this can be a from-price. It will be the price of the cheapest variant. If viewed on a Variant it will be the variant specific price.
The original price, if specified. Same rules apply as for Price if it is a Product or a Variant.
The rule based price from a priceList, if specified. Same rules apply as for Price if it is a Product or a Variant.
Obsolete! - Use ListDeliveryMethodByProduct if this is required.
Obsolete! - Use ListDeliveryMethodByProduct if this is required.
A rate to multiply with price to get price inc VAT. 25% VAT equals a VatRate of 1.25.
Indicates the default value used as quantity when buying the product. If IsRecommendedQuantityFixed is true, only multiples of this quantity should be allowed.
A list of variants for this Product, if any. If the Product is itself a variant this will be empty.
Obsolete! - Use Categories
MaxLength: 50. Obsolete! - Use Categories
A unique id for the image at our image server. Url for images are formed like http://[client specific CDN]/{ImageKey}. Preset, height and width can be sent as parameters.
A list of this product's parametric values. Only used on variants.
Meta tags for SEO optimization. MaxLength: max.
Meta description for SEO optimization. MaxLength: max.
The complete variant name of the product. MaxLength: 255.
DescriptionHeader for the product as specified in Storm Admin. MaxLength: 255.
A unique name that can be used in Urls and to get a Product. GetProduct and GetProductByUniqueName gets the same Product. MaxLength: 500.
A value that can be used for display logic regarding OnHand.
A list of this product's parametric values. Only Parametric values common to all variants for this product will be here. On Variant level this will contain Parametric values with distinguishing values that are not variant parametric values.
A list of this product's families.
Indicates if the item is buyable or not. Will always be false if the status is closed. An exception will be thrown if IsBuyable is false and an attempt to buy the item is made. The property can be used to hide or show the buy-button. Note that the value can differ for underlying variants.
Sub description from Storm Admin. MaxLength: max.
Short unit of measurement from Storm Admin. MaxLength: 50.
Unit of measurement count
This will be the EAN code of the selected variant of the product if any. Variants will have this set. MaxLength: 50.
Sku type internal id for this product. Might not be valid if there are variants with different types. Then variants must be examined. Also see ListSkutypes.
A list of categories ordered so the primary category is first.
If this is set to true only multiples of RecommendedQuantity should be allowed.
A value used to sort items based on popularity. Lower values are more popular.
CostPurchase from Storm Admin.
CostUnit from Storm Admin.
Title for the product. As specified in Storm Admin. MaxLength: 255.
Actual weight or gross weight for the product. As specified in Storm Admin.
Commodity code for the product. As specified in Storm Admin.
True if this product is for drop ship only. False otherwise.
Synonyms from the Product in Storm. Can be used when indexing the product in any search engine. MaxLength: 500.
True if this product can be added to a Subscription. False otherwise.
United Nations Standard Products and Services Code for the product. MaxLength: 50.
The standard price, if specified. Same rules apply as for Price if it is a Product or a Variant.
The logistic width as defined in Storm.
The logistic height as defined in Storm.
The logistic depth as defined in Storm.
True if this product is considered as dangerous goods. False otherwise.
True if this product has any quantity breaks. False otherwise.
A key that can be used to group items on product. It is equal to the ProductId for non-variants and equals 'v'+variantId for variants. Should only be used when fetching product lists as variants. MaxLength: int.
The price including VAT calculated on the server side. Should be used to display prices including VAT.
Default image alt text
Internal product id.
MaxLength: 255.
MaxLength: 100.
The best price excluding VAT for the product.
A rate to multiply with price to get price inc VAT. 25% VAT equals a VatRate of 1.25.
A unique id for the image at our image server. Url for images are formed like http://[client specific CDN]/{ImageKey}. Preset, height and width can be sent as parameters.
A unique name that can be used in Urls and to get a Product. GetProduct and GetProductByUniqueName gets the same Product. MaxLength: 500.
The price including VAT calculated on the server side. Should be used to display prices including VAT.
Internal product id.
MaxLength: 255.
MaxLength: 255.
MaxLength: 255. Obsolete! - Use ImageKey
MaxLength: 255. Obsolete! - Use ImageKey with preset
MaxLength: 255. Obsolete! - Use ImageKey with preset
MaxLength: 255. Obsolete! - Use ImageKey with preset
A comma separated list of flag internal ids. MaxLength: max.
Best price calculated from available pricelists, excluding VAT.
The rule based price from a priceList, excluding VAT, if specified.
The original price, excluding VAT, if specified.
A rate to multiply with price to get price inc VAT. 25% VAT equals a VatRate of 1.25.
Indicates the default value used as quantity when buying the product. If IsRecommendedQuantityFixed is true, only multiples of this quantity should be allowed.
A unique id for the image at our image server. Url for images are formed like http://[client specific CDN]/{ImageKey}. Preset, height and width can be sent as parameters.
A value used to sort items based on popularity. Lower values are more popular.
MaxLength: 255.
Seed formatted as TypeId[1]:Guid[1], TypeId[2]:Guid[2],.., TypeId[n]:Guid[n]. MaxLength: max.
A key that can be used to group items on product. It is equal to the ProductId for non-variants and equals 'v'+variantId for variants. Should only be used when fetching product lists as variants. MaxLength: int.
A comma separated list of flag internal ids. Contains any variant specific flags when fetched in product list AsVariants. MaxLength: max.
Contains the partNo if the product is not a variant. This will be empty if the product has variants. MaxLength: 50.
Contains the priceList internal id if the product is not a variant. This will be empty if the product has variants.
A custom sort order that can be used when the product item is in a list. The sort order is defined for the primary category of the product item.
Obsolete! - Use CategoryIdSeed
ParametricListSeed contains a comma separated list of id-value pairs separated by colon. Ex: 4711:32,4712:5. Id is the ParametricId and Value is a ListValueId. Note that parametric values with string or html types are not included here since we cannot know if they contain any of the separators. Use ListParametricInfo to list all parametric info and ListParametricValues2 for all values as lookup when resolving parametric data. MaxLength: max.
ParametricMultipleSeed contains a comma separated list of id-value pairs separated by colon. Ex: 4711:32,4712:5. Id is the ParametricId and Value is a MultipleValueId. Multiple values for the same parametric are repeated with the same id but different values. Note that parametric values with string or html types are not included here since we cannot know if they contain any of the separators. Use ListParametricInfo to list all parametric info and ListParametricValues2 for all values as lookup when resolving parametric data. MaxLength: max.
ParametricValueSeed contains a comma separated list of id-value pairs separated by colon. Ex: 4711:32,4712:5. Id is the ParametricId and Value is the actual value depending on the parametric type. Note that parametric values with string or html types are not included here since we cannot know if they contain any of the separators. Use ListParametricInfo to list all parametric info and ListParametricValues2 for all values as lookup when resolving parametric data. MaxLength: max.
Global text parametrics configured to to appear in lists.
Contains all ParametricIds that distinguishes these variants for this product. Their specific values are found under ParametricListSeed, ParametricMultiSeed or ParametricValueSeed. Use ListParametricInfo to list all parametric info and ListParametricValues2 for all values as lookup when resolving parametric data. MaxLength: max.
A unique name that can be used in Urls and to get a Product. GetProduct and GetProductByUniqueName gets the same Product. MaxLength: 500.
A value that can be used for display logic regarding OnHand.
Indicates if the item is buyable or not. Will always be false if the status is closed. An exception will be thrown if IsBuyable is false and an attempt to buy the item is made. The property can be used to hide or show the buy-button.
Sub description from Storm Admin. MaxLength: max.
The Quantity, if applicable. Null otherwise. This value will be set when it makes sense such as for included items in StructuralItems.
Sku type for this product. Might not be valid if there are variants with different types. Then variants must be examined. Also see ListSkutypes.
A comma separated list of category internal ids ordered so the primary category id is first. MaxLength: max.
If this is set to true only multiples of RecommendedQuantity should be allowed.
Synonyms from the Product in Storm. Can be used when indexing the product in any search engine. MaxLength: 500.
A unique name that can be used in Urls and to get a Product. This is the variant's unique name. GetProduct and GetProductByUniqueName gets the same Product. MaxLength: 500.
True if this product can be added in a Subscription. False otherwise.
Short unit of measurement from Storm Admin. MaxLength: 50.
Unit of measurement count
This will be the EAN code of the selected variant of the product if any. Variants will have this set. MaxLength: 50.
The standard price, excluding VAT, if specified.
True if this product is considered as dangerous goods. False otherwise.
The price including VAT calculated on the server side. Should be used to display prices including VAT.
Default image alt text
The product internal id for this ProductItem2.
MaxLength: 255.
A comma separated list of category internal id ordered so the primary category id is first. MaxLength: max.
Contains the part number of the primary Variant, adhering to manual sorting or if sorting isn't set - by lowest available price. MaxLength: 50.
The Variants on this ProductItem2. Use expand option Variants to include this property or it will be null.
A unique id for the image at our image server. Url for images are formed like http://[client specific CDN]/{ImageKey}. Preset, height and width can be sent as parameters.
Seed formatted as TypeId[1]:Guid[1], TypeId[2]:Guid[2],.., TypeId[n]:Guid[n]. MaxLength: max.
A comma separated list of flag internal ids. MaxLength: max.
A unique name that can be used in Urls and to get a Product. GetProduct and GetProductByUniqueName gets the same Product. MaxLength: 500.
Sub header from the Product in Storm. MaxLength: 255.
Sub description from the Product in Storm. MaxLength: max.
Synonyms from the Product in Storm. Can be used when indexing the product in any search engine. MaxLength: 500.
A value that can be used for display logic regarding OnHand.
True if this product can be added in a Subscription. False otherwise.
A value used to sort items based on popularity. Lower values are more popular.
A custom sort order that can be used when the product item is in a list. The sort order is defined for the primary category of the product item.
Default image alt text
The product internal id for this ProductItem2.
MaxLength: 255.
A comma separated list of category internal id ordered so the primary category id is first. MaxLength: max.
Contains the part number of the primary Variant, adhering to manual sorting or if sorting isn't set - by lowest available price. MaxLength: 50.
The Variants on this ProductItem2. Use expand option Variants to include this property or it will be null.
A unique id for the image at our image server. Url for images are formed like http://[client specific CDN]/{ImageKey}. Preset, height and width can be sent as parameters.
Seed formatted as TypeId[1]:Guid[1], TypeId[2]:Guid[2],.., TypeId[n]:Guid[n]. MaxLength: max.
A comma separated list of flag internal ids. MaxLength: max.
A unique name that can be used in Urls and to get a Product. GetProduct and GetProductByUniqueName gets the same Product. MaxLength: 500.
Sub header from the Product in Storm. MaxLength: 255.
Sub description from the Product in Storm. MaxLength: max.
Synonyms from the Product in Storm. Can be used when indexing the product in any search engine. MaxLength: 500.
A value that can be used for display logic regarding OnHand.
True if this product can be added in a Subscription. False otherwise.
A value used to sort items based on popularity. Lower values are more popular.
A custom sort order that can be used when the product item is in a list. The sort order is defined for the primary category of the product item.
Default image alt text
Counts the number of products in the list. If the list is fetched with AsVariants set to true ItemCount will still just count the number of products. Not items in the list. When fetched with a method that has filters, this value will be to total after the filters have been applied.
The actual price value, excluding VAT. Multiply by VatRate to get the price inc VAT.
The rule based price from a priceList, excluding VAT, if specified.
The original price, if specified.
A rate to multiply with price to get price inc VAT. 25% VAT equals a VatRate of 1.25.
The priceList id for the price. If multiple priceLists are available then the best (lowest) price will be used.
Indicates if the item is buyable or not. Will always be false if the status is closed. An exception will be thrown if IsBuyable is false and an attempt to buy the item is made. The property can be used to hide or show the buy-button.
Indicates the default value used as quantity when buying the product. If IsRecommendedQuantityFixed is true, only multiples of this quantity should be allowed.
If this is set to true only multiples of RecommendedQuantity should be allowed.
The standard price, excluding VAT, if specified.
The actual price value including VAT calculated on the server side. Should be used to display prices including VAT.
The part number for this product.
The minimum quantity needed to purchase to receive the ProductPrice.
List of ProductItems per promotion and effect type.
This is the promotion internal id for which the Products are listed.
This is the effect internal id for which the Products are listed.
This is the list of Products associated with the promotion and effect.
, Use ProductRelations instead
This is a list of VariantAccessories.
This is the type internal id for the relation type
This is the type external code for the relation type
This is the name of the relation type
This is the description of the relation type
Indicates if the related items are product or variant specific
This is a list of variant relations.
This is the Storm internal product id.
This is the part number if variants are specified
True if relation is to specific variants.
The Review entity keeps track of customer reviews on products. It can be used to display a list of reviews on a product page. Other customers can like or dislike existing reviews.
The internal id of the review. Null or left out when creating new reviews.
The internal product id of the review. Or if the review is for some other entity, then it is the entity Id.
The name of the reviewer. MaxLength: 255.
The email address of the reviewer. MaxLength: 255.
The review text. MaxLength: max.
A Url to some external source referenced by the reviewer. MaxLength: 255.
A Url to some external image uploaded by the reviewer. MaxLength: 255.
The review score, if scores are kept. It is up to the application to define the score range.
The date of the review.
Number of likes. See UpdateProductReviewLikes for information about how to update this.
Number of dislikes. See UpdateProductReviewLikes for information about how to update this.
Shows if review is published. Applications can have new reviews to not be published and later after internal review on the content have it published.
Represents the type of a SKU.
The internal id of the sku type.
The name of the sku type. MaxLength: 255.
The description of the sku type. MaxLength: max.
The sort order of the sku type.
No entities. See IdValues
, Use ProductRelations instead
This is the product id for the variant.
The product internal id for this VariantItem.
A key that group items on product. It is equal to the product id for non-variants and equals 'v'+variantId for variants. Should be used to correlate ProductItems with VariantItems. MaxLength: int.
The Name of this VariantItem. Will be the same as the corresponding product if this is not a Variant. MaxLength: 255.
The status for this VariantItem. Valid values can be found in ListStatuses.
The sku type for this VariantItem. Valid values can be found in ListSkutypes.
The partNo for this VariantItem. MaxLength: 50.
The manufacturer's partNo for this VariantItem. MaxLength: 50.
A unique id for the image at our image server. Url for images are formed like http://[client specific CDN]/{ImageKey}. Preset, height and width can be sent as parameters.
A comma separated list of flag internal ids. MaxLength: max.
Seed formatted as TypeId[1]:Guid[1], TypeId[2]:Guid[2],.., TypeId[n]:Guid[n]. MaxLength: max.
The EAN code for this VariantItem. MaxLength: 50.
Indicates if the item is buyable or not. Will always be false if the status is closed. An exception will be thrown if IsBuyable is false and an attempt to buy the item is made. The property can be used to hide or show the buy-button.
Short unit of measurement from Storm Admin. MaxLength: 50.
Unit of measurement count
Indicates the default value used as quantity when buying the product. If IsRecommendedQuantityFixed is true, only multiples of this quantity should be allowed.
If this is set to true only multiples of RecommendedQuantity should be allowed.
Sub header from the Product in Storm. Only set if Product texts are variant unique. MaxLength: 255.
Sub description from the Product in Storm. Only set if Product texts are variant unique. MaxLength: max.
A unique name that can be used in Urls and to get a Product. MaxLength: 500.
Variant specific relations for this product.
This is the product internal id for the variant
Indicates if the related items are product or variant specific
Represents a Warehouse. Used to get detailed OnHand for a product/variant or basket.
The store internal id for the current store. Can be null if WarehouseId and LocationId are supplied.
The internal id for the warehouse. Can be null if StoreId is supplied.
The internal id for the warehouse location. Can be null if StoreId is supplied.
Represents a Warehouse with Locations and an optional Store. Used to get detailed meta data for warehouses, locations and stores.
The internal Id for the warehouse.
The Type internal id for the warehouse. 1 for the standard warehouse, 2 if it is for a store.
The external Code for the warehouse. MaxLength: 50.
The Name for the warehouse. MaxLength: 50.
Indicates if the warehouse is standard or not. Obsolete! - Not used any more.
LocationInfos for the warehouse.
Represents a Location for a WarehouseInfo.
The internal Id for the location.
The external Code for the location. MaxLength: 50.
The Name for the location. MaxLength: 50.
Indicates if the location is standard or not. Obsolete! - Not used any more.
A list of Stores for this location, if any.
Represents an optional Store for a WarehouseInfo.
The internal Id for the store.
The external Code for the store. MaxLength: 50.
The Name for the store. MaxLength: 50.