Entities and methods to handle baskets and payments.
Entities and methods to handle baskets and payments.
A comma separated list of internal pricelist ids to use, if any. PriceLists supplied must be valid, either from the application's public priceList or any customer or company priceLists or any valid client priceLists. For clients configured to use priceListSeed exclusively in the API only the supplied priceLists will be used. If this is not configured, the supplied priceLists will be appended to the valid priceLists. If none is supplied, the default value for the application will be used in combination with any customer or company priceLists. This applies to both configurations.
Specifies in which language to display culture specific information. If none is supplied, value is resolved from Application.
curl -i -X POST \ 'https://demo.storm.io/api/1.1/ShoppingService.svc/rest/ClearBasket?id=0'
The internal id of the basket. Used to get a specific basket. Ignored in CreateBasket.
The customer internal id for a specific customer associated with this basket. This can be set in CreateBasket if the user is logged in. Otherwise use UpdateBuyer to set customer.
The company internal id for a specific company associated with this basket. This can be set in CreateBasket if the user is logged in with a company. Otherwise use UpdateBuyer to set customer and company.
The currency internal id of the basket. This defines the currency used when processing payments. Can be set when creating a Basket or change later with UpdateBasket. Use either CurrencyId or CurrencyCode. If not specified, the default for the Application will be used.
The CurrencyCode of the basket. This defines the currency used when processing payments. Can be set when creating a Basket or change later with UpdateBasket. Use either CurrencyId or CurrencyCode. If not specified, the default for the Application will be used. MaxLength: 3.
An OrderReference which will be tagged on the order. Can be set in CreateBasket or updated in UpdateBasket. MaxLength: 50.
A comma separated list of used discount codes. To clear the value set it to null or String.Empty an call UpdateBasket. MaxLength: max.
Specifies if the basket is editable. If not, any method that changes the basket will throw Exceptions (Bad Request). It will be false when the basket is no longer a basket. That is when it's paid for or cancelled.
List of information types with values that may be propagated on the order.
Contains all Promotions valid for a Basket, whether or not they are applied. If any promotions are applied more info about them are added to the corresponding Basket.Items.
The user's IpAddress when the basket was created. The value should be fetched from the user request to the application. MaxLength: 50.
The internal type id of the Basket. Can be 1 = Basket, 2 = Saved Basket, 3 = Template Basket for Subscriptions.
DoHold specifies if the resulting order should be on hold until all items on the order can be shipped or not. Default is false. This can be set in the Checkout with UpdateBasket if the Customer does not want part deliveries.
IsBuyable is a rule based property indicating if the Basket's status allows the basket to be purchased. It should be regarded as readonly.
An InvoiceReference which will be tagged on the order. Can be set in CreateBasket or updated in UpdateBasket. MaxLength: 50.
The PaymentMethodId from Storm. Can be set in CreateBasket or updated in UpdatePaymentMethod.
The DeliveryMethodId from Storm. Can be set in CreateBasket or updated in UpdateDeliveryMethod.
{ "Id": 0, "CustomerId": 0, "CompanyId": 0, "SalesContactId": 0, "StatusId": 0, "CurrencyId": 0, "CurrencyCode": "string", "Comment": "string", "OrderReference": "string", "DiscountCode": "string", "ReferId": 0, "ReferUrl": "string", "ValidTo": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z", "IsEditable": true, "Items": [ { … } ], "Info": [ { … } ], "Summary": { "Items": { … }, "Freigt": { … }, "Fees": { … }, "Total": { … } }, "AppliedPromotions": [ { … } ], "IpAddress": "string", "AttestedBy": 0, "TypeId": 0, "DoHold": true, "IsBuyable": true, "InvoiceReference": "string", "PaymentMethodId": 0, "DeliveryMethodId": 0, "SalesAreaId": 0 }
curl -i -X POST \ 'https://demo.storm.io/api/1.1/ShoppingService.svc/rest/CloseBasketForPostPurchaseUpsell?basketId=0'
A comma separated list of internal pricelist ids to use, if any. PriceLists supplied must be valid, either from the application's public priceList or any customer or company priceLists or any valid client priceLists. For clients configured to use priceListSeed exclusively in the API only the supplied priceLists will be used. If this is not configured, the supplied priceLists will be appended to the valid priceLists. If none is supplied, the default value for the application will be used in combination with any customer or company priceLists. This applies to both configurations.
Specifies in which language to display culture specific information. If none is supplied, value is resolved from Application.
The Basket to create. Pass in null or an empty Basket to create a new empty Basket. See Basket for what properties can be used when creating baskets.
The internal id of the basket. Used to get a specific basket. Ignored in CreateBasket.
The customer internal id for a specific customer associated with this basket. This can be set in CreateBasket if the user is logged in. Otherwise use UpdateBuyer to set customer.
The company internal id for a specific company associated with this basket. This can be set in CreateBasket if the user is logged in with a company. Otherwise use UpdateBuyer to set customer and company.
The currency internal id of the basket. This defines the currency used when processing payments. Can be set when creating a Basket or change later with UpdateBasket. Use either CurrencyId or CurrencyCode. If not specified, the default for the Application will be used.
The CurrencyCode of the basket. This defines the currency used when processing payments. Can be set when creating a Basket or change later with UpdateBasket. Use either CurrencyId or CurrencyCode. If not specified, the default for the Application will be used. MaxLength: 3.
An OrderReference which will be tagged on the order. Can be set in CreateBasket or updated in UpdateBasket. MaxLength: 50.
A comma separated list of used discount codes. To clear the value set it to null or String.Empty an call UpdateBasket. MaxLength: max.
Specifies if the basket is editable. If not, any method that changes the basket will throw Exceptions (Bad Request). It will be false when the basket is no longer a basket. That is when it's paid for or cancelled.
List of information types with values that may be propagated on the order.
Contains all Promotions valid for a Basket, whether or not they are applied. If any promotions are applied more info about them are added to the corresponding Basket.Items.
The user's IpAddress when the basket was created. The value should be fetched from the user request to the application. MaxLength: 50.
The internal type id of the Basket. Can be 1 = Basket, 2 = Saved Basket, 3 = Template Basket for Subscriptions.
DoHold specifies if the resulting order should be on hold until all items on the order can be shipped or not. Default is false. This can be set in the Checkout with UpdateBasket if the Customer does not want part deliveries.
IsBuyable is a rule based property indicating if the Basket's status allows the basket to be purchased. It should be regarded as readonly.
An InvoiceReference which will be tagged on the order. Can be set in CreateBasket or updated in UpdateBasket. MaxLength: 50.
The PaymentMethodId from Storm. Can be set in CreateBasket or updated in UpdatePaymentMethod.
The DeliveryMethodId from Storm. Can be set in CreateBasket or updated in UpdateDeliveryMethod.
curl -i -X POST \ 'https://demo.storm.io/api/1.1/ShoppingService.svc/rest/CreateBasket?createdBy=0&ipAddress=string' \ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ -d '{ "Id": 0, "CustomerId": 0, "CompanyId": 0, "SalesContactId": 0, "StatusId": 0, "CurrencyId": 0, "CurrencyCode": "string", "Comment": "string", "OrderReference": "string", "DiscountCode": "string", "ReferId": 0, "ReferUrl": "string", "ValidTo": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z", "IsEditable": true, "Items": [ { "Id": 0, "LineNo": 0, "ParentLineNo": 0, "ProductId": 0, "PartNo": "string", "ManufacturerPartNo": "string", "Name": "string", "SubHeader": "string", "ThumbnailImage": "string", "FlagIdSeed": "string", "Type": 0, "PriceDisplay": 0, "Price": 0, "PriceOriginal": 0, "Cost": 0, "VatRate": 0, "Quantity": 0, "UOM": "string", "UOMCount": 0, "Comment": "string", "PriceListId": 0, "ReferId": 0, "ReferUrl": "string", "IsEditable": true, "IsDiscountable": true, "Info": [ { "TypeId": 0, "Value": "string", "Code": "string" } ], "OptionalItems": [ {} ], "OnHandValue": 0, "IncomingValue": 0, "NextDeliveryDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z", "LeadtimeDayCount": 0, "PromotionIdSeed": "string", "ImageKey": "string", "ManufacturerName": "string", "CategoryId": 0, "OnHand": { "Value": 0, "IncomingValue": 0, "NextDeliveryDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z", "LeadtimeDayCount": 0, "LastChecked": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z", "IsActive": true, "IsReturnable": true, "Info": [ { "Id": 0, "Value": "string", "Code": "string" } ] }, "OnHandSupplier": { "Value": 0, "IncomingValue": 0, "NextDeliveryDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z", "LeadtimeDayCount": 0, "LastChecked": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z", "IsActive": true, "IsReturnable": true, "Info": [ { "Id": 0, "Value": "string", "Code": "string" } ] }, "PriceRecommended": 0, "ManufacturerId": 0, "UniqueName": "string", "StatusId": 0, "StockDisplayBreakPoint": 0, "PriceCatalog": 0, "IsBuyable": true, "SubDescription": "string", "CategoryIdSeed": "string", "RecommendedQuantity": 0, "IsRecommendedQuantityFixed": true, "AppliedPromotions": [ { "Id": 0, "Name": "string", "DiscountCode": "string", "AppliedAmount": 0, "AppliedAmountIncVat": 0 } ], "RequirementPromotionIdSeed": "string", "IsSubscribable": true, "DescriptionHeader": "string", "IsPriceManual": true, "PriceStandard": 0, "EanCode": "string", "CostUnit": 0, "PriceDisplayIncVat": 0, "PriceListLocked": true, "PriceOriginalIncVat": 0, "PriceRecommendedIncVat": 0, "PriceCatalogIncVat": 0, "PriceStandardIncVat": 0 } ], "Info": [ { "TypeId": 0, "Value": "string", "Code": "string" } ], "Summary": { "Items": { "Amount": 0, "Vat": 0, "AmountIncVat": 0 }, "Freigt": { "Amount": 0, "Vat": 0, "AmountIncVat": 0 }, "Fees": { "Amount": 0, "Vat": 0, "AmountIncVat": 0 }, "Total": { "Amount": 0, "Vat": 0, "AmountIncVat": 0 } }, "AppliedPromotions": [ { "Id": 0, "Name": "string", "Header": "string", "ShortDescription": "string", "Description1": "string", "Description2": "string", "StartDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z", "EndDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z", "ImageKey": "string", "RequirementSeed": "string", "DiscountCode": "string", "IsExcludedFromPriceCalculation": true, "AllowProductListing": true, "Images": [ { "Id": 0, "Type": 0, "Name": "string", "Description": "string", "Key": "string" } ], "ProductFilters": [ { "ManufacturerId": 0, "CategorySeed": "string", "TypeId": 0, "ProductId": 0, "VariantProductId": 0, "PartNo": "string", "PricelistId": 0, "FlagId": 0 } ], "AppliedAmount": 0, "EffectSeed": "string", "FreightDiscountPct": 0, "IsStackable": true, "AppliedAmountIncVat": 0, "ExclusivityType": 0 } ], "IpAddress": "string", "AttestedBy": 0, "TypeId": 0, "DoHold": true, "IsBuyable": true, "InvoiceReference": "string", "PaymentMethodId": 0, "DeliveryMethodId": 0, "SalesAreaId": 0 }'
The internal id of the basket. Used to get a specific basket. Ignored in CreateBasket.
The customer internal id for a specific customer associated with this basket. This can be set in CreateBasket if the user is logged in. Otherwise use UpdateBuyer to set customer.
The company internal id for a specific company associated with this basket. This can be set in CreateBasket if the user is logged in with a company. Otherwise use UpdateBuyer to set customer and company.
The currency internal id of the basket. This defines the currency used when processing payments. Can be set when creating a Basket or change later with UpdateBasket. Use either CurrencyId or CurrencyCode. If not specified, the default for the Application will be used.
The CurrencyCode of the basket. This defines the currency used when processing payments. Can be set when creating a Basket or change later with UpdateBasket. Use either CurrencyId or CurrencyCode. If not specified, the default for the Application will be used. MaxLength: 3.
An OrderReference which will be tagged on the order. Can be set in CreateBasket or updated in UpdateBasket. MaxLength: 50.
A comma separated list of used discount codes. To clear the value set it to null or String.Empty an call UpdateBasket. MaxLength: max.
Specifies if the basket is editable. If not, any method that changes the basket will throw Exceptions (Bad Request). It will be false when the basket is no longer a basket. That is when it's paid for or cancelled.
List of information types with values that may be propagated on the order.
Contains all Promotions valid for a Basket, whether or not they are applied. If any promotions are applied more info about them are added to the corresponding Basket.Items.
The user's IpAddress when the basket was created. The value should be fetched from the user request to the application. MaxLength: 50.
The internal type id of the Basket. Can be 1 = Basket, 2 = Saved Basket, 3 = Template Basket for Subscriptions.
DoHold specifies if the resulting order should be on hold until all items on the order can be shipped or not. Default is false. This can be set in the Checkout with UpdateBasket if the Customer does not want part deliveries.
IsBuyable is a rule based property indicating if the Basket's status allows the basket to be purchased. It should be regarded as readonly.
An InvoiceReference which will be tagged on the order. Can be set in CreateBasket or updated in UpdateBasket. MaxLength: 50.
The PaymentMethodId from Storm. Can be set in CreateBasket or updated in UpdatePaymentMethod.
The DeliveryMethodId from Storm. Can be set in CreateBasket or updated in UpdateDeliveryMethod.
{ "Id": 0, "CustomerId": 0, "CompanyId": 0, "SalesContactId": 0, "StatusId": 0, "CurrencyId": 0, "CurrencyCode": "string", "Comment": "string", "OrderReference": "string", "DiscountCode": "string", "ReferId": 0, "ReferUrl": "string", "ValidTo": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z", "IsEditable": true, "Items": [ { … } ], "Info": [ { … } ], "Summary": { "Items": { … }, "Freigt": { … }, "Fees": { … }, "Total": { … } }, "AppliedPromotions": [ { … } ], "IpAddress": "string", "AttestedBy": 0, "TypeId": 0, "DoHold": true, "IsBuyable": true, "InvoiceReference": "string", "PaymentMethodId": 0, "DeliveryMethodId": 0, "SalesAreaId": 0 }
curl -i -X POST \ 'https://demo.storm.io/api/1.1/ShoppingService.svc/rest/DeleteBasket?basketId=0&updatedBy=0'
The line number of the item to delete. Any items with this lineNo as ParentLineNo wil also be deleted.
A comma separated list of internal pricelist ids to use, if any. PriceLists supplied must be valid, either from the application's public priceList or any customer or company priceLists or any valid client priceLists. For clients configured to use priceListSeed exclusively in the API only the supplied priceLists will be used. If this is not configured, the supplied priceLists will be appended to the valid priceLists. If none is supplied, the default value for the application will be used in combination with any customer or company priceLists. This applies to both configurations.
Specifies in which language to display culture specific information. If none is supplied, value is resolved from Application.
curl -i -X POST \ 'https://demo.storm.io/api/1.1/ShoppingService.svc/rest/DeleteBasketItem?basketId=0&lineNo=0'
The internal id of the basket. Used to get a specific basket. Ignored in CreateBasket.
The customer internal id for a specific customer associated with this basket. This can be set in CreateBasket if the user is logged in. Otherwise use UpdateBuyer to set customer.
The company internal id for a specific company associated with this basket. This can be set in CreateBasket if the user is logged in with a company. Otherwise use UpdateBuyer to set customer and company.
The currency internal id of the basket. This defines the currency used when processing payments. Can be set when creating a Basket or change later with UpdateBasket. Use either CurrencyId or CurrencyCode. If not specified, the default for the Application will be used.
The CurrencyCode of the basket. This defines the currency used when processing payments. Can be set when creating a Basket or change later with UpdateBasket. Use either CurrencyId or CurrencyCode. If not specified, the default for the Application will be used. MaxLength: 3.
An OrderReference which will be tagged on the order. Can be set in CreateBasket or updated in UpdateBasket. MaxLength: 50.
A comma separated list of used discount codes. To clear the value set it to null or String.Empty an call UpdateBasket. MaxLength: max.
Specifies if the basket is editable. If not, any method that changes the basket will throw Exceptions (Bad Request). It will be false when the basket is no longer a basket. That is when it's paid for or cancelled.
List of information types with values that may be propagated on the order.
Contains all Promotions valid for a Basket, whether or not they are applied. If any promotions are applied more info about them are added to the corresponding Basket.Items.
The user's IpAddress when the basket was created. The value should be fetched from the user request to the application. MaxLength: 50.
The internal type id of the Basket. Can be 1 = Basket, 2 = Saved Basket, 3 = Template Basket for Subscriptions.
DoHold specifies if the resulting order should be on hold until all items on the order can be shipped or not. Default is false. This can be set in the Checkout with UpdateBasket if the Customer does not want part deliveries.
IsBuyable is a rule based property indicating if the Basket's status allows the basket to be purchased. It should be regarded as readonly.
An InvoiceReference which will be tagged on the order. Can be set in CreateBasket or updated in UpdateBasket. MaxLength: 50.
The PaymentMethodId from Storm. Can be set in CreateBasket or updated in UpdatePaymentMethod.
The DeliveryMethodId from Storm. Can be set in CreateBasket or updated in UpdateDeliveryMethod.
{ "Id": 0, "CustomerId": 0, "CompanyId": 0, "SalesContactId": 0, "StatusId": 0, "CurrencyId": 0, "CurrencyCode": "string", "Comment": "string", "OrderReference": "string", "DiscountCode": "string", "ReferId": 0, "ReferUrl": "string", "ValidTo": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z", "IsEditable": true, "Items": [ { … } ], "Info": [ { … } ], "Summary": { "Items": { … }, "Freigt": { … }, "Fees": { … }, "Total": { … } }, "AppliedPromotions": [ { … } ], "IpAddress": "string", "AttestedBy": 0, "TypeId": 0, "DoHold": true, "IsBuyable": true, "InvoiceReference": "string", "PaymentMethodId": 0, "DeliveryMethodId": 0, "SalesAreaId": 0 }
curl -i -X POST \ 'https://demo.storm.io/api/1.1/ShoppingService.svc/rest/DeleteSavedBasket?basketId=0&customerId=0'
[ { "Id": 0, "Name": "string", "Created": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z", "CustomerId": 0, "ValidTo": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z" } ]
A comma separated list of internal pricelist ids to use, if any. PriceLists supplied must be valid, either from the application's public priceList or any customer or company priceLists or any valid client priceLists. For clients configured to use priceListSeed exclusively in the API only the supplied priceLists will be used. If this is not configured, the supplied priceLists will be appended to the valid priceLists. If none is supplied, the default value for the application will be used in combination with any customer or company priceLists. This applies to both configurations.
Specifies in which language to display culture specific information. If none is supplied, value is resolved from Application.
curl -i -X GET \ 'https://demo.storm.io/api/1.1/ShoppingService.svc/rest/GetBasket?id=0'
The internal id of the basket. Used to get a specific basket. Ignored in CreateBasket.
The customer internal id for a specific customer associated with this basket. This can be set in CreateBasket if the user is logged in. Otherwise use UpdateBuyer to set customer.
The company internal id for a specific company associated with this basket. This can be set in CreateBasket if the user is logged in with a company. Otherwise use UpdateBuyer to set customer and company.
The currency internal id of the basket. This defines the currency used when processing payments. Can be set when creating a Basket or change later with UpdateBasket. Use either CurrencyId or CurrencyCode. If not specified, the default for the Application will be used.
The CurrencyCode of the basket. This defines the currency used when processing payments. Can be set when creating a Basket or change later with UpdateBasket. Use either CurrencyId or CurrencyCode. If not specified, the default for the Application will be used. MaxLength: 3.
An OrderReference which will be tagged on the order. Can be set in CreateBasket or updated in UpdateBasket. MaxLength: 50.
A comma separated list of used discount codes. To clear the value set it to null or String.Empty an call UpdateBasket. MaxLength: max.
Specifies if the basket is editable. If not, any method that changes the basket will throw Exceptions (Bad Request). It will be false when the basket is no longer a basket. That is when it's paid for or cancelled.
List of information types with values that may be propagated on the order.
Contains all Promotions valid for a Basket, whether or not they are applied. If any promotions are applied more info about them are added to the corresponding Basket.Items.
The user's IpAddress when the basket was created. The value should be fetched from the user request to the application. MaxLength: 50.
The internal type id of the Basket. Can be 1 = Basket, 2 = Saved Basket, 3 = Template Basket for Subscriptions.
DoHold specifies if the resulting order should be on hold until all items on the order can be shipped or not. Default is false. This can be set in the Checkout with UpdateBasket if the Customer does not want part deliveries.
IsBuyable is a rule based property indicating if the Basket's status allows the basket to be purchased. It should be regarded as readonly.
An InvoiceReference which will be tagged on the order. Can be set in CreateBasket or updated in UpdateBasket. MaxLength: 50.
The PaymentMethodId from Storm. Can be set in CreateBasket or updated in UpdatePaymentMethod.
The DeliveryMethodId from Storm. Can be set in CreateBasket or updated in UpdateDeliveryMethod.
{ "Id": 0, "CustomerId": 0, "CompanyId": 0, "SalesContactId": 0, "StatusId": 0, "CurrencyId": 0, "CurrencyCode": "string", "Comment": "string", "OrderReference": "string", "DiscountCode": "string", "ReferId": 0, "ReferUrl": "string", "ValidTo": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z", "IsEditable": true, "Items": [ { … } ], "Info": [ { … } ], "Summary": { "Items": { … }, "Freigt": { … }, "Fees": { … }, "Total": { … } }, "AppliedPromotions": [ { … } ], "IpAddress": "string", "AttestedBy": 0, "TypeId": 0, "DoHold": true, "IsBuyable": true, "InvoiceReference": "string", "PaymentMethodId": 0, "DeliveryMethodId": 0, "SalesAreaId": 0 }
A comma separated list of internal pricelist ids to use, if any. PriceLists supplied must be valid, either from the application's public priceList or any customer or company priceLists or any valid client priceLists. For clients configured to use priceListSeed exclusively in the API only the supplied priceLists will be used. If this is not configured, the supplied priceLists will be appended to the valid priceLists. If none is supplied, the default value for the application will be used in combination with any customer or company priceLists. This applies to both configurations.
Specifies in which language to display culture specific information. If none is supplied, value is resolved from Application.
The item to insert must have its PartNo, Quantity and PriceListId set. ParentLineNo, Name, Comment, ReferId and ReferUrl can be used if other values than the default are wanted. All other properties will be populated from the system.
Internal id of the basket item. Used to refer to this particular row in different methods.
Line number of the item. Used to refer to this particular row in different methods.
If this item is part of a bundle, an attached item from promotion or such this property will refer to the associated line number.
The PartNo of this Item. Must be specified when adding items to a basket. MaxLength: 50.
This is the price, excluding VAT, after applying company discounts and promotions. It is what the customer is paying.
This is the snapshot value, excluding VAT, of PriceDisplay when the basket is bought. Should be null. Can be used to set a price from the application when updating or creating BasketItems. Then IsPriceManual must be set to true as well.
A rate to multiply with price to get price inc VAT. 25% VAT equals a VatRate of 1.25.
The internal pricelist id of this Item. Must be specified when adding items to a basket. Use the PriceListId from Product or ProductItem.
Indicates if a basket item is editable or not. This can happen when the API splits rows in promotions. Can be checked to see if an item should be allowed for UpdateBasketItem.
List of information types and values associated with this particular basket item.
A unique id for the image at our image server. Url for images are formed like http://[client specific CDN]/{ImageKey}. Preset, height and width can be sent as parameters.
The rule based price, excluding VAT, from a priceList, if specified.
A unique name that can be used in Urls and to get a Product. GetProduct and GetProductByUniqueName gets the same Product. MaxLength: 500.
A value that can be used for display logic regarding OnHand.
Indicates if the item is buyable or not. Will always be false if the status is closed. An exception will be thrown if IsBuyable is false and an attempt to buy the item is made.
A comma separated list of internal category ids ordered so the primary category is first. MaxLength: max.
Indicates the default value used as quantity when buying the product. If IsRecommendedQuantityFixed is true, only multiples of this quantity should be allowed.
If this is set to true only multiples of RecommendedQuantity should be allowed.
Applied promotions for this item, if any. It will contain some info about what promotion was applied and amount applied.
A comma separated list of promotion internal ids for this item that are fulfilling the requirements. MaxLength: max.
True if this item can be added to a Subscription. False otherwise. Can be used when copying BasketItems from one Basket to a TemplateBasket in a Subacription.
DescriptionHeader for the product as specified in Storm Admin. MaxLength: 255.
Used when setting price on a BasketItem from the application. Manual prices are not discountable when applying promotions or company discounts.
This is the price including VAT after applying company discounts and promotions. It is what the customer is paying.
Set to true to exclude this item's price list from business logic when selecting cheapest price. Will be set to false if price list is unavailable.
The rule based price, including VAT, from a priceList, if specified.
curl -i -X POST \ 'https://demo.storm.io/api/1.1/ShoppingService.svc/rest/InsertBasketItem?basketId=0&createdBy=0' \ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ -d '{ "Id": 0, "LineNo": 0, "ParentLineNo": 0, "ProductId": 0, "PartNo": "string", "ManufacturerPartNo": "string", "Name": "string", "SubHeader": "string", "ThumbnailImage": "string", "FlagIdSeed": "string", "Type": 0, "PriceDisplay": 0, "Price": 0, "PriceOriginal": 0, "Cost": 0, "VatRate": 0, "Quantity": 0, "UOM": "string", "UOMCount": 0, "Comment": "string", "PriceListId": 0, "ReferId": 0, "ReferUrl": "string", "IsEditable": true, "IsDiscountable": true, "Info": [ { "TypeId": 0, "Value": "string", "Code": "string" } ], "OptionalItems": [ {} ], "OnHandValue": 0, "IncomingValue": 0, "NextDeliveryDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z", "LeadtimeDayCount": 0, "PromotionIdSeed": "string", "ImageKey": "string", "ManufacturerName": "string", "CategoryId": 0, "OnHand": { "Value": 0, "IncomingValue": 0, "NextDeliveryDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z", "LeadtimeDayCount": 0, "LastChecked": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z", "IsActive": true, "IsReturnable": true, "Info": [ { "Id": 0, "Value": "string", "Code": "string" } ] }, "OnHandSupplier": { "Value": 0, "IncomingValue": 0, "NextDeliveryDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z", "LeadtimeDayCount": 0, "LastChecked": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z", "IsActive": true, "IsReturnable": true, "Info": [ { "Id": 0, "Value": "string", "Code": "string" } ] }, "PriceRecommended": 0, "ManufacturerId": 0, "UniqueName": "string", "StatusId": 0, "StockDisplayBreakPoint": 0, "PriceCatalog": 0, "IsBuyable": true, "SubDescription": "string", "CategoryIdSeed": "string", "RecommendedQuantity": 0, "IsRecommendedQuantityFixed": true, "AppliedPromotions": [ { "Id": 0, "Name": "string", "DiscountCode": "string", "AppliedAmount": 0, "AppliedAmountIncVat": 0 } ], "RequirementPromotionIdSeed": "string", "IsSubscribable": true, "DescriptionHeader": "string", "IsPriceManual": true, "PriceStandard": 0, "EanCode": "string", "CostUnit": 0, "PriceDisplayIncVat": 0, "PriceListLocked": true, "PriceOriginalIncVat": 0, "PriceRecommendedIncVat": 0, "PriceCatalogIncVat": 0, "PriceStandardIncVat": 0 }'
The internal id of the basket. Used to get a specific basket. Ignored in CreateBasket.
The customer internal id for a specific customer associated with this basket. This can be set in CreateBasket if the user is logged in. Otherwise use UpdateBuyer to set customer.
The company internal id for a specific company associated with this basket. This can be set in CreateBasket if the user is logged in with a company. Otherwise use UpdateBuyer to set customer and company.
The currency internal id of the basket. This defines the currency used when processing payments. Can be set when creating a Basket or change later with UpdateBasket. Use either CurrencyId or CurrencyCode. If not specified, the default for the Application will be used.
The CurrencyCode of the basket. This defines the currency used when processing payments. Can be set when creating a Basket or change later with UpdateBasket. Use either CurrencyId or CurrencyCode. If not specified, the default for the Application will be used. MaxLength: 3.
An OrderReference which will be tagged on the order. Can be set in CreateBasket or updated in UpdateBasket. MaxLength: 50.
A comma separated list of used discount codes. To clear the value set it to null or String.Empty an call UpdateBasket. MaxLength: max.
Specifies if the basket is editable. If not, any method that changes the basket will throw Exceptions (Bad Request). It will be false when the basket is no longer a basket. That is when it's paid for or cancelled.
List of information types with values that may be propagated on the order.
Contains all Promotions valid for a Basket, whether or not they are applied. If any promotions are applied more info about them are added to the corresponding Basket.Items.
The user's IpAddress when the basket was created. The value should be fetched from the user request to the application. MaxLength: 50.
The internal type id of the Basket. Can be 1 = Basket, 2 = Saved Basket, 3 = Template Basket for Subscriptions.
DoHold specifies if the resulting order should be on hold until all items on the order can be shipped or not. Default is false. This can be set in the Checkout with UpdateBasket if the Customer does not want part deliveries.
IsBuyable is a rule based property indicating if the Basket's status allows the basket to be purchased. It should be regarded as readonly.
An InvoiceReference which will be tagged on the order. Can be set in CreateBasket or updated in UpdateBasket. MaxLength: 50.
The PaymentMethodId from Storm. Can be set in CreateBasket or updated in UpdatePaymentMethod.
The DeliveryMethodId from Storm. Can be set in CreateBasket or updated in UpdateDeliveryMethod.
{ "Id": 0, "CustomerId": 0, "CompanyId": 0, "SalesContactId": 0, "StatusId": 0, "CurrencyId": 0, "CurrencyCode": "string", "Comment": "string", "OrderReference": "string", "DiscountCode": "string", "ReferId": 0, "ReferUrl": "string", "ValidTo": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z", "IsEditable": true, "Items": [ { … } ], "Info": [ { … } ], "Summary": { "Items": { … }, "Freigt": { … }, "Fees": { … }, "Total": { … } }, "AppliedPromotions": [ { … } ], "IpAddress": "string", "AttestedBy": 0, "TypeId": 0, "DoHold": true, "IsBuyable": true, "InvoiceReference": "string", "PaymentMethodId": 0, "DeliveryMethodId": 0, "SalesAreaId": 0 }
A comma separated list of internal pricelist ids to use, if any. PriceLists supplied must be valid, either from the application's public priceList or any customer or company priceLists or any valid client priceLists. For clients configured to use priceListSeed exclusively in the API only the supplied priceLists will be used. If this is not configured, the supplied priceLists will be appended to the valid priceLists. If none is supplied, the default value for the application will be used in combination with any customer or company priceLists. This applies to both configurations.
Specifies in which language to display culture specific information. If none is supplied, value is resolved from Application.
The items to insert must have its PartNo, Quantity and PriceListId set. ParentLineNo, Name, Comment, ReferId and ReferUrl can be used if other values than the default are wanted. All other properties will be populated from the system.
Internal id of the basket item. Used to refer to this particular row in different methods.
Line number of the item. Used to refer to this particular row in different methods.
If this item is part of a bundle, an attached item from promotion or such this property will refer to the associated line number.
The PartNo of this Item. Must be specified when adding items to a basket. MaxLength: 50.
This is the price, excluding VAT, after applying company discounts and promotions. It is what the customer is paying.
This is the snapshot value, excluding VAT, of PriceDisplay when the basket is bought. Should be null. Can be used to set a price from the application when updating or creating BasketItems. Then IsPriceManual must be set to true as well.
A rate to multiply with price to get price inc VAT. 25% VAT equals a VatRate of 1.25.
The internal pricelist id of this Item. Must be specified when adding items to a basket. Use the PriceListId from Product or ProductItem.
Indicates if a basket item is editable or not. This can happen when the API splits rows in promotions. Can be checked to see if an item should be allowed for UpdateBasketItem.
List of information types and values associated with this particular basket item.
A unique id for the image at our image server. Url for images are formed like http://[client specific CDN]/{ImageKey}. Preset, height and width can be sent as parameters.
The rule based price, excluding VAT, from a priceList, if specified.
A unique name that can be used in Urls and to get a Product. GetProduct and GetProductByUniqueName gets the same Product. MaxLength: 500.
A value that can be used for display logic regarding OnHand.
Indicates if the item is buyable or not. Will always be false if the status is closed. An exception will be thrown if IsBuyable is false and an attempt to buy the item is made.
A comma separated list of internal category ids ordered so the primary category is first. MaxLength: max.
Indicates the default value used as quantity when buying the product. If IsRecommendedQuantityFixed is true, only multiples of this quantity should be allowed.
If this is set to true only multiples of RecommendedQuantity should be allowed.
Applied promotions for this item, if any. It will contain some info about what promotion was applied and amount applied.
A comma separated list of promotion internal ids for this item that are fulfilling the requirements. MaxLength: max.
True if this item can be added to a Subscription. False otherwise. Can be used when copying BasketItems from one Basket to a TemplateBasket in a Subacription.
DescriptionHeader for the product as specified in Storm Admin. MaxLength: 255.
Used when setting price on a BasketItem from the application. Manual prices are not discountable when applying promotions or company discounts.
This is the price including VAT after applying company discounts and promotions. It is what the customer is paying.
Set to true to exclude this item's price list from business logic when selecting cheapest price. Will be set to false if price list is unavailable.
The rule based price, including VAT, from a priceList, if specified.
curl -i -X POST \ 'https://demo.storm.io/api/1.1/ShoppingService.svc/rest/InsertBasketItems?basketId=0&createdBy=0' \ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ -d '[ { "Id": 0, "LineNo": 0, "ParentLineNo": 0, "ProductId": 0, "PartNo": "string", "ManufacturerPartNo": "string", "Name": "string", "SubHeader": "string", "ThumbnailImage": "string", "FlagIdSeed": "string", "Type": 0, "PriceDisplay": 0, "Price": 0, "PriceOriginal": 0, "Cost": 0, "VatRate": 0, "Quantity": 0, "UOM": "string", "UOMCount": 0, "Comment": "string", "PriceListId": 0, "ReferId": 0, "ReferUrl": "string", "IsEditable": true, "IsDiscountable": true, "Info": [ { "TypeId": 0, "Value": "string", "Code": "string" } ], "OptionalItems": [ {} ], "OnHandValue": 0, "IncomingValue": 0, "NextDeliveryDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z", "LeadtimeDayCount": 0, "PromotionIdSeed": "string", "ImageKey": "string", "ManufacturerName": "string", "CategoryId": 0, "OnHand": { "Value": 0, "IncomingValue": 0, "NextDeliveryDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z", "LeadtimeDayCount": 0, "LastChecked": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z", "IsActive": true, "IsReturnable": true, "Info": [ { "Id": 0, "Value": "string", "Code": "string" } ] }, "OnHandSupplier": { "Value": 0, "IncomingValue": 0, "NextDeliveryDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z", "LeadtimeDayCount": 0, "LastChecked": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z", "IsActive": true, "IsReturnable": true, "Info": [ { "Id": 0, "Value": "string", "Code": "string" } ] }, "PriceRecommended": 0, "ManufacturerId": 0, "UniqueName": "string", "StatusId": 0, "StockDisplayBreakPoint": 0, "PriceCatalog": 0, "IsBuyable": true, "SubDescription": "string", "CategoryIdSeed": "string", "RecommendedQuantity": 0, "IsRecommendedQuantityFixed": true, "AppliedPromotions": [ { "Id": 0, "Name": "string", "DiscountCode": "string", "AppliedAmount": 0, "AppliedAmountIncVat": 0 } ], "RequirementPromotionIdSeed": "string", "IsSubscribable": true, "DescriptionHeader": "string", "IsPriceManual": true, "PriceStandard": 0, "EanCode": "string", "CostUnit": 0, "PriceDisplayIncVat": 0, "PriceListLocked": true, "PriceOriginalIncVat": 0, "PriceRecommendedIncVat": 0, "PriceCatalogIncVat": 0, "PriceStandardIncVat": 0 } ]'
The internal id of the basket. Used to get a specific basket. Ignored in CreateBasket.
The customer internal id for a specific customer associated with this basket. This can be set in CreateBasket if the user is logged in. Otherwise use UpdateBuyer to set customer.
The company internal id for a specific company associated with this basket. This can be set in CreateBasket if the user is logged in with a company. Otherwise use UpdateBuyer to set customer and company.
The currency internal id of the basket. This defines the currency used when processing payments. Can be set when creating a Basket or change later with UpdateBasket. Use either CurrencyId or CurrencyCode. If not specified, the default for the Application will be used.
The CurrencyCode of the basket. This defines the currency used when processing payments. Can be set when creating a Basket or change later with UpdateBasket. Use either CurrencyId or CurrencyCode. If not specified, the default for the Application will be used. MaxLength: 3.
An OrderReference which will be tagged on the order. Can be set in CreateBasket or updated in UpdateBasket. MaxLength: 50.
A comma separated list of used discount codes. To clear the value set it to null or String.Empty an call UpdateBasket. MaxLength: max.
Specifies if the basket is editable. If not, any method that changes the basket will throw Exceptions (Bad Request). It will be false when the basket is no longer a basket. That is when it's paid for or cancelled.
List of information types with values that may be propagated on the order.
Contains all Promotions valid for a Basket, whether or not they are applied. If any promotions are applied more info about them are added to the corresponding Basket.Items.
The user's IpAddress when the basket was created. The value should be fetched from the user request to the application. MaxLength: 50.
The internal type id of the Basket. Can be 1 = Basket, 2 = Saved Basket, 3 = Template Basket for Subscriptions.
DoHold specifies if the resulting order should be on hold until all items on the order can be shipped or not. Default is false. This can be set in the Checkout with UpdateBasket if the Customer does not want part deliveries.
IsBuyable is a rule based property indicating if the Basket's status allows the basket to be purchased. It should be regarded as readonly.
An InvoiceReference which will be tagged on the order. Can be set in CreateBasket or updated in UpdateBasket. MaxLength: 50.
The PaymentMethodId from Storm. Can be set in CreateBasket or updated in UpdatePaymentMethod.
The DeliveryMethodId from Storm. Can be set in CreateBasket or updated in UpdateDeliveryMethod.
{ "Id": 0, "CustomerId": 0, "CompanyId": 0, "SalesContactId": 0, "StatusId": 0, "CurrencyId": 0, "CurrencyCode": "string", "Comment": "string", "OrderReference": "string", "DiscountCode": "string", "ReferId": 0, "ReferUrl": "string", "ValidTo": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z", "IsEditable": true, "Items": [ { … } ], "Info": [ { … } ], "Summary": { "Items": { … }, "Freigt": { … }, "Fees": { … }, "Total": { … } }, "AppliedPromotions": [ { … } ], "IpAddress": "string", "AttestedBy": 0, "TypeId": 0, "DoHold": true, "IsBuyable": true, "InvoiceReference": "string", "PaymentMethodId": 0, "DeliveryMethodId": 0, "SalesAreaId": 0 }
A comma separated list of internal pricelist ids to use, if any. PriceLists supplied must be valid, either from the application's public priceList or any customer or company priceLists or any valid client priceLists. For clients configured to use priceListSeed exclusively in the API only the supplied priceLists will be used. If this is not configured, the supplied priceLists will be appended to the valid priceLists. If none is supplied, the default value for the application will be used in combination with any customer or company priceLists. This applies to both configurations.
Specifies in which language to display culture specific information. If none is supplied, value is resolved from Application.
A list of items to insert. The first item is the parent and the following are inserted as children. The items to insert must have their PartNo, Quantity and PriceListId set. ParentLineNo, Name, Comment, ReferId and ReferUrl can be used if other values than the default are wanted. All other properties will be populated from the system.
Internal id of the basket item. Used to refer to this particular row in different methods.
Line number of the item. Used to refer to this particular row in different methods.
If this item is part of a bundle, an attached item from promotion or such this property will refer to the associated line number.
The PartNo of this Item. Must be specified when adding items to a basket. MaxLength: 50.
This is the price, excluding VAT, after applying company discounts and promotions. It is what the customer is paying.
This is the snapshot value, excluding VAT, of PriceDisplay when the basket is bought. Should be null. Can be used to set a price from the application when updating or creating BasketItems. Then IsPriceManual must be set to true as well.
A rate to multiply with price to get price inc VAT. 25% VAT equals a VatRate of 1.25.
The internal pricelist id of this Item. Must be specified when adding items to a basket. Use the PriceListId from Product or ProductItem.
Indicates if a basket item is editable or not. This can happen when the API splits rows in promotions. Can be checked to see if an item should be allowed for UpdateBasketItem.
List of information types and values associated with this particular basket item.
A unique id for the image at our image server. Url for images are formed like http://[client specific CDN]/{ImageKey}. Preset, height and width can be sent as parameters.
The rule based price, excluding VAT, from a priceList, if specified.
A unique name that can be used in Urls and to get a Product. GetProduct and GetProductByUniqueName gets the same Product. MaxLength: 500.
A value that can be used for display logic regarding OnHand.
Indicates if the item is buyable or not. Will always be false if the status is closed. An exception will be thrown if IsBuyable is false and an attempt to buy the item is made.
A comma separated list of internal category ids ordered so the primary category is first. MaxLength: max.
Indicates the default value used as quantity when buying the product. If IsRecommendedQuantityFixed is true, only multiples of this quantity should be allowed.
If this is set to true only multiples of RecommendedQuantity should be allowed.
Applied promotions for this item, if any. It will contain some info about what promotion was applied and amount applied.
A comma separated list of promotion internal ids for this item that are fulfilling the requirements. MaxLength: max.
True if this item can be added to a Subscription. False otherwise. Can be used when copying BasketItems from one Basket to a TemplateBasket in a Subacription.
DescriptionHeader for the product as specified in Storm Admin. MaxLength: 255.
Used when setting price on a BasketItem from the application. Manual prices are not discountable when applying promotions or company discounts.
This is the price including VAT after applying company discounts and promotions. It is what the customer is paying.
Set to true to exclude this item's price list from business logic when selecting cheapest price. Will be set to false if price list is unavailable.
The rule based price, including VAT, from a priceList, if specified.
curl -i -X POST \ 'https://demo.storm.io/api/1.1/ShoppingService.svc/rest/InsertBasketItemWithChildren?basketId=0&createdBy=0' \ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ -d '[ { "Id": 0, "LineNo": 0, "ParentLineNo": 0, "ProductId": 0, "PartNo": "string", "ManufacturerPartNo": "string", "Name": "string", "SubHeader": "string", "ThumbnailImage": "string", "FlagIdSeed": "string", "Type": 0, "PriceDisplay": 0, "Price": 0, "PriceOriginal": 0, "Cost": 0, "VatRate": 0, "Quantity": 0, "UOM": "string", "UOMCount": 0, "Comment": "string", "PriceListId": 0, "ReferId": 0, "ReferUrl": "string", "IsEditable": true, "IsDiscountable": true, "Info": [ { "TypeId": 0, "Value": "string", "Code": "string" } ], "OptionalItems": [ {} ], "OnHandValue": 0, "IncomingValue": 0, "NextDeliveryDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z", "LeadtimeDayCount": 0, "PromotionIdSeed": "string", "ImageKey": "string", "ManufacturerName": "string", "CategoryId": 0, "OnHand": { "Value": 0, "IncomingValue": 0, "NextDeliveryDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z", "LeadtimeDayCount": 0, "LastChecked": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z", "IsActive": true, "IsReturnable": true, "Info": [ { "Id": 0, "Value": "string", "Code": "string" } ] }, "OnHandSupplier": { "Value": 0, "IncomingValue": 0, "NextDeliveryDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z", "LeadtimeDayCount": 0, "LastChecked": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z", "IsActive": true, "IsReturnable": true, "Info": [ { "Id": 0, "Value": "string", "Code": "string" } ] }, "PriceRecommended": 0, "ManufacturerId": 0, "UniqueName": "string", "StatusId": 0, "StockDisplayBreakPoint": 0, "PriceCatalog": 0, "IsBuyable": true, "SubDescription": "string", "CategoryIdSeed": "string", "RecommendedQuantity": 0, "IsRecommendedQuantityFixed": true, "AppliedPromotions": [ { "Id": 0, "Name": "string", "DiscountCode": "string", "AppliedAmount": 0, "AppliedAmountIncVat": 0 } ], "RequirementPromotionIdSeed": "string", "IsSubscribable": true, "DescriptionHeader": "string", "IsPriceManual": true, "PriceStandard": 0, "EanCode": "string", "CostUnit": 0, "PriceDisplayIncVat": 0, "PriceListLocked": true, "PriceOriginalIncVat": 0, "PriceRecommendedIncVat": 0, "PriceCatalogIncVat": 0, "PriceStandardIncVat": 0 } ]'
The internal id of the basket. Used to get a specific basket. Ignored in CreateBasket.
The customer internal id for a specific customer associated with this basket. This can be set in CreateBasket if the user is logged in. Otherwise use UpdateBuyer to set customer.
The company internal id for a specific company associated with this basket. This can be set in CreateBasket if the user is logged in with a company. Otherwise use UpdateBuyer to set customer and company.
The currency internal id of the basket. This defines the currency used when processing payments. Can be set when creating a Basket or change later with UpdateBasket. Use either CurrencyId or CurrencyCode. If not specified, the default for the Application will be used.
The CurrencyCode of the basket. This defines the currency used when processing payments. Can be set when creating a Basket or change later with UpdateBasket. Use either CurrencyId or CurrencyCode. If not specified, the default for the Application will be used. MaxLength: 3.
An OrderReference which will be tagged on the order. Can be set in CreateBasket or updated in UpdateBasket. MaxLength: 50.
A comma separated list of used discount codes. To clear the value set it to null or String.Empty an call UpdateBasket. MaxLength: max.
Specifies if the basket is editable. If not, any method that changes the basket will throw Exceptions (Bad Request). It will be false when the basket is no longer a basket. That is when it's paid for or cancelled.
List of information types with values that may be propagated on the order.
Contains all Promotions valid for a Basket, whether or not they are applied. If any promotions are applied more info about them are added to the corresponding Basket.Items.
The user's IpAddress when the basket was created. The value should be fetched from the user request to the application. MaxLength: 50.
The internal type id of the Basket. Can be 1 = Basket, 2 = Saved Basket, 3 = Template Basket for Subscriptions.
DoHold specifies if the resulting order should be on hold until all items on the order can be shipped or not. Default is false. This can be set in the Checkout with UpdateBasket if the Customer does not want part deliveries.
IsBuyable is a rule based property indicating if the Basket's status allows the basket to be purchased. It should be regarded as readonly.
An InvoiceReference which will be tagged on the order. Can be set in CreateBasket or updated in UpdateBasket. MaxLength: 50.
The PaymentMethodId from Storm. Can be set in CreateBasket or updated in UpdatePaymentMethod.
The DeliveryMethodId from Storm. Can be set in CreateBasket or updated in UpdateDeliveryMethod.
{ "Id": 0, "CustomerId": 0, "CompanyId": 0, "SalesContactId": 0, "StatusId": 0, "CurrencyId": 0, "CurrencyCode": "string", "Comment": "string", "OrderReference": "string", "DiscountCode": "string", "ReferId": 0, "ReferUrl": "string", "ValidTo": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z", "IsEditable": true, "Items": [ { … } ], "Info": [ { … } ], "Summary": { "Items": { … }, "Freigt": { … }, "Fees": { … }, "Total": { … } }, "AppliedPromotions": [ { … } ], "IpAddress": "string", "AttestedBy": 0, "TypeId": 0, "DoHold": true, "IsBuyable": true, "InvoiceReference": "string", "PaymentMethodId": 0, "DeliveryMethodId": 0, "SalesAreaId": 0 }
A comma separated list of internal pricelist ids to use, if any. PriceLists supplied must be valid, either from the application's public priceList or any customer or company priceLists or any valid client priceLists. For clients configured to use priceListSeed exclusively in the API only the supplied priceLists will be used. If this is not configured, the supplied priceLists will be appended to the valid priceLists. If none is supplied, the default value for the application will be used in combination with any customer or company priceLists. This applies to both configurations.
The data needed to insert items post purchase
The items to add to the purchase. The items to insert must have its PartNo, Quantity and PriceListId set. ParentLineNo, Name, Comment, ReferId and ReferUrl can be used if other values than the default are wanted. All other properties will be populated from the system.
curl -i -X POST \ 'https://demo.storm.io/api/1.1/ShoppingService.svc/rest/InsertItemsPostPurchase?basketId=0' \ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ -d '{ "ItemsToAdd": [ { "Id": 0, "LineNo": 0, "ParentLineNo": 0, "ProductId": 0, "PartNo": "string", "ManufacturerPartNo": "string", "Name": "string", "SubHeader": "string", "ThumbnailImage": "string", "FlagIdSeed": "string", "Type": 0, "PriceDisplay": 0, "Price": 0, "PriceOriginal": 0, "Cost": 0, "VatRate": 0, "Quantity": 0, "UOM": "string", "UOMCount": 0, "Comment": "string", "PriceListId": 0, "ReferId": 0, "ReferUrl": "string", "IsEditable": true, "IsDiscountable": true, "Info": [ { "TypeId": 0, "Value": "string", "Code": "string" } ], "OptionalItems": [ {} ], "OnHandValue": 0, "IncomingValue": 0, "NextDeliveryDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z", "LeadtimeDayCount": 0, "PromotionIdSeed": "string", "ImageKey": "string", "ManufacturerName": "string", "CategoryId": 0, "OnHand": { "Value": 0, "IncomingValue": 0, "NextDeliveryDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z", "LeadtimeDayCount": 0, "LastChecked": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z", "IsActive": true, "IsReturnable": true, "Info": [ { "Id": 0, "Value": "string", "Code": "string" } ] }, "OnHandSupplier": { "Value": 0, "IncomingValue": 0, "NextDeliveryDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z", "LeadtimeDayCount": 0, "LastChecked": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z", "IsActive": true, "IsReturnable": true, "Info": [ { "Id": 0, "Value": "string", "Code": "string" } ] }, "PriceRecommended": 0, "ManufacturerId": 0, "UniqueName": "string", "StatusId": 0, "StockDisplayBreakPoint": 0, "PriceCatalog": 0, "IsBuyable": true, "SubDescription": "string", "CategoryIdSeed": "string", "RecommendedQuantity": 0, "IsRecommendedQuantityFixed": true, "AppliedPromotions": [ { "Id": 0, "Name": "string", "DiscountCode": "string", "AppliedAmount": 0, "AppliedAmountIncVat": 0 } ], "RequirementPromotionIdSeed": "string", "IsSubscribable": true, "DescriptionHeader": "string", "IsPriceManual": true, "PriceStandard": 0, "EanCode": "string", "CostUnit": 0, "PriceDisplayIncVat": 0, "PriceListLocked": true, "PriceOriginalIncVat": 0, "PriceRecommendedIncVat": 0, "PriceCatalogIncVat": 0, "PriceStandardIncVat": 0 } ], "PaymentParameters": [ { "Name": "string", "Value": "string" } ] }'
String response. OK if successful, otherwise may have different values depending on PSP. MaxLength: 50.
External identifier of this specific payment attempt, usually from the PSP. MaxLength: 50.
Used when a payment should be finalized on a different platform, e.g. sending a link by SMS to customer. MaxLength: 50.
PSP specific data returned for the payment. See PSP documentation.
{ "Status": "string", "StatusDescription": "string", "BasketId": 0, "OrderNo": "string", "PaymentCode": "string", "PaymentReference": "string", "HostedPaymentPage": "string", "RedirectUrl": "string", "RedirectParameters": [ { … } ], "IsSyncronous": true, "PaymentServiceId": 0 }
Should be called before deciding whether to show post purchase functionality on the redirect page. This call is needed becuase it is not until the purchase is done that we can anwser this. Note that even if we anwser yes here the call to InsertItemsPostPurchase might fail regardless, since the PSP can reject the update even if it should be possible (due to risk assesments etc).
curl -i -X GET \ 'https://demo.storm.io/api/1.1/ShoppingService.svc/rest/IsPostPurchasePossbile?basketId=0'
The internal company id for which baskets are fetched. Either this a customerId or salesContactId must be specified.
The internal customer id for which baskets are fetched. Either this a companyId or salesContactId must be specified.
The internal salesContact id for which baskets are fetched. Either this a companyId or customerId must be specified.
Page numbers start with 1. Default is 1. If you specify a pageNo outside the range of items, an empty list will be returned. PageSize is mandatory for pageNo to work.
A comma separated list of internal pricelist ids to use, if any. PriceLists supplied must be valid, either from the application's public priceList or any customer or company priceLists or any valid client priceLists. For clients configured to use priceListSeed exclusively in the API only the supplied priceLists will be used. If this is not configured, the supplied priceLists will be appended to the valid priceLists. If none is supplied, the default value for the application will be used in combination with any customer or company priceLists. This applies to both configurations.
Specifies in which language to display culture specific information. If none is supplied, value is resolved from Application.
curl -i -X GET \ 'https://demo.storm.io/api/1.1/ShoppingService.svc/rest/ListBasketsByStatus?companyId=string&customerId=string&salesContactId=string'
{ "ItemCount": 0, "Items": [ { … } ] }
curl -i -X GET \ https://demo.storm.io/api/1.1/ShoppingService.svc/rest/ListBasketStatuses
[ { "Id": 0, "Name": "string", "Description": "string", "ImageKey": "string", "Code": "string" } ]
curl -i -X GET \ https://demo.storm.io/api/1.1/ShoppingService.svc/rest/ListBasketTypes
[ { "Id": 0, "Name": "string", "Description": "string", "ImageKey": "string", "Code": "string" } ]
curl -i -X GET \ 'https://demo.storm.io/api/1.1/ShoppingService.svc/rest/ListSavedBaskets?customerId=0'
[ { "Id": 0, "Name": "string", "Created": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z", "CustomerId": 0, "ValidTo": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z" } ]
curl -i -X POST \ 'https://demo.storm.io/api/1.1/ShoppingService.svc/rest/SaveBasket?basketId=0&customerId=0&name=string'
{ "Id": 0, "Name": "string", "Created": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z", "CustomerId": 0, "ValidTo": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z" }
A comma separated list of internal pricelist ids to use, if any. PriceLists supplied must be valid, either from the application's public priceList or any customer or company priceLists or any valid client priceLists. For clients configured to use priceListSeed exclusively in the API only the supplied priceLists will be used. If this is not configured, the supplied priceLists will be appended to the valid priceLists. If none is supplied, the default value for the application will be used in combination with any customer or company priceLists. This applies to both configurations.
Specifies in which language to display culture specific information. If none is supplied, value is resolved from Application.
curl -i -X POST \ 'https://demo.storm.io/api/1.1/ShoppingService.svc/rest/SetAttestBasket?basketId=0&updatedBy=0'
The internal id of the basket. Used to get a specific basket. Ignored in CreateBasket.
The customer internal id for a specific customer associated with this basket. This can be set in CreateBasket if the user is logged in. Otherwise use UpdateBuyer to set customer.
The company internal id for a specific company associated with this basket. This can be set in CreateBasket if the user is logged in with a company. Otherwise use UpdateBuyer to set customer and company.
The currency internal id of the basket. This defines the currency used when processing payments. Can be set when creating a Basket or change later with UpdateBasket. Use either CurrencyId or CurrencyCode. If not specified, the default for the Application will be used.
The CurrencyCode of the basket. This defines the currency used when processing payments. Can be set when creating a Basket or change later with UpdateBasket. Use either CurrencyId or CurrencyCode. If not specified, the default for the Application will be used. MaxLength: 3.
An OrderReference which will be tagged on the order. Can be set in CreateBasket or updated in UpdateBasket. MaxLength: 50.
A comma separated list of used discount codes. To clear the value set it to null or String.Empty an call UpdateBasket. MaxLength: max.
Specifies if the basket is editable. If not, any method that changes the basket will throw Exceptions (Bad Request). It will be false when the basket is no longer a basket. That is when it's paid for or cancelled.
List of information types with values that may be propagated on the order.
Contains all Promotions valid for a Basket, whether or not they are applied. If any promotions are applied more info about them are added to the corresponding Basket.Items.
The user's IpAddress when the basket was created. The value should be fetched from the user request to the application. MaxLength: 50.
The internal type id of the Basket. Can be 1 = Basket, 2 = Saved Basket, 3 = Template Basket for Subscriptions.
DoHold specifies if the resulting order should be on hold until all items on the order can be shipped or not. Default is false. This can be set in the Checkout with UpdateBasket if the Customer does not want part deliveries.
IsBuyable is a rule based property indicating if the Basket's status allows the basket to be purchased. It should be regarded as readonly.
An InvoiceReference which will be tagged on the order. Can be set in CreateBasket or updated in UpdateBasket. MaxLength: 50.
The PaymentMethodId from Storm. Can be set in CreateBasket or updated in UpdatePaymentMethod.
The DeliveryMethodId from Storm. Can be set in CreateBasket or updated in UpdateDeliveryMethod.
{ "Id": 0, "CustomerId": 0, "CompanyId": 0, "SalesContactId": 0, "StatusId": 0, "CurrencyId": 0, "CurrencyCode": "string", "Comment": "string", "OrderReference": "string", "DiscountCode": "string", "ReferId": 0, "ReferUrl": "string", "ValidTo": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z", "IsEditable": true, "Items": [ { … } ], "Info": [ { … } ], "Summary": { "Items": { … }, "Freigt": { … }, "Fees": { … }, "Total": { … } }, "AppliedPromotions": [ { … } ], "IpAddress": "string", "AttestedBy": 0, "TypeId": 0, "DoHold": true, "IsBuyable": true, "InvoiceReference": "string", "PaymentMethodId": 0, "DeliveryMethodId": 0, "SalesAreaId": 0 }
A comma separated list of internal pricelist ids to use, if any. PriceLists supplied must be valid, either from the application's public priceList or any customer or company priceLists or any valid client priceLists. For clients configured to use priceListSeed exclusively in the API only the supplied priceLists will be used. If this is not configured, the supplied priceLists will be appended to the valid priceLists. If none is supplied, the default value for the application will be used in combination with any customer or company priceLists. This applies to both configurations.
Specifies in which language to display culture specific information. If none is supplied, value is resolved from Application.
The basket to update.
The internal id of the basket. Used to get a specific basket. Ignored in CreateBasket.
The customer internal id for a specific customer associated with this basket. This can be set in CreateBasket if the user is logged in. Otherwise use UpdateBuyer to set customer.
The company internal id for a specific company associated with this basket. This can be set in CreateBasket if the user is logged in with a company. Otherwise use UpdateBuyer to set customer and company.
The currency internal id of the basket. This defines the currency used when processing payments. Can be set when creating a Basket or change later with UpdateBasket. Use either CurrencyId or CurrencyCode. If not specified, the default for the Application will be used.
The CurrencyCode of the basket. This defines the currency used when processing payments. Can be set when creating a Basket or change later with UpdateBasket. Use either CurrencyId or CurrencyCode. If not specified, the default for the Application will be used. MaxLength: 3.
An OrderReference which will be tagged on the order. Can be set in CreateBasket or updated in UpdateBasket. MaxLength: 50.
A comma separated list of used discount codes. To clear the value set it to null or String.Empty an call UpdateBasket. MaxLength: max.
Specifies if the basket is editable. If not, any method that changes the basket will throw Exceptions (Bad Request). It will be false when the basket is no longer a basket. That is when it's paid for or cancelled.
List of information types with values that may be propagated on the order.
Contains all Promotions valid for a Basket, whether or not they are applied. If any promotions are applied more info about them are added to the corresponding Basket.Items.
The user's IpAddress when the basket was created. The value should be fetched from the user request to the application. MaxLength: 50.
The internal type id of the Basket. Can be 1 = Basket, 2 = Saved Basket, 3 = Template Basket for Subscriptions.
DoHold specifies if the resulting order should be on hold until all items on the order can be shipped or not. Default is false. This can be set in the Checkout with UpdateBasket if the Customer does not want part deliveries.
IsBuyable is a rule based property indicating if the Basket's status allows the basket to be purchased. It should be regarded as readonly.
An InvoiceReference which will be tagged on the order. Can be set in CreateBasket or updated in UpdateBasket. MaxLength: 50.
The PaymentMethodId from Storm. Can be set in CreateBasket or updated in UpdatePaymentMethod.
The DeliveryMethodId from Storm. Can be set in CreateBasket or updated in UpdateDeliveryMethod.
curl -i -X POST \ 'https://demo.storm.io/api/1.1/ShoppingService.svc/rest/UpdateBasket?updatedBy=0' \ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ -d '{ "Id": 0, "CustomerId": 0, "CompanyId": 0, "SalesContactId": 0, "StatusId": 0, "CurrencyId": 0, "CurrencyCode": "string", "Comment": "string", "OrderReference": "string", "DiscountCode": "string", "ReferId": 0, "ReferUrl": "string", "ValidTo": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z", "IsEditable": true, "Items": [ { "Id": 0, "LineNo": 0, "ParentLineNo": 0, "ProductId": 0, "PartNo": "string", "ManufacturerPartNo": "string", "Name": "string", "SubHeader": "string", "ThumbnailImage": "string", "FlagIdSeed": "string", "Type": 0, "PriceDisplay": 0, "Price": 0, "PriceOriginal": 0, "Cost": 0, "VatRate": 0, "Quantity": 0, "UOM": "string", "UOMCount": 0, "Comment": "string", "PriceListId": 0, "ReferId": 0, "ReferUrl": "string", "IsEditable": true, "IsDiscountable": true, "Info": [ { "TypeId": 0, "Value": "string", "Code": "string" } ], "OptionalItems": [ {} ], "OnHandValue": 0, "IncomingValue": 0, "NextDeliveryDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z", "LeadtimeDayCount": 0, "PromotionIdSeed": "string", "ImageKey": "string", "ManufacturerName": "string", "CategoryId": 0, "OnHand": { "Value": 0, "IncomingValue": 0, "NextDeliveryDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z", "LeadtimeDayCount": 0, "LastChecked": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z", "IsActive": true, "IsReturnable": true, "Info": [ { "Id": 0, "Value": "string", "Code": "string" } ] }, "OnHandSupplier": { "Value": 0, "IncomingValue": 0, "NextDeliveryDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z", "LeadtimeDayCount": 0, "LastChecked": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z", "IsActive": true, "IsReturnable": true, "Info": [ { "Id": 0, "Value": "string", "Code": "string" } ] }, "PriceRecommended": 0, "ManufacturerId": 0, "UniqueName": "string", "StatusId": 0, "StockDisplayBreakPoint": 0, "PriceCatalog": 0, "IsBuyable": true, "SubDescription": "string", "CategoryIdSeed": "string", "RecommendedQuantity": 0, "IsRecommendedQuantityFixed": true, "AppliedPromotions": [ { "Id": 0, "Name": "string", "DiscountCode": "string", "AppliedAmount": 0, "AppliedAmountIncVat": 0 } ], "RequirementPromotionIdSeed": "string", "IsSubscribable": true, "DescriptionHeader": "string", "IsPriceManual": true, "PriceStandard": 0, "EanCode": "string", "CostUnit": 0, "PriceDisplayIncVat": 0, "PriceListLocked": true, "PriceOriginalIncVat": 0, "PriceRecommendedIncVat": 0, "PriceCatalogIncVat": 0, "PriceStandardIncVat": 0 } ], "Info": [ { "TypeId": 0, "Value": "string", "Code": "string" } ], "Summary": { "Items": { "Amount": 0, "Vat": 0, "AmountIncVat": 0 }, "Freigt": { "Amount": 0, "Vat": 0, "AmountIncVat": 0 }, "Fees": { "Amount": 0, "Vat": 0, "AmountIncVat": 0 }, "Total": { "Amount": 0, "Vat": 0, "AmountIncVat": 0 } }, "AppliedPromotions": [ { "Id": 0, "Name": "string", "Header": "string", "ShortDescription": "string", "Description1": "string", "Description2": "string", "StartDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z", "EndDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z", "ImageKey": "string", "RequirementSeed": "string", "DiscountCode": "string", "IsExcludedFromPriceCalculation": true, "AllowProductListing": true, "Images": [ { "Id": 0, "Type": 0, "Name": "string", "Description": "string", "Key": "string" } ], "ProductFilters": [ { "ManufacturerId": 0, "CategorySeed": "string", "TypeId": 0, "ProductId": 0, "VariantProductId": 0, "PartNo": "string", "PricelistId": 0, "FlagId": 0 } ], "AppliedAmount": 0, "EffectSeed": "string", "FreightDiscountPct": 0, "IsStackable": true, "AppliedAmountIncVat": 0, "ExclusivityType": 0 } ], "IpAddress": "string", "AttestedBy": 0, "TypeId": 0, "DoHold": true, "IsBuyable": true, "InvoiceReference": "string", "PaymentMethodId": 0, "DeliveryMethodId": 0, "SalesAreaId": 0 }'
The internal id of the basket. Used to get a specific basket. Ignored in CreateBasket.
The customer internal id for a specific customer associated with this basket. This can be set in CreateBasket if the user is logged in. Otherwise use UpdateBuyer to set customer.
The company internal id for a specific company associated with this basket. This can be set in CreateBasket if the user is logged in with a company. Otherwise use UpdateBuyer to set customer and company.
The currency internal id of the basket. This defines the currency used when processing payments. Can be set when creating a Basket or change later with UpdateBasket. Use either CurrencyId or CurrencyCode. If not specified, the default for the Application will be used.
The CurrencyCode of the basket. This defines the currency used when processing payments. Can be set when creating a Basket or change later with UpdateBasket. Use either CurrencyId or CurrencyCode. If not specified, the default for the Application will be used. MaxLength: 3.
An OrderReference which will be tagged on the order. Can be set in CreateBasket or updated in UpdateBasket. MaxLength: 50.
A comma separated list of used discount codes. To clear the value set it to null or String.Empty an call UpdateBasket. MaxLength: max.
Specifies if the basket is editable. If not, any method that changes the basket will throw Exceptions (Bad Request). It will be false when the basket is no longer a basket. That is when it's paid for or cancelled.
List of information types with values that may be propagated on the order.
Contains all Promotions valid for a Basket, whether or not they are applied. If any promotions are applied more info about them are added to the corresponding Basket.Items.
The user's IpAddress when the basket was created. The value should be fetched from the user request to the application. MaxLength: 50.
The internal type id of the Basket. Can be 1 = Basket, 2 = Saved Basket, 3 = Template Basket for Subscriptions.
DoHold specifies if the resulting order should be on hold until all items on the order can be shipped or not. Default is false. This can be set in the Checkout with UpdateBasket if the Customer does not want part deliveries.
IsBuyable is a rule based property indicating if the Basket's status allows the basket to be purchased. It should be regarded as readonly.
An InvoiceReference which will be tagged on the order. Can be set in CreateBasket or updated in UpdateBasket. MaxLength: 50.
The PaymentMethodId from Storm. Can be set in CreateBasket or updated in UpdatePaymentMethod.
The DeliveryMethodId from Storm. Can be set in CreateBasket or updated in UpdateDeliveryMethod.
{ "Id": 0, "CustomerId": 0, "CompanyId": 0, "SalesContactId": 0, "StatusId": 0, "CurrencyId": 0, "CurrencyCode": "string", "Comment": "string", "OrderReference": "string", "DiscountCode": "string", "ReferId": 0, "ReferUrl": "string", "ValidTo": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z", "IsEditable": true, "Items": [ { … } ], "Info": [ { … } ], "Summary": { "Items": { … }, "Freigt": { … }, "Fees": { … }, "Total": { … } }, "AppliedPromotions": [ { … } ], "IpAddress": "string", "AttestedBy": 0, "TypeId": 0, "DoHold": true, "IsBuyable": true, "InvoiceReference": "string", "PaymentMethodId": 0, "DeliveryMethodId": 0, "SalesAreaId": 0 }
A comma separated list of internal pricelist ids to use, if any. PriceLists supplied must be valid, either from the application's public priceList or any customer or company priceLists or any valid client priceLists. For clients configured to use priceListSeed exclusively in the API only the supplied priceLists will be used. If this is not configured, the supplied priceLists will be appended to the valid priceLists. If none is supplied, the default value for the application will be used in combination with any customer or company priceLists. This applies to both configurations.
Specifies in which language to display culture specific information. If none is supplied, value is resolved from Application.
The basket to update.
The internal id of the basket. Used to get a specific basket. Ignored in CreateBasket.
The customer internal id for a specific customer associated with this basket. This can be set in CreateBasket if the user is logged in. Otherwise use UpdateBuyer to set customer.
The company internal id for a specific company associated with this basket. This can be set in CreateBasket if the user is logged in with a company. Otherwise use UpdateBuyer to set customer and company.
The currency internal id of the basket. This defines the currency used when processing payments. Can be set when creating a Basket or change later with UpdateBasket. Use either CurrencyId or CurrencyCode. If not specified, the default for the Application will be used.
The CurrencyCode of the basket. This defines the currency used when processing payments. Can be set when creating a Basket or change later with UpdateBasket. Use either CurrencyId or CurrencyCode. If not specified, the default for the Application will be used. MaxLength: 3.
An OrderReference which will be tagged on the order. Can be set in CreateBasket or updated in UpdateBasket. MaxLength: 50.
A comma separated list of used discount codes. To clear the value set it to null or String.Empty an call UpdateBasket. MaxLength: max.
Specifies if the basket is editable. If not, any method that changes the basket will throw Exceptions (Bad Request). It will be false when the basket is no longer a basket. That is when it's paid for or cancelled.
List of information types with values that may be propagated on the order.
Contains all Promotions valid for a Basket, whether or not they are applied. If any promotions are applied more info about them are added to the corresponding Basket.Items.
The user's IpAddress when the basket was created. The value should be fetched from the user request to the application. MaxLength: 50.
The internal type id of the Basket. Can be 1 = Basket, 2 = Saved Basket, 3 = Template Basket for Subscriptions.
DoHold specifies if the resulting order should be on hold until all items on the order can be shipped or not. Default is false. This can be set in the Checkout with UpdateBasket if the Customer does not want part deliveries.
IsBuyable is a rule based property indicating if the Basket's status allows the basket to be purchased. It should be regarded as readonly.
An InvoiceReference which will be tagged on the order. Can be set in CreateBasket or updated in UpdateBasket. MaxLength: 50.
The PaymentMethodId from Storm. Can be set in CreateBasket or updated in UpdatePaymentMethod.
The DeliveryMethodId from Storm. Can be set in CreateBasket or updated in UpdateDeliveryMethod.
curl -i -X POST \ 'https://demo.storm.io/api/1.1/ShoppingService.svc/rest/UpdateBasket2?updatedBy=0' \ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ -d '{ "Id": 0, "CustomerId": 0, "CompanyId": 0, "SalesContactId": 0, "StatusId": 0, "CurrencyId": 0, "CurrencyCode": "string", "Comment": "string", "OrderReference": "string", "DiscountCode": "string", "ReferId": 0, "ReferUrl": "string", "ValidTo": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z", "IsEditable": true, "Items": [ { "Id": 0, "LineNo": 0, "ParentLineNo": 0, "ProductId": 0, "PartNo": "string", "ManufacturerPartNo": "string", "Name": "string", "SubHeader": "string", "ThumbnailImage": "string", "FlagIdSeed": "string", "Type": 0, "PriceDisplay": 0, "Price": 0, "PriceOriginal": 0, "Cost": 0, "VatRate": 0, "Quantity": 0, "UOM": "string", "UOMCount": 0, "Comment": "string", "PriceListId": 0, "ReferId": 0, "ReferUrl": "string", "IsEditable": true, "IsDiscountable": true, "Info": [ { "TypeId": 0, "Value": "string", "Code": "string" } ], "OptionalItems": [ {} ], "OnHandValue": 0, "IncomingValue": 0, "NextDeliveryDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z", "LeadtimeDayCount": 0, "PromotionIdSeed": "string", "ImageKey": "string", "ManufacturerName": "string", "CategoryId": 0, "OnHand": { "Value": 0, "IncomingValue": 0, "NextDeliveryDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z", "LeadtimeDayCount": 0, "LastChecked": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z", "IsActive": true, "IsReturnable": true, "Info": [ { "Id": 0, "Value": "string", "Code": "string" } ] }, "OnHandSupplier": { "Value": 0, "IncomingValue": 0, "NextDeliveryDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z", "LeadtimeDayCount": 0, "LastChecked": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z", "IsActive": true, "IsReturnable": true, "Info": [ { "Id": 0, "Value": "string", "Code": "string" } ] }, "PriceRecommended": 0, "ManufacturerId": 0, "UniqueName": "string", "StatusId": 0, "StockDisplayBreakPoint": 0, "PriceCatalog": 0, "IsBuyable": true, "SubDescription": "string", "CategoryIdSeed": "string", "RecommendedQuantity": 0, "IsRecommendedQuantityFixed": true, "AppliedPromotions": [ { "Id": 0, "Name": "string", "DiscountCode": "string", "AppliedAmount": 0, "AppliedAmountIncVat": 0 } ], "RequirementPromotionIdSeed": "string", "IsSubscribable": true, "DescriptionHeader": "string", "IsPriceManual": true, "PriceStandard": 0, "EanCode": "string", "CostUnit": 0, "PriceDisplayIncVat": 0, "PriceListLocked": true, "PriceOriginalIncVat": 0, "PriceRecommendedIncVat": 0, "PriceCatalogIncVat": 0, "PriceStandardIncVat": 0 } ], "Info": [ { "TypeId": 0, "Value": "string", "Code": "string" } ], "Summary": { "Items": { "Amount": 0, "Vat": 0, "AmountIncVat": 0 }, "Freigt": { "Amount": 0, "Vat": 0, "AmountIncVat": 0 }, "Fees": { "Amount": 0, "Vat": 0, "AmountIncVat": 0 }, "Total": { "Amount": 0, "Vat": 0, "AmountIncVat": 0 } }, "AppliedPromotions": [ { "Id": 0, "Name": "string", "Header": "string", "ShortDescription": "string", "Description1": "string", "Description2": "string", "StartDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z", "EndDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z", "ImageKey": "string", "RequirementSeed": "string", "DiscountCode": "string", "IsExcludedFromPriceCalculation": true, "AllowProductListing": true, "Images": [ { "Id": 0, "Type": 0, "Name": "string", "Description": "string", "Key": "string" } ], "ProductFilters": [ { "ManufacturerId": 0, "CategorySeed": "string", "TypeId": 0, "ProductId": 0, "VariantProductId": 0, "PartNo": "string", "PricelistId": 0, "FlagId": 0 } ], "AppliedAmount": 0, "EffectSeed": "string", "FreightDiscountPct": 0, "IsStackable": true, "AppliedAmountIncVat": 0, "ExclusivityType": 0 } ], "IpAddress": "string", "AttestedBy": 0, "TypeId": 0, "DoHold": true, "IsBuyable": true, "InvoiceReference": "string", "PaymentMethodId": 0, "DeliveryMethodId": 0, "SalesAreaId": 0 }'
The internal id of the basket. Used to get a specific basket. Ignored in CreateBasket.
The customer internal id for a specific customer associated with this basket. This can be set in CreateBasket if the user is logged in. Otherwise use UpdateBuyer to set customer.
The company internal id for a specific company associated with this basket. This can be set in CreateBasket if the user is logged in with a company. Otherwise use UpdateBuyer to set customer and company.
The currency internal id of the basket. This defines the currency used when processing payments. Can be set when creating a Basket or change later with UpdateBasket. Use either CurrencyId or CurrencyCode. If not specified, the default for the Application will be used.
The CurrencyCode of the basket. This defines the currency used when processing payments. Can be set when creating a Basket or change later with UpdateBasket. Use either CurrencyId or CurrencyCode. If not specified, the default for the Application will be used. MaxLength: 3.
An OrderReference which will be tagged on the order. Can be set in CreateBasket or updated in UpdateBasket. MaxLength: 50.
A comma separated list of used discount codes. To clear the value set it to null or String.Empty an call UpdateBasket. MaxLength: max.
Specifies if the basket is editable. If not, any method that changes the basket will throw Exceptions (Bad Request). It will be false when the basket is no longer a basket. That is when it's paid for or cancelled.
List of information types with values that may be propagated on the order.
Contains all Promotions valid for a Basket, whether or not they are applied. If any promotions are applied more info about them are added to the corresponding Basket.Items.
The user's IpAddress when the basket was created. The value should be fetched from the user request to the application. MaxLength: 50.
The internal type id of the Basket. Can be 1 = Basket, 2 = Saved Basket, 3 = Template Basket for Subscriptions.
DoHold specifies if the resulting order should be on hold until all items on the order can be shipped or not. Default is false. This can be set in the Checkout with UpdateBasket if the Customer does not want part deliveries.
IsBuyable is a rule based property indicating if the Basket's status allows the basket to be purchased. It should be regarded as readonly.
An InvoiceReference which will be tagged on the order. Can be set in CreateBasket or updated in UpdateBasket. MaxLength: 50.
The PaymentMethodId from Storm. Can be set in CreateBasket or updated in UpdatePaymentMethod.
The DeliveryMethodId from Storm. Can be set in CreateBasket or updated in UpdateDeliveryMethod.
{ "Id": 0, "CustomerId": 0, "CompanyId": 0, "SalesContactId": 0, "StatusId": 0, "CurrencyId": 0, "CurrencyCode": "string", "Comment": "string", "OrderReference": "string", "DiscountCode": "string", "ReferId": 0, "ReferUrl": "string", "ValidTo": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z", "IsEditable": true, "Items": [ { … } ], "Info": [ { … } ], "Summary": { "Items": { … }, "Freigt": { … }, "Fees": { … }, "Total": { … } }, "AppliedPromotions": [ { … } ], "IpAddress": "string", "AttestedBy": 0, "TypeId": 0, "DoHold": true, "IsBuyable": true, "InvoiceReference": "string", "PaymentMethodId": 0, "DeliveryMethodId": 0, "SalesAreaId": 0 }
A comma separated list of internal pricelist ids to use, if any. PriceLists supplied must be valid, either from the application's public priceList or any customer or company priceLists or any valid client priceLists. For clients configured to use priceListSeed exclusively in the API only the supplied priceLists will be used. If this is not configured, the supplied priceLists will be appended to the valid priceLists. If none is supplied, the default value for the application will be used in combination with any customer or company priceLists. This applies to both configurations.
Specifies in which language to display culture specific information. If none is supplied, value is resolved from Application.
The BasketItem to update. If quantity is zero it and it's child items will be deleted. Otherwise only Quantity, Comment, Name and Info fields will be updated. To update the Price set Price and IsPriceManual.
Internal id of the basket item. Used to refer to this particular row in different methods.
Line number of the item. Used to refer to this particular row in different methods.
If this item is part of a bundle, an attached item from promotion or such this property will refer to the associated line number.
The PartNo of this Item. Must be specified when adding items to a basket. MaxLength: 50.
This is the price, excluding VAT, after applying company discounts and promotions. It is what the customer is paying.
This is the snapshot value, excluding VAT, of PriceDisplay when the basket is bought. Should be null. Can be used to set a price from the application when updating or creating BasketItems. Then IsPriceManual must be set to true as well.
A rate to multiply with price to get price inc VAT. 25% VAT equals a VatRate of 1.25.
The internal pricelist id of this Item. Must be specified when adding items to a basket. Use the PriceListId from Product or ProductItem.
Indicates if a basket item is editable or not. This can happen when the API splits rows in promotions. Can be checked to see if an item should be allowed for UpdateBasketItem.
List of information types and values associated with this particular basket item.
A unique id for the image at our image server. Url for images are formed like http://[client specific CDN]/{ImageKey}. Preset, height and width can be sent as parameters.
The rule based price, excluding VAT, from a priceList, if specified.
A unique name that can be used in Urls and to get a Product. GetProduct and GetProductByUniqueName gets the same Product. MaxLength: 500.
A value that can be used for display logic regarding OnHand.
Indicates if the item is buyable or not. Will always be false if the status is closed. An exception will be thrown if IsBuyable is false and an attempt to buy the item is made.
A comma separated list of internal category ids ordered so the primary category is first. MaxLength: max.
Indicates the default value used as quantity when buying the product. If IsRecommendedQuantityFixed is true, only multiples of this quantity should be allowed.
If this is set to true only multiples of RecommendedQuantity should be allowed.
Applied promotions for this item, if any. It will contain some info about what promotion was applied and amount applied.
A comma separated list of promotion internal ids for this item that are fulfilling the requirements. MaxLength: max.
True if this item can be added to a Subscription. False otherwise. Can be used when copying BasketItems from one Basket to a TemplateBasket in a Subacription.
DescriptionHeader for the product as specified in Storm Admin. MaxLength: 255.
Used when setting price on a BasketItem from the application. Manual prices are not discountable when applying promotions or company discounts.
This is the price including VAT after applying company discounts and promotions. It is what the customer is paying.
Set to true to exclude this item's price list from business logic when selecting cheapest price. Will be set to false if price list is unavailable.
The rule based price, including VAT, from a priceList, if specified.
curl -i -X POST \ 'https://demo.storm.io/api/1.1/ShoppingService.svc/rest/UpdateBasketItem?basketId=0' \ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ -d '{ "Id": 0, "LineNo": 0, "ParentLineNo": 0, "ProductId": 0, "PartNo": "string", "ManufacturerPartNo": "string", "Name": "string", "SubHeader": "string", "ThumbnailImage": "string", "FlagIdSeed": "string", "Type": 0, "PriceDisplay": 0, "Price": 0, "PriceOriginal": 0, "Cost": 0, "VatRate": 0, "Quantity": 0, "UOM": "string", "UOMCount": 0, "Comment": "string", "PriceListId": 0, "ReferId": 0, "ReferUrl": "string", "IsEditable": true, "IsDiscountable": true, "Info": [ { "TypeId": 0, "Value": "string", "Code": "string" } ], "OptionalItems": [ {} ], "OnHandValue": 0, "IncomingValue": 0, "NextDeliveryDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z", "LeadtimeDayCount": 0, "PromotionIdSeed": "string", "ImageKey": "string", "ManufacturerName": "string", "CategoryId": 0, "OnHand": { "Value": 0, "IncomingValue": 0, "NextDeliveryDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z", "LeadtimeDayCount": 0, "LastChecked": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z", "IsActive": true, "IsReturnable": true, "Info": [ { "Id": 0, "Value": "string", "Code": "string" } ] }, "OnHandSupplier": { "Value": 0, "IncomingValue": 0, "NextDeliveryDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z", "LeadtimeDayCount": 0, "LastChecked": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z", "IsActive": true, "IsReturnable": true, "Info": [ { "Id": 0, "Value": "string", "Code": "string" } ] }, "PriceRecommended": 0, "ManufacturerId": 0, "UniqueName": "string", "StatusId": 0, "StockDisplayBreakPoint": 0, "PriceCatalog": 0, "IsBuyable": true, "SubDescription": "string", "CategoryIdSeed": "string", "RecommendedQuantity": 0, "IsRecommendedQuantityFixed": true, "AppliedPromotions": [ { "Id": 0, "Name": "string", "DiscountCode": "string", "AppliedAmount": 0, "AppliedAmountIncVat": 0 } ], "RequirementPromotionIdSeed": "string", "IsSubscribable": true, "DescriptionHeader": "string", "IsPriceManual": true, "PriceStandard": 0, "EanCode": "string", "CostUnit": 0, "PriceDisplayIncVat": 0, "PriceListLocked": true, "PriceOriginalIncVat": 0, "PriceRecommendedIncVat": 0, "PriceCatalogIncVat": 0, "PriceStandardIncVat": 0 }'
The internal id of the basket. Used to get a specific basket. Ignored in CreateBasket.
The customer internal id for a specific customer associated with this basket. This can be set in CreateBasket if the user is logged in. Otherwise use UpdateBuyer to set customer.
The company internal id for a specific company associated with this basket. This can be set in CreateBasket if the user is logged in with a company. Otherwise use UpdateBuyer to set customer and company.
The currency internal id of the basket. This defines the currency used when processing payments. Can be set when creating a Basket or change later with UpdateBasket. Use either CurrencyId or CurrencyCode. If not specified, the default for the Application will be used.
The CurrencyCode of the basket. This defines the currency used when processing payments. Can be set when creating a Basket or change later with UpdateBasket. Use either CurrencyId or CurrencyCode. If not specified, the default for the Application will be used. MaxLength: 3.
An OrderReference which will be tagged on the order. Can be set in CreateBasket or updated in UpdateBasket. MaxLength: 50.
A comma separated list of used discount codes. To clear the value set it to null or String.Empty an call UpdateBasket. MaxLength: max.
Specifies if the basket is editable. If not, any method that changes the basket will throw Exceptions (Bad Request). It will be false when the basket is no longer a basket. That is when it's paid for or cancelled.
List of information types with values that may be propagated on the order.
Contains all Promotions valid for a Basket, whether or not they are applied. If any promotions are applied more info about them are added to the corresponding Basket.Items.
The user's IpAddress when the basket was created. The value should be fetched from the user request to the application. MaxLength: 50.
The internal type id of the Basket. Can be 1 = Basket, 2 = Saved Basket, 3 = Template Basket for Subscriptions.
DoHold specifies if the resulting order should be on hold until all items on the order can be shipped or not. Default is false. This can be set in the Checkout with UpdateBasket if the Customer does not want part deliveries.
IsBuyable is a rule based property indicating if the Basket's status allows the basket to be purchased. It should be regarded as readonly.
An InvoiceReference which will be tagged on the order. Can be set in CreateBasket or updated in UpdateBasket. MaxLength: 50.
The PaymentMethodId from Storm. Can be set in CreateBasket or updated in UpdatePaymentMethod.
The DeliveryMethodId from Storm. Can be set in CreateBasket or updated in UpdateDeliveryMethod.
{ "Id": 0, "CustomerId": 0, "CompanyId": 0, "SalesContactId": 0, "StatusId": 0, "CurrencyId": 0, "CurrencyCode": "string", "Comment": "string", "OrderReference": "string", "DiscountCode": "string", "ReferId": 0, "ReferUrl": "string", "ValidTo": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z", "IsEditable": true, "Items": [ { … } ], "Info": [ { … } ], "Summary": { "Items": { … }, "Freigt": { … }, "Fees": { … }, "Total": { … } }, "AppliedPromotions": [ { … } ], "IpAddress": "string", "AttestedBy": 0, "TypeId": 0, "DoHold": true, "IsBuyable": true, "InvoiceReference": "string", "PaymentMethodId": 0, "DeliveryMethodId": 0, "SalesAreaId": 0 }
A comma separated list of internal pricelist ids to use, if any. PriceLists supplied must be valid, either from the application's public priceList or any customer or company priceLists or any valid client priceLists. For clients configured to use priceListSeed exclusively in the API only the supplied priceLists will be used. If this is not configured, the supplied priceLists will be appended to the valid priceLists. If none is supplied, the default value for the application will be used in combination with any customer or company priceLists. This applies to both configurations.
Specifies in which language to display culture specific information. If none is supplied, value is resolved from Application.
curl -i -X POST \ 'https://demo.storm.io/api/1.1/ShoppingService.svc/rest/UpdateBasketItemQuantityWithChildren?basketId=0&lineNo=0&quantity=0'
The internal id of the basket. Used to get a specific basket. Ignored in CreateBasket.
The customer internal id for a specific customer associated with this basket. This can be set in CreateBasket if the user is logged in. Otherwise use UpdateBuyer to set customer.
The company internal id for a specific company associated with this basket. This can be set in CreateBasket if the user is logged in with a company. Otherwise use UpdateBuyer to set customer and company.
The currency internal id of the basket. This defines the currency used when processing payments. Can be set when creating a Basket or change later with UpdateBasket. Use either CurrencyId or CurrencyCode. If not specified, the default for the Application will be used.
The CurrencyCode of the basket. This defines the currency used when processing payments. Can be set when creating a Basket or change later with UpdateBasket. Use either CurrencyId or CurrencyCode. If not specified, the default for the Application will be used. MaxLength: 3.
An OrderReference which will be tagged on the order. Can be set in CreateBasket or updated in UpdateBasket. MaxLength: 50.
A comma separated list of used discount codes. To clear the value set it to null or String.Empty an call UpdateBasket. MaxLength: max.
Specifies if the basket is editable. If not, any method that changes the basket will throw Exceptions (Bad Request). It will be false when the basket is no longer a basket. That is when it's paid for or cancelled.
List of information types with values that may be propagated on the order.
Contains all Promotions valid for a Basket, whether or not they are applied. If any promotions are applied more info about them are added to the corresponding Basket.Items.
The user's IpAddress when the basket was created. The value should be fetched from the user request to the application. MaxLength: 50.
The internal type id of the Basket. Can be 1 = Basket, 2 = Saved Basket, 3 = Template Basket for Subscriptions.
DoHold specifies if the resulting order should be on hold until all items on the order can be shipped or not. Default is false. This can be set in the Checkout with UpdateBasket if the Customer does not want part deliveries.
IsBuyable is a rule based property indicating if the Basket's status allows the basket to be purchased. It should be regarded as readonly.
An InvoiceReference which will be tagged on the order. Can be set in CreateBasket or updated in UpdateBasket. MaxLength: 50.
The PaymentMethodId from Storm. Can be set in CreateBasket or updated in UpdatePaymentMethod.
The DeliveryMethodId from Storm. Can be set in CreateBasket or updated in UpdateDeliveryMethod.
{ "Id": 0, "CustomerId": 0, "CompanyId": 0, "SalesContactId": 0, "StatusId": 0, "CurrencyId": 0, "CurrencyCode": "string", "Comment": "string", "OrderReference": "string", "DiscountCode": "string", "ReferId": 0, "ReferUrl": "string", "ValidTo": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z", "IsEditable": true, "Items": [ { … } ], "Info": [ { … } ], "Summary": { "Items": { … }, "Freigt": { … }, "Fees": { … }, "Total": { … } }, "AppliedPromotions": [ { … } ], "IpAddress": "string", "AttestedBy": 0, "TypeId": 0, "DoHold": true, "IsBuyable": true, "InvoiceReference": "string", "PaymentMethodId": 0, "DeliveryMethodId": 0, "SalesAreaId": 0 }
A comma separated list of internal pricelist ids to use, if any. PriceLists supplied must be valid, either from the application's public priceList or any customer or company priceLists or any valid client priceLists. For clients configured to use priceListSeed exclusively in the API only the supplied priceLists will be used. If this is not configured, the supplied priceLists will be appended to the valid priceLists. If none is supplied, the default value for the application will be used in combination with any customer or company priceLists. This applies to both configurations.
Specifies in which language to display culture specific information. If none is supplied, value is resolved from Application.
A list of BasketItems to update. If quantity is zero it and it's child items will be deleted. Otherwise only Quantity, Comment, Name and Info fields will be updated. To update the Price set Price and IsPriceManual.
Internal id of the basket item. Used to refer to this particular row in different methods.
Line number of the item. Used to refer to this particular row in different methods.
If this item is part of a bundle, an attached item from promotion or such this property will refer to the associated line number.
The PartNo of this Item. Must be specified when adding items to a basket. MaxLength: 50.
This is the price, excluding VAT, after applying company discounts and promotions. It is what the customer is paying.
This is the snapshot value, excluding VAT, of PriceDisplay when the basket is bought. Should be null. Can be used to set a price from the application when updating or creating BasketItems. Then IsPriceManual must be set to true as well.
A rate to multiply with price to get price inc VAT. 25% VAT equals a VatRate of 1.25.
The internal pricelist id of this Item. Must be specified when adding items to a basket. Use the PriceListId from Product or ProductItem.
Indicates if a basket item is editable or not. This can happen when the API splits rows in promotions. Can be checked to see if an item should be allowed for UpdateBasketItem.
List of information types and values associated with this particular basket item.
A unique id for the image at our image server. Url for images are formed like http://[client specific CDN]/{ImageKey}. Preset, height and width can be sent as parameters.
The rule based price, excluding VAT, from a priceList, if specified.
A unique name that can be used in Urls and to get a Product. GetProduct and GetProductByUniqueName gets the same Product. MaxLength: 500.
A value that can be used for display logic regarding OnHand.
Indicates if the item is buyable or not. Will always be false if the status is closed. An exception will be thrown if IsBuyable is false and an attempt to buy the item is made.
A comma separated list of internal category ids ordered so the primary category is first. MaxLength: max.
Indicates the default value used as quantity when buying the product. If IsRecommendedQuantityFixed is true, only multiples of this quantity should be allowed.
If this is set to true only multiples of RecommendedQuantity should be allowed.
Applied promotions for this item, if any. It will contain some info about what promotion was applied and amount applied.
A comma separated list of promotion internal ids for this item that are fulfilling the requirements. MaxLength: max.
True if this item can be added to a Subscription. False otherwise. Can be used when copying BasketItems from one Basket to a TemplateBasket in a Subacription.
DescriptionHeader for the product as specified in Storm Admin. MaxLength: 255.
Used when setting price on a BasketItem from the application. Manual prices are not discountable when applying promotions or company discounts.
This is the price including VAT after applying company discounts and promotions. It is what the customer is paying.
Set to true to exclude this item's price list from business logic when selecting cheapest price. Will be set to false if price list is unavailable.
The rule based price, including VAT, from a priceList, if specified.
curl -i -X POST \ 'https://demo.storm.io/api/1.1/ShoppingService.svc/rest/UpdateBasketItems?basketId=0' \ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ -d '[ { "Id": 0, "LineNo": 0, "ParentLineNo": 0, "ProductId": 0, "PartNo": "string", "ManufacturerPartNo": "string", "Name": "string", "SubHeader": "string", "ThumbnailImage": "string", "FlagIdSeed": "string", "Type": 0, "PriceDisplay": 0, "Price": 0, "PriceOriginal": 0, "Cost": 0, "VatRate": 0, "Quantity": 0, "UOM": "string", "UOMCount": 0, "Comment": "string", "PriceListId": 0, "ReferId": 0, "ReferUrl": "string", "IsEditable": true, "IsDiscountable": true, "Info": [ { "TypeId": 0, "Value": "string", "Code": "string" } ], "OptionalItems": [ {} ], "OnHandValue": 0, "IncomingValue": 0, "NextDeliveryDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z", "LeadtimeDayCount": 0, "PromotionIdSeed": "string", "ImageKey": "string", "ManufacturerName": "string", "CategoryId": 0, "OnHand": { "Value": 0, "IncomingValue": 0, "NextDeliveryDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z", "LeadtimeDayCount": 0, "LastChecked": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z", "IsActive": true, "IsReturnable": true, "Info": [ { "Id": 0, "Value": "string", "Code": "string" } ] }, "OnHandSupplier": { "Value": 0, "IncomingValue": 0, "NextDeliveryDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z", "LeadtimeDayCount": 0, "LastChecked": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z", "IsActive": true, "IsReturnable": true, "Info": [ { "Id": 0, "Value": "string", "Code": "string" } ] }, "PriceRecommended": 0, "ManufacturerId": 0, "UniqueName": "string", "StatusId": 0, "StockDisplayBreakPoint": 0, "PriceCatalog": 0, "IsBuyable": true, "SubDescription": "string", "CategoryIdSeed": "string", "RecommendedQuantity": 0, "IsRecommendedQuantityFixed": true, "AppliedPromotions": [ { "Id": 0, "Name": "string", "DiscountCode": "string", "AppliedAmount": 0, "AppliedAmountIncVat": 0 } ], "RequirementPromotionIdSeed": "string", "IsSubscribable": true, "DescriptionHeader": "string", "IsPriceManual": true, "PriceStandard": 0, "EanCode": "string", "CostUnit": 0, "PriceDisplayIncVat": 0, "PriceListLocked": true, "PriceOriginalIncVat": 0, "PriceRecommendedIncVat": 0, "PriceCatalogIncVat": 0, "PriceStandardIncVat": 0 } ]'
The internal id of the basket. Used to get a specific basket. Ignored in CreateBasket.
The customer internal id for a specific customer associated with this basket. This can be set in CreateBasket if the user is logged in. Otherwise use UpdateBuyer to set customer.
The company internal id for a specific company associated with this basket. This can be set in CreateBasket if the user is logged in with a company. Otherwise use UpdateBuyer to set customer and company.
The currency internal id of the basket. This defines the currency used when processing payments. Can be set when creating a Basket or change later with UpdateBasket. Use either CurrencyId or CurrencyCode. If not specified, the default for the Application will be used.
The CurrencyCode of the basket. This defines the currency used when processing payments. Can be set when creating a Basket or change later with UpdateBasket. Use either CurrencyId or CurrencyCode. If not specified, the default for the Application will be used. MaxLength: 3.
An OrderReference which will be tagged on the order. Can be set in CreateBasket or updated in UpdateBasket. MaxLength: 50.
A comma separated list of used discount codes. To clear the value set it to null or String.Empty an call UpdateBasket. MaxLength: max.
Specifies if the basket is editable. If not, any method that changes the basket will throw Exceptions (Bad Request). It will be false when the basket is no longer a basket. That is when it's paid for or cancelled.
List of information types with values that may be propagated on the order.
Contains all Promotions valid for a Basket, whether or not they are applied. If any promotions are applied more info about them are added to the corresponding Basket.Items.
The user's IpAddress when the basket was created. The value should be fetched from the user request to the application. MaxLength: 50.
The internal type id of the Basket. Can be 1 = Basket, 2 = Saved Basket, 3 = Template Basket for Subscriptions.
DoHold specifies if the resulting order should be on hold until all items on the order can be shipped or not. Default is false. This can be set in the Checkout with UpdateBasket if the Customer does not want part deliveries.
IsBuyable is a rule based property indicating if the Basket's status allows the basket to be purchased. It should be regarded as readonly.
An InvoiceReference which will be tagged on the order. Can be set in CreateBasket or updated in UpdateBasket. MaxLength: 50.
The PaymentMethodId from Storm. Can be set in CreateBasket or updated in UpdatePaymentMethod.
The DeliveryMethodId from Storm. Can be set in CreateBasket or updated in UpdateDeliveryMethod.
{ "Id": 0, "CustomerId": 0, "CompanyId": 0, "SalesContactId": 0, "StatusId": 0, "CurrencyId": 0, "CurrencyCode": "string", "Comment": "string", "OrderReference": "string", "DiscountCode": "string", "ReferId": 0, "ReferUrl": "string", "ValidTo": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z", "IsEditable": true, "Items": [ { … } ], "Info": [ { … } ], "Summary": { "Items": { … }, "Freigt": { … }, "Fees": { … }, "Total": { … } }, "AppliedPromotions": [ { … } ], "IpAddress": "string", "AttestedBy": 0, "TypeId": 0, "DoHold": true, "IsBuyable": true, "InvoiceReference": "string", "PaymentMethodId": 0, "DeliveryMethodId": 0, "SalesAreaId": 0 }