The Supplier sub component has Entities and Operations to create and update supplier products and content in Norce Commerce.
The Supplier sub component has Entities and Operations to create and update supplier products and content in Norce Commerce.
Use this to import whole supplier product catalogs with their prices (costs) and availability (onhand).
Read more about the method here.
List of supplier products to import.
Name or code of the category, ideally this something readable, like "Utensils" or with a hierachy "Kitchen|Utensils". Max length: 255
A classification of goods for import and export between countries. Max length: 50
List of culture specific texts on article.
Additional images, use high definition. Norce Commerce will provide real-time resizing when used in Norce Commerce Services and Norce Administration GUI.
Represents an image that should be uploaded to Norce Commerce from the supplier regarding the specified article. The type and code must be set up in Norce Commerce Administration settings.
Manufacturer code or name, required together with ManufacturerPartNo to be unique. Max length: 50
Manufacturer article number, required together with Manufacturer to be unique. Max length: 50
List of supplier specific content attributes, like color or size.
Purchase cost and other price information. At least one is required.
List of supplier specific setting attributes. This is article specific information needed for supplier integrations, but will not be shown as content. For example "OnlySoldInSweden".
Unit of measurement code for item: 0 = Unknown, 1 = Pieces, 2 = Hours, 3 = Kilograms, 4 = Litres. Default is pieces.
curl -i -X POST \ \ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ -H 'X-StormConnect-Header: string' \ -d '[ { "SupplierPartNo": "string", "CategoryCode": "string", "CommodityCode": "string", "ContentList": [ { "CultureCode": "string", "Description": "string", "DescriptionHeader": "string", "IsUniqueUrlNameManuallyMaintained": true, "MetaDescription": "string", "MetaTags": "string", "Name": "string", "SubDescription": "string", "SubHeader": "string", "Synonyms": "string", "Tags": "string", "Title": "string", "UniqueUrlName": "string" } ], "EanCode": "string", "GrossWeight": 0, "Images": [ { "ExternalCode": "string", "FileTypeName": "string", "Url": "", "Filename": "string", "LastModified": "string" } ], "LogisticDepth": 0, "LogisticHeight": 0, "LogisticWidth": 0, "MainImage": { "ExternalCode": "string", "FileTypeName": "string", "Url": "", "Filename": "string", "LastModified": "string" }, "Manufacturer": "string", "ManufacturerPartNo": "string", "NetWeight": 0, "OnHand": [ { "LocationCode": "string", "WarehouseCode": "string", "ExternalStockValue": 0, "IncomingValue": 0, "IsActive": true, "IsReturnable": true, "LeadTimeDayCount": 0, "MinimumOrderValue": 0, "Name": "string", "NextDeliveryDate": "string", "PackageValue": 0, "StoppedDate": "string", "Value": 0 } ], "Parametrics": [ { "ParametricCode": "string", "MultipleValues": [ { "Code": "string", "Value": "string" } ], "ValueBoolean": true, "ValueCode": "string", "ValueDateTime": "string", "ValueDecimal": 0, "ValueInt": 0, "ValueText": "string" } ], "PriceList": [ { "PriceListCode": "string", "CostFee": 0, "CostPurchase": 0, "CostPurchaseValidTo": "string", "CurrencyCode": "string", "DiscountPct": 0, "FreightCost": 0, "IsActive": true, "IsFocus": true, "IsPromotion": true, "PriceCatalog": 0, "PriceDealer": 0, "PriceMax": 0, "PriceRanking": 0, "PriceRecommended": 0, "QtyBreak": 0 } ], "ProductInfo": [ { "Code": "string", "Value": "string" } ], "ProductName": "string", "ProductType": "string", "UnitOfMeasurementCode": 0, "UnitOfMeasurementCount": 0, "VatCode": 0 } ]'
{ "StatusCode": "string", "Description": "string", "JobId": "string", "ValidationSummary": { "NrOfItemsInTotal": 0, "NrOfValidationFailures": 0, "Messages": [ … ] } }