Order Service schemas
The Orders namespace is used for orders and other related Entities such as DeliveryNotes and Invoices. This namespace has nothing to do with the Checkout process where orders are created, but is more related to order history shown on pages like MyPage and such.
The Order history in Norce is mostly a snapshot view of the orders as they looked when they were created, unless process integrations exists where DeliveryNotes and Invoices are passed to Norce.
Information about Addresses in the Order namespace.
Line1 | string The first address line of the Address. MaxLength: 255 |
Line2 | string The second address line of the Address. MaxLength: 255 |
CareOf | string The care of part of the Address. MaxLength: 100 |
City | string The city of the Address. MaxLength: 50 |
ZipCode | string The zipcode of the Address. MaxLength: 50 |
Country | string The name of the country of the Address. MaxLength: 50 |
CountryCode | string The code of the country of the Address. MaxLength: 3 |
Region | string The region of the Address. MaxLength: 50 |
ShippingPhoneNumber | string Phone number for shipping address. Only applicable in shipping addresses. MaxLength: 50 |
GlobalLocationNo | string The Global Location Number (GLN) is part of the GS1 systems of standards. It is a simple tool used to identify a location and can identify locations uniquely where required. This is only used for invoice addresses. MaxLength: 50 |
Information about Companies in the Order namespace.
Id | integer or null <int32> The internal id of Company. |
No | string The external code of Company. Usually from an ERP system. MaxLength: 50 |
Name | string The name of Company. MaxLength: 100 |
OrgNo | string The organizational number of Company. MaxLength: 50 |
Information about Customers in the Order namespace.
Id | integer or null <int32> The internal id of Customer. |
No | string The external code of Customer. Usually from an ERP system. MaxLength: 50 |
FirstName | string The first name of Customer. MaxLength: 50 |
LastName | string The last name of Customer. MaxLength: 50 |
SSN | string The social security number of Customer. MaxLength: 50 |
string The e-mail of Customer. MaxLength: 255 | |
Phone | string The phone number of Customer. MaxLength: 50 |
CellPhone | string The cell phone number of Customer. MaxLength: 50 |
Information about the Customers in the Order namespace. It has information about Customer, any Company and addresses.
object <Company> (Company) | |
object <Customer> (Customer) | |
object <Address> (Address) | |
DropPointCode | string The external drop point code, if any. Only set for drop points. MaxLength: 50 |
Information about a DeliveryNote. DeliveryNotes are not created though the API and must be imported to Norce through the Connect service.
Id | integer or null <int32> The internal Id of the DeliveryNote. |
NoteNo | string The external number of the DeliveryNote. Usually a number from the ERP system. MaxLength: 50 |
DeliveryDate | string <date-time> The delivery date of the DeliveryNote. |
NoteText | string Free text field of the DeliveryNote. MaxLength: 255 |
DeliveryMode | string The delivery mode of the items for the DeliveryNote. MaxLength: 50 |
OrderNo | string The external order number of the Order related to the DeliveryNote. This usually comes from an ERP. MaxLength: 50 |
OrderDate | string <date-time> The order date of the Order related to the DeliveryNote. |
Culture | string The culture code of the DeliveryNote. This is the culture code used when asking for DeliveryNotes, not the original. MaxLength: 16 |
YourReference | string Not used. MaxLength: 255 |
object <CustomerData> (CustomerData) | |
object <CustomerData> (CustomerData) | |
object <CustomerData> (CustomerData) | |
SMSNotificationNumber | string Not used. MaxLength: 50 |
Array of objects <DeliveryNoteItem> (DeliveryNoteItem) The items delivered. | |
Array of objects <DeliveryNotePackage> (DeliveryNotePackage) Package information for the DeliveryNote. | |
DivisionCode | string The external store code for the delivering Store. MaxLength: 50 |
Status | string The status text of the DeliveryNote. See ListOrderStatuses for information about available statuses. MaxLength: 50 |
Array of objects <Info> (Info) A list of infos used to keep application specific data on the deliveryNote. |
Information about the items on a DeliveryNote.
Id | integer or null <int32> The internal id of the DeliveryNoteItem. |
RowNumber | number <decimal> The row number of the DeliveryNoteItem. |
ItemNo | string The PartNo of the DeliveryNoteItem. MaxLength: 50 |
ItemDescription | string The name of the DeliveryNoteItem. MaxLength: 255 |
QtyOrdered | number <decimal> The 1uantity ordered. This is the total quantity ordered. |
QtyDelivered | number <decimal> The quantity delivered. This is the quantity delivered on this DeliverNoteItem. |
QtyBackordered | number <decimal> The quantity not delivered. This is the quantity still missing on this DeliverNoteItem. |
Comment | string Free text comment on the DeliverNoteItem. MaxLength: 255 |
Array of objects <Tracking> (Tracking) The external tracking code of the DeliveryNoteItem. | |
Status | string The status text of the DeliveryNoteItem. See ListOrderStatuses for information about available statuses. MaxLength: 50 |
Information about each package associated with a DeliveryNote.
Id | integer or null <int32> The internal id of the DeliveryNotePackage. |
ParcelNumber | string The external parcel number of the DeliveryNotePackage from the Speditor. Used to track parcels online. MaxLength: 50 |
Status | string The status text of the DeliveryNotePackage. See ListOrderStatuses for information about available statuses. MaxLength: 50 |
Not used. Tracking info is in DeliveryNotePackage.Id | integer or null <int32> |
FreightForwarder | string MaxLength: 50 |
TrackingCode | string MaxLength: 50 |
Information carrier entity. It is used on Orders, DeliveryNotes and Invoices. When setting up InfoTypes on Order use the same Code for Order/OrderItem as for Basket/BasketItem if you want them to be mapped. When creating orders, info-fields will be transferred from basket to order when there is a map with the same code.
Code | string The external code of the Info. MaxLength: 50 |
Name | string The name of the Info. MaxLength: 50 |
Description | string The description of the Info. MaxLength: 500 |
Value | string The value of the Info. MaxLength: max |
Information about an Invoice. Invoices are not created through the API and must be imported to Norce through the Connect service.
Id | string The internal id of the Invoice. |
InvoiceNo | string The external invoice number of the Invoice. Usually a number from the ERP system. MaxLength: 50 |
InvoiceDate | string <date-time> The invoice date of the Invoice. |
InvoiceDueDate | string or null <date-time> The invoice due date of the Invoice. |
InvoiceText | string InvoiceText is taken from InvoiceMark in Storm. MaxLength: 255 |
OrderId | string The internal id of the Order related to the Invoice. |
OrderNo | string The external order number of the Order related to the Invoice. The order number usually comes from an ERP. MaxLength: 50 |
OrderDate | string <date-time> The order date of the Order related to the Invoice. |
Source | string The Source of the Invoice. 'WEB' is used for all invoices created though Storm. MaxLength: 255 |
DeliveryDate | string or null <date-time> The delivery date of the DeliveryNote related to the Invoice. |
DeliveryMethod | string The delivery method of the Order. MaxLength: 50 |
PaymentMethod | string The payment method of the Order. MaxLength: 50 |
object <CustomerData> (CustomerData) | |
OrderFreight | number <decimal> The total amount for freight on the Invoice. |
InvoiceCharge | number <decimal> The total amount for invoice charge on the Invoice. |
InvoiceAmountExVat | number <decimal> The total amount invoiced ex VAT. |
VatAmount | number <decimal> The total VAT amount invoiced. |
Array of objects <InvoiceItem> (InvoiceItem) The invoiced items. | |
Array of objects <Info> (Info) A list of infos used to keep application specific data on the invoice. Not used for credit invoices. | |
InvoiceNoPsp | string The invoice number from the PSP. This is only used when the PSP issues invoices. MaxLength: 50 |
CreditedInvoiceNo | string The credited invoice number. This is only used for credit invoices and this is the number of the original invoice being credited. MaxLength: 50 |
IsDebit | boolean Indicates if this is a debit invoice (true) or a credit invoice (false). |
GroupByKey | string GroupByKey can be used to group invoices. All individual invoices on one summary invoice will have this set to the same value. Normal non-summary invoices will have this value set to null. MaxLength: 50 |
Comment | string Free text comment on the Invoice. MaxLength: 250 |
InvoiceAmountIncVat | number <decimal> The total amount invoiced inc VAT. |
Information about each item on an Invoice.
RowNumber | number or null <decimal> The row number of the item. |
ItemNo | string The PartNo of the item. MaxLength: 50 |
ItemDescription | string The mame of the item. MaxLength: 255 |
Quantity | number <decimal> The quantity invoiced. This is the quantity invoiced on this InvoiceItem. |
UnitPrice | number <decimal> The unit price of the item, excluding VAT. |
UnitDiscount | number <decimal> The unit discount of the item, excluding VAT. |
RowAmount | number <decimal> The total amount of the item, excluding VAT. |
RowAmountVat | number <decimal> The total VAT of the item. |
DeliveryDate | string or null <date-time> The delivery date of the item. |
VatRate | number <decimal> A rate to multiply with price to get price inc VAT. 25% VAT equals a VatRate of 1.25. |
UnitPriceIncVat | number <decimal> The unit price of the item, including VAT. |
Information about an Invoice used in lists. This is a more light weight representation of the Invoice than the Invoice entity.
Id | string The internal id of the Invoice. |
InvoiceNo | string The external invoice number of the Invoice. Usually from an ERP system. MaxLength: 50 |
InvoiceDate | string <date-time> The invoice date of the Invoice. |
InvoiceDueDate | string or null <date-time> The invoice due date of the Invoice. |
InvoiceText | string InvoiceText is taken from InvoiceMark in Storm. MaxLength: 255 |
OrderNo | string The ERP order number of the Order related to the Invoice. MaxLength: 50 |
OrderDate | string <date-time> The order date of the Order related to the Invoice. |
Source | string The source of the Invoice. 'WEB' is used for all invoices created though Storm. MaxLength: 255 |
DeliveryDate | string or null <date-time> The delivery date of the Order. |
DeliveryMethod | string The delivery method of the Order. MaxLength: 50 |
PaymentMethod | string The payment method of the Order. MaxLength: 50 |
object <CustomerData> (CustomerData) | |
InvoiceAmountExVat | number <decimal> The total amount invoiced excluding VAT. |
VatAmount | number <decimal> The total VAT amount invoiced. |
InvoiceNoPsp | string The invoice number from the PSP. This is only used when the PSP issues invoices. MaxLength: 50 |
IsDebit | boolean Indicates if this is a debit invoice (true) or a credit invoice (false). |
GroupByKey | string GroupByKey can be used to group invoices. All individual invoices on one summary invoice will have this set to the same value. Normal non-summary invoices will have this value set to null. MaxLength: 50 |
InvoiceAmountIncVat | number <decimal> The total amount invoiced including VAT. |
Invoices in a paged list format. The Items property contains all current invoices, depending on paging, and the ItemCount the total number of invoices.
ItemCount | integer <int32> The total number of invoices. Can be used to manage paging. Use PageSize to calculate number of pages. |
Array of objects <InvoiceListItem> (InvoiceListItem) Current list of invoices for the current page if paging is used. Otherwise all invoices will be in the list. |
Information about an Order.
Id | string The internal id of the Order in Storm. |
QuotationId | integer or null <int32> The internal id of the quotation/basket used to create the Order. |
OrderNo | string The external order number of the Order, usually from an ERP. MaxLength: 50 |
OrderDate | string <date-time> The order date of the Order. |
Status | string The status text of the Order. See ListOrderStatuses for information about available statuses. MaxLength: 50 |
Source | string The source of the Order. 'WEB' is used for all orders created though Storm. MaxLength: 255 |
Currency | string The currency code of the Order. MaxLength: 3 |
Array of objects <OrderItem> (OrderItem) The items on the Order. | |
object <CustomerData> (CustomerData) | |
object <CustomerData> (CustomerData) | |
object <CustomerData> (CustomerData) | |
OrderTotalIncVat | number <decimal> The total amount on the Order including VAT. |
OrderTotalExVat | number <decimal> The total amount on the Order excluding VAT. |
PaymentMethod | string The payment method of the Order. MaxLength: 50 |
DeliveryMethod | string The delivery method of the Order. MaxLength: 50 |
Array of objects <DeliveryNote> (DeliveryNote) The delivery notes of the Order. | |
Array of objects <Info> (Info) A list of infos used to keep application specific data on the order. | |
TypeId | integer <int32> The type of the order. 1 for normal sales order and 3 for orders from subscriptions. 2 is reserved for purchase orders. |
DeliveryMark | string The delivery mark of the Order. Gets it's value from the OrderReference field of the basket. MaxLength: 255 |
object <CustomerData> (CustomerData) |
Information about the Items on an Order.
RowNumber | number <decimal> The row number of the OrderItem. |
PartNo | string The PartNo of the OrderItem. MaxLength: 50 |
Name | string The name of the OrderItem. MaxLength: 255 |
QtyOrdered | number <decimal> The quantity ordered. This is the total quantity ordered. |
UnitPrice | number <decimal> The unit price of the Item, excluding VAT. |
UnitDiscount | number <decimal> The unit discount of the Item, excluding VAT. |
RowAmount | number <decimal> The total amount of the Item, excluding VAT. |
VatRate | number <decimal> A rate to multiply with price to get price inc VAT. 25% VAT equals a VatRate of 1.25. |
ImageKey | string or null <guid> A unique id for the image at our image server. Url for images are formed like http://[client specific CDN]/{ImageKey}. Preset, height and width can be sent as parameters. |
Type | integer <int32> Sku type internal id for this order item. |
Status | string The status text of the OrderItem. See ListOrderStatuses for information about available statuses. MaxLength: 50 |
Array of objects <Info> (Info) A list of infos used to keep application specific data on the order item. | |
ParentRowNumber | number or null <decimal> The parent row number of the OrderItem, if any. |
PriceRecommended | number or null <decimal> This is the recommended price of the item when the order was created. |
PriceCatalog | number or null <decimal> This is the catalog price of the item when the order was created. |
PriceStandard | number or null <decimal> This is the standard price of the item when the order was created. |
UnitPriceIncVat | number <decimal> The unit price of the item, including VAT. |
Information about an Order used in lists. This is a more light weight representation of the Order than the Order entity.
Id | string The internal id of the Order in Storm. |
QuotationId | integer or null <int32> The internal id of the quotation/basket used to create the Order. |
OrderNo | string The order number of the Order, usually from an ERP. MaxLength: 50 |
OrderDate | string <date-time> The order date of the Order. |
Status | string The status text of the Order. See ListOrderStatuses for information about available statuses. MaxLength: 50 |
Source | string The source of the Order. 'WEB' is used for all orders created though Storm. MaxLength: 255 |
Currency | string The currency code of the Order. MaxLength: 3 |
object <CustomerData> (CustomerData) | |
object <CustomerData> (CustomerData) | |
object <CustomerData> (CustomerData) | |
OrderTotalIncVat | number <decimal> The total amount on the Order including VAT. |
OrderTotalExVat | number <decimal> The total amount on the Order excluding VAT. |
PaymentMethod | string The payment method of the Order. MaxLength: 50 |
DeliveryMethod | string The delivery method of the Order. MaxLength: 50 |
TypeId | integer <int32> The type of the order. 1 for normal sales order and 3 for orders from subscriptions. 2 is reserved for purchase orders. |
DeliveryMark | string The delivery mark of the Order. Gets its value from the OrderReference field of the basket. MaxLength: 255 |
object <CustomerData> (CustomerData) | |
Array of objects <OrderItem> (OrderItem) The items on the Order. | |
Array of objects <Info> (Info) A list of infos used to keep application specific data on the order. |
, Use OrderPagedList2
Orders in a paged list format. The Items property contains all current orders, depending on paging, and the ItemCount the total number of orders.ItemCount | integer <int32> The total number of orders. Can be used to manage paging. Use PageSize to calculate number of pages. |
Array of objects <Order> (Order) Current list of orders for the current page if paging is used. Otherwise all orders will be in the list. |
Orders in a paged list format. The Items property contains all current orders, depending on paging, and the ItemCount the total number of orders.
ItemCount | integer <int32> The total number of orders. Can be used to manage paging. Use PageSize to calculate number of pages. |
Array of objects <OrderListItem> (OrderListItem) Current list of orders for the current page if paging is used. Otherwise all orders will be in the list. |